Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 7503 titles
Rare and modern books
ASPERGE, culture naturelle et artificielle.
45.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Tibrag Hubert
12.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Martin J. M. A.
La cuisine du passé et de l'avenir.
35.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Pestel H.
LES VINS ET EAUX-DE-VIE à appellations d’origine contrôlées en France. Leur importance économique et sociale.
30.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Buret F. (Docteur)
Le champignon poison ou aliment.
45.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Nussbaum Jean
25.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Bichet Robert
CELEBRATION DES GAUDES autrefois plat national comtois
20.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Blat A.-L. (Lamotte)
Les braques.
9.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Amezaga C. H. De
Mon fusil et moi - Souvenirs de chasse. Bécassines - Notes brèves. Souvenirs de la Marisma
15.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Burnand Tony
30.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
La Rocque. A De
Les champignons comestibles et vénéneux.
65.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)
Rare and modern books
Laurens Maurice
Le brochet - Pêches sportives et autres
30.00 €
Lucas Philippe Livres Anciens (France)