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Emiliana Libreria


About this seller

Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.

Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.

Seller's catalogue - 2820 titles

  • I sette salmi de la penitentia di David

    Rare and modern books

    Aretino Pietro

    I sette salmi de la penitentia di David


    2200.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • Histoire des Chevaliers hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appellez …

    Rare and modern books

    Vertot René Aubert De

    Histoire des Chevaliers hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appellez depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes et aujourd'hui chevaliers de Malthe. Par m. l'abbe De Vertot, de l'Academie de Belles Lettres. Tome premier-cinquieme


    800.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • The paintings and drawings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) : …

    Rare and modern books

    Surtees Virginia

    The paintings and drawings of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) : A catalogue raisonné


    800.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • Victorian patrons of the arts

    Rare and modern books

    Davis Frank

    Victorian patrons of the arts


    40.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • Pre-Raphaelite Vision. Truth to nature

    Rare and modern books

    Staley Allen, Newall Christopher

    Pre-Raphaelite Vision. Truth to nature


    45.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • Arthur Hughes: pre-raphaelite painter. National Museum of Wales, Cardiff 5-24 …

    Rare and modern books


    Arthur Hughes: pre-raphaelite painter. National Museum of Wales, Cardiff 5-24 October; Leighton House, London 3-23 December 1971.


    20.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • Dante Gabriel Rossetti, painter and poet : 13 january to …

    Rare and modern books


    Dante Gabriel Rossetti, painter and poet : 13 january to 11 march 1973, the Royal academy of arts, London; 29 march to 6 may 1973, City museum and art gallery, Birmingham


    35.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • The Match of the Moderns

    Rare and modern books

    Gaunt William

    The Match of the Moderns


    24.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • The Pre-Raphaelites. The Tate Gallery

    Rare and modern books


    The Pre-Raphaelites. The Tate Gallery


    50.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • Monumenti veneziani di varia letteratura per la prima volta pubblicati …

    Rare and modern books

    Morelli Jacopo

    Monumenti veneziani di varia letteratura per la prima volta pubblicati nell'ingresso di sua eccellenza messer Alvise Pisani cavaliere alla dignita di procuratore di san Marco.


    1500.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • Pre-raphaelite paintings from the Manchester City Art Gallery.

    Rare and modern books

    Treuherz Julian

    Pre-raphaelite paintings from the Manchester City Art Gallery.


    70.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

  • The return of King Arthur. The Legend through Victorian Eyes.

    Rare and modern books

    Mancoff N. Debra

    The return of King Arthur. The Legend through Victorian Eyes.


    40.00 €

    Emiliana Libreria (Italy)

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