Inlibris Antiquariat
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 28844 titles
Rare and modern books
[Tombeur, Pierre].
Lettre de Monsieur T*** pr tre du dioc se de Liege. A Monseigneur de Gillis Ev que d'Ami on, suffragant de S. A. Monseigneur l'Ev que & Prince de Liege, &c.
100.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Tornielli, Girolamo.
Quaresimale postumo.
120.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
[Tridentinum - Possevino, Giovanni Battista].
Declarationes Sacrae Congreg. circa decreta Concilii Tridentini, de matrimonio, & sponsalibus ex sessione 24.
120.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Urli, Johann Adam.
Des heiligen Maximilians, Erzbischofes zu Lorch, Leben und M rtyrerthum, nebst einer umst ndlichen Nachricht von den kostbaren Ueberbleibseln seines heiligen Leibes.
180.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Veith, Joh[Ann] Emanuel.
Die Worte der Feinde Christi.
30.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Veith, Johann Emanuel.
Eucharistia. Zw lf Vortr ge ber das heilige Messopfer.
58.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Vernulaeus, Nicolaus [Eigtl. Nicola De Vernulz].
Rhetorum Collegii Porcensis, inclytae academiae Lovaniensis, orationes in tres partes secundum tria causarum seu orationum genera distributae [.]. Editio octava, aucta [.].
240.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
[Vignier, Nicolas].
Legende doree ou sommaire de l'histoire des freres Mendians de l'Ordre de S. Dominique et de S. Francois [.].
400.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Villaume, [Peter].
Practische Logik f r junge Leute die nicht studieren wollen.
100.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Vincenti, Giovanni Maria.
Quaresimale del Padre D. Gio. Maria Vincenti cherico Regolare Teatino. Parte prima.
120.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Voit, Edmund, Sj.
Theologia moralis ex solidis probatorum auctorum principiis [.].
180.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)
Rare and modern books
Voit, Edmund, Sj.
Theologia moralis ex solidis probatorum auctorum principiis [.].
150.00 €
Inlibris Antiquariat (Austria)