Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 7600 titles
Rare and modern books
Fables de Florian
85.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Psichari Henriette
la prière sur l'acropole et ses mystères.
20.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Charles Régismanset
Philosophie des parfums.
45.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Jules Monod
La cité antique de Pompéi - Histoire - Fouilles - Monuments - Rues - Maisons - Moeurs - Vie intime - Inscriptions.
85.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Pergaud Louis
La guerre des boutons - Roman de ma douzième année.
25.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Oeuvres de Rulhière
155.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Jonathan Swift
Voyages de Gulliver.
85.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
J. P. Corymbe
Charles Maurras ou "L'Ennemi du peuple".
18.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Géraldy Paul.
Toi et moi.
23.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
A.- Ferdinand Herold
Nala et Damayanti
35.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Paul Bourget
Oeuvres - Poésie 1876 - 1882. Edel. - Les aveux.
25.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Pierre Louÿs.
La femme et le pantin.
45.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)