Historian sagl Libreria
About this seller
La Società Historian è un'azienda che opera da oltre 25 anni nel campo dell'arte del collezionismo in genere. Migliaia di clienti soddisfatti sono un vanto che forniscono lo stimolo a migliorare nel tempo per offrire un servizio sempre preciso e puntuale. The Historian Company is a company that has been operating for over 25 years in the field of collecting art in general. Thousands of satisfied customers are a source of pride and provide the incentive to improve over time in order to offer an always precise and punctual service
Seller's catalogue - 2375 titles
Rare and modern books
Charles de Foucald - Pensieri e massime
20.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Aurelio Zanco - Storia della letteratura inglese - 2 Volumi
35.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
G.D. Romagnosi - Diritto Penale 1832
499.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Nouveau Precis de Pathologie Chirurgicale - 6 Tomi 1947
139.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Maurice Barres - Du Sang de la volupte et de la mort
40.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Edmond Rostand - Cyrano de Bergerac
50.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Bernard Berenson - Lotto
39.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Ashley Montagu - Korperkontakt
30.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Major Roland De Weck - Messieurs a vos chevaux
70.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Felice Visalli - Introduzione alla Neurochirurgia
40.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Giovanni Papini - Storia di cristo
70.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)
Rare and modern books
Leonard Gaunt - Paul Petzold - Fotolibro Enciclopedia
20.00 €
Historian sagl Libreria (Switzerland)