Bongiorno Paolo Libreria
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 10139 titles
Rare and modern books
Lapius, Johannes Hieronymus
De Curatione Stranguriae Contumacis. Frequentem, maleque tractatam, gonorrhoram virulentam consequentis.
180.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Laqueur, Walter - Breitman, Richard (Olocausto)
Der Mann, der das Schweigen brach. Wie die Welt vom Holocaust erfuhr.
30.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Laqueur, Walter (Hitler - Nazismo)
Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlosung.
23.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Larbaud, Valery
A. O. Barnabooth. Son journal intime.
30.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Larbaud, Valery
Le poesie di A. O. Barnabooth e poesie plurilingui (Poèmes par un riche Amateur ou Oeuvres francaises de M. Barnabooth).
40.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Larra, Mariano Jose De
28.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Larra, Mariano José De (Figaro)
Il poveraccio parlatore e altre prose scelte.
30.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Lashley, K. S. - Mcculloch, W. S. - Sperry, R. W. - Thorpe, W. H, . - Wiener, N. - Campbell, D. T. - Craik, K. J. - Griffith, J. S, . - Hyden, H. - Lettvin, J. Y. - Maturana, H. R. - Pitts, W. H.
La fisica della mente. A cura e con introduzione di Vittorio Somenzi.
28.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Laski, Marghanita
Il bambino perduto.
26.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Lattanzio, Lucio Cecilio Firmiano
Se Dio può adirarsi - Ermias il filosofo - Lo scherno.
25.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Lattanzio, Lucio Cecilio Firmiano
La morte dei persecutori.
25.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Lattimore, Owen
La frontiera. Popoli e imperialismi alla frontiera tra Cina e Russia.
43.00 €
Bongiorno Paolo Libreria (Italy)