Bongiorno Paolo Libreria
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.

Seller's catalogue - 10123 titles
Rare and modern books
Manfredini, Francesco. Modena - Bonacolsi)
Modena al tempo de’ Bonacolsi. Scene storiche del secolo XIV.
75.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Manfredini, Tina (Rosmini)
Essere e verità in Rosmini.
28.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Manganelli, Giorgio
Pinocchio: un libro parallelo.
50.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Manifattura Tabacchi
La nuova Manifattura Tabacchi di Roma.
100.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Manifattura Tabacchi
Rassegna delle rivendite.
130.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Manifattura Tabacchi
Monopoli di Stato. Rassegna annuale 1958 - 1959.
155.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Manifesto Di Polizia.
del Regio Governo Generale della divisione di Genova.
170.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Mankell, Henning
Comedia infantil.
18.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Mankowitz, Wolf
The Bespoke Overcoat (Il cappotto su misura).
28.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Mann, Klaus
La morte del cigno.
36.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Mann, Thomas
45.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Mann, Thomas
Confessioni del cavaliere d’industria Felix Krull (Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull).
26.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)