The Book Gallery
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 18667 titles
Rare and modern books
Zeitlin, William
Bibliotheca Hebraica Post-Mendelssohniana. Bibliographisches Handbuch der Neuhebräischen Litteratur.
60.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Georg, Johann, Grasse, Theodor
Bibliotheca magica et pneumatica, oder, wissenschaftlich geordnete Bibliographie: der wichtigsten in das Gebiet des Zauber-, Wunder-, Geister- und sonstigen Aberglaubens vorzuglich alterer Zeit einschlagenden Werke.
20.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Offenberg, Adri K, Schrijver G. L., Hoogewoud, F. J.
Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana: Treasures of Jewish Booklore- Marking the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Leeser Rosenthal, 1794-1994.
20.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Duensing, H. [Ed.]
Bibliotheca Syro-Palaestinensis: Christlich-Palästinisch-Aramäische - Texte und Fragmente Göttingen 1906.
25.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Smith Lewis, Agnes, Dunlop Gibson, Margaret [Ed.]
Bibliotheca Syro-Palaestinensis: Palestinian Syriac Texts From Palimpsest Fragments (London 1900), Studia Sinaitica XI - An Appendix of Palestinian Syriac Texts (London 1902).
65.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Hurst, John F.
Bibliotheca Theologica: A Select and Classified Bibliography of Theology and General Religious Literature
65.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Kayserling, M. [Meyer]
Bibliothek jüdischer Kanzelredner - I. Jahrgang [VOLUME I ONLY] Homiletisches und literarisches Beiblatt als Anhang zur Bibliothek jüdischer Kanzelredner.
75.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Wahl, Gustav, Hünich, Fritz Adolf, Witkowski, Georg, Wach, A.
Bibliothekar-Tag [Bibliothekartag] Leipzig 1914: den Teilnehmern der XV. Versammlung Deutscher Bibliothekare am 3. bis 5. Juni in Leipzig.
30.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Ewald, Johann Ludwig
Biblische Erzählungen: des alten und neuen testaments. Altes testament esrtes heft [THIS VOLUME ONLY].
50.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Auerbach, Jakob
Biblische Geschichte.
20.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Matthiae, Karl, Thiel, Winfried
Biblische Zeittafeln
20.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)
Rare and modern books
Delitzsch, Franz
Biblischer Commentar Über den Propheten Jesaia
35.00 €
The Book Gallery (Israel)