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Utopia Pratica Libreria


About this seller

Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.

Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.

Seller's catalogue - 3942 titles

  • Tangible visions Northwest coast indian shamanism and its art - …

    Rare and modern books

    Allen Wardwell

    Tangible visions Northwest coast indian shamanism and its art - Con una dedica di Ezio Gribaudo


    130.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • Taif Mythologie

    Rare and modern books

    Morteo, Strina

    Taif Mythologie


    10.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • La Biblioteca Una storia mondiale

    Rare and modern books

    Campbell, Pryce

    La Biblioteca Una storia mondiale


    55.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • La fotografia in cento immagini

    Rare and modern books

    Walter Guadagnini

    La fotografia in cento immagini


    12.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • Il Palazzo De Carolis in Roma

    Rare and modern books

    Alfredo Giuggioli

    Il Palazzo De Carolis in Roma


    12.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • Lucas Van Leyden Leyda 1494-1533 Quarto centenario dalla nascita 1494-1994

    Rare and modern books

    Silverio Salamon

    Lucas Van Leyden Leyda 1494-1533 Quarto centenario dalla nascita 1494-1994


    10.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • La figura delle cose Cleto Munari in Castel Sant'Angelo

    Rare and modern books

    Achille Bonito Oliva

    La figura delle cose Cleto Munari in Castel Sant'Angelo


    15.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • Paul Gauguin Artista di mito e sogno

    Rare and modern books


    Paul Gauguin Artista di mito e sogno


    22.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • Karlek Till Glas: Agnes Hellners Samling Av Orreforsglas A Love …

    Rare and modern books


    Karlek Till Glas: Agnes Hellners Samling Av Orreforsglas A Love of Glass Agnes Hellner's Collection of Orrefors Glass


    90.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • Pluralità identitarie tra bioetica e biodiritto

    Rare and modern books


    Pluralità identitarie tra bioetica e biodiritto


    20.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • Della tolleranza

    Rare and modern books

    Pietro Pancrazi

    Della tolleranza


    7.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

  • Commercio, colonie e impero alla vigilia della Rivoluzione Americana

    Rare and modern books

    Guido Abbattista

    Commercio, colonie e impero alla vigilia della Rivoluzione Americana


    40.00 €

    Utopia Pratica Libreria (Italy)

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