Kalamos Books
About this seller
KALAMOS BOOKS We offer a wide selection of hard to find books in English and in other languages. Our primary emphasis relates to materials about GREECE & CYPRUS (ANCIENT – BYZANTINE – MODERN) You can find books on the archaeology, art, cultures and history of the ancient world, and of the more modern countries in the area including the Balkans and Turkey. Travel: We collect materials on many different countries, cultures, cuisines, languages and literatures. Canadiana: National and Local history, Immigrant studies, Canadian literature including poetry and fiction, including books by Mazo De La Roche and Lucy Maud Montgomery Fiction: Especially Historical novels and Mystery stories
Seller's catalogue - 8620 titles
Rare and modern books
[ Kostopoulos, Arist. Chr & Kotoulopoulou-Kostopoulou,Victoria.]
Geographia Epeiron (ST' Demotikou)
20.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Kostopoulos, Arist. Chr & Kotoulopoulou-Kostopoulou,Victoria.
He Hellada Geographia (D' Demotikou)
21.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Kostopoulos, Aristoteles Chr. & Kotoulopoulos- Kostopoulos, Vict, Oria.
He Ellada : Geographia D' Demotikou
20.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Skiada, Vassilis G.
Leitourgiki Kai Katechese Gai Tin ST Taxi Tou Demotikou Scholeiou (IN GREEK)
20.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
He Glossa Mou
He Glossa Mou gia tin Triti Demotikou [2]
7.50 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Kotsona, M & Moulas, E
Geographia (G' Demotikou)
20.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Gregoriades, N (And Others)
Keimena Neoellenikes Logotechnias A' Gymnasiou
30.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Kandros, P (And Others)
Neoelleniki Glossa Gia to Gymnasio Teuchos A'
25.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Isokrates [Ed. Stella Mpazakou-Maragkoudakis]
Isokrates : Panegyrikos.[ B'Gymnasiou ]
22.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
0.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Xenophontos & Zeugolis G.D [Ed[
Xenophontos Kyrou Anavasis : He Kathodos ton Myrion [ A' Gymnasiou].
30.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)
Rare and modern books
Vergil , Cicero, Horace,[ Vousvounis, Phokionos V, Skassi, Errikou A & Phrangiskou, Zapheriou, N]
Ouergilianou- Aineias / Kikeronis - Enypnion Skipionos/ Oratiou- Odai
30.00 €
Kalamos Books (Canada)