Horizon Books
A propos de ce vendeur
Les vendeurs de Maremagnum.com sont tous des professionnels du livre et du papier. Grâce aux nombreux catalogues mis en ligne, il est possible de rechercher parmi plus de 12 millions de titres : livres anciens et modernes, périodiques, cartes postales, manuscrits, autographes, estampes, mais aussi objets de collection.
Les vendeurs sont des librairies anciennes, des librairies d'occasion et modernes, des studios bibliographiques, des galeries d'art et des maisons d'édition. Le caractère unique de Maremagnum.com est la spécialisation, grâce à laquelle c'est possible d'occuper des niches sur le marché des antiquités et au-delà.
Catalogue du vendeur - 1994 titres
Livres anciens et modernes
Menage, R. H.
Growing Exotic Plants Indoors
21,62 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Mendelssohn, Sydney, With An Introduction By I. D. Colvin
Mendelssohn's South African Bibliography. Being the Catalogue Raisonne of the Mendelssohn Library of Works Relating to South Africa, including the Full Titles of the Books, with Synoptical, Biographical, Critical, and Bibliographical Notes. . . .
129,72 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Mercer, F. A. And Roy Hay
Gardens and Gardening; Rock, Wall & Water
34,78 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Merchant, Ival Arthur
An Outline of the Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals
25,38 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Merrill, Elmer Drew
An Enumeration of Plants Collected in Sumatra by W. N. and C. M Bangham
68,62 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Merrill, Selah, Introduction By Roswell D. Hitchcock
East of the Jordan; A Record of Travel and Observation in the Countries of Moab, Gilead and Bashan during the years 1875-1877
140,06 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Millais, John Guille, Frontis By Sir J. E. Millais
A Breath from the Veldt
351,56 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Miller, Ellen And Margaret Christine Whiting
Wild Flowers of the North-Eastern States; Being Three Hundred and Eight Individuals Common to the North-eastern United States Drawn and Described
52,64 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Miller, Philip
The Gardener's Kalendar; Directing what Works are to by done Every Month in the Kitchen, Fruit, & Pleasure Gardens, as also in the Conservatory and Nursery; with accounts. . seasons for propagation. . . trees, plants, flowers with time of their flowering
206,80 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Millican, Albert
Travels and Adventures of an Orchid Hunter; An Account of Canoe and Camp Life in Colombia, while Collecting Orchids in the Northern Andes
462,48 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Millican, Albert
Travels and Adventures of an Orchid Hunter; An Account of Canoe and Camp Life in Colombia, while Collecting Orchids in the Northern Andes
351,56 €
Horizon Books (Canada)
Livres anciens et modernes
Milligan, Robert H.
The Jungle Folk of Africa
31,96 €
Horizon Books (Canada)