Yelets Libreria
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 13965 titles
Rare and modern books
Masiero Franco
La bottega delle latitudini
4.80 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Velter Joseph M.
Unruhig ist unser Herz: erstes Buch Die Landolfi.
15.00 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Vioux Marcelle
Anna Boleyn - Die Jungfräuliche Geliebte Heinrich VIII.
9.60 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Bromfield Louis
Der Mann der alles hatte
6.00 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Zilahy Lajos
Die goldene Brücke
4.80 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Leuzzi Lorenzo
Eucarestia e carità intellettuale. Prospettive teologico-pastorali dell'enciclica Caritas in veritate
4.32 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Della Torre Luigi
Salmi da celebrare
4.00 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Wells H. G.
Die Geschichte unserer Welt
4.80 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Piazzino Carlo
In luminis oras. Antologia lucreziana
4.80 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Knittel John
Via Mala
4.20 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Mussorgskij M.
Kovancina Klavir
12.00 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
La scuola cattolica. Rivista Teologica del Seminario Arcivescovile di Milano. N° 6 anno cxx
4.00 €
Yelets Libreria (Italy)