Pierre Josse Librairie
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Sellers on Maremagnum.com are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of Maremagnum.com's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 37989 titles
Rare and modern books
Rostand Maurice
Le second Werther. Roman.
12.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Stancu Zaharia
Ourouma, la fille du tartare. Roman.
15.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Dermenghem Emile
Mahomet et la tradition islamique.
12.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Le Figaro
Le Figaro. Supplément immobilier. le Cap Garonne, L'art des jardins., En Provence, Le Touquet., Vernouillet-Verneuil
13.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Psichari Henriette
Ernest Psichari, mon frère.
15.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Rosny J. H. (Jeune)
Les beaux yeux de Paris.
12.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Rosny J. H. (Jeune)
La pharmacie des prés. Roman.
12.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Revel Jean-François
Contre-censures. Politique, religion, culture de masse, art et critique d'art. . .
20.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Castelot André
Destins hors série de l'histoire. Astrid, La Du Barry, Charcot, Cicéron, Charlotte Corday.
21.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Lipus Florjan
L'élève Tjaz. Roman. Texte original slovène.
13.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Ramat Georges
Manuel du breveté mécanicien. Théorie de l'avion.
25.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)
Rare and modern books
Menanteau Pierre
De chair et de feuilles.
25.00 €
Pierre Josse Librairie (France)