Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop
About this seller
Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 22623 titles
Rare and modern books
Mehmet Gönlübol.
Turkish participation in the United Nations, 1945-1954.
20.68 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Ahmet Mumcu.
Osmanli Devleti'nde siyaseten katl.
13.16 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Haluk Perk.
The Anatolian Early Bronze Age collective fondling in the Haluk Perk Museum Collection.= Haluk Perk Müzesi Koleksiyonundaki Anadolu ilk Tunç Çag toplu buluntusu.
37.60 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Edited By Murat Öner Tas.
Asikli Höyük: 11,000-year-old Neolithic village of Cappadocia.= Asikli Höyük: Kapadokya'nin 11 bin yillik Neolitik Köyü.
18.80 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Suat Akgül.
Yakin tarihimizde Dersim isyanlari ve gerçekler.
18.80 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Alpay Kabacali.
Türk gezginlerin gözüyle yedi deniz bes bucak.
56.40 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Peyami Safa, (1899-1961).
Büyük fikir cereyanlari I: Sosyalizm.
14.10 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Hasan Basri Berk.
[Celebres juristes Turc].= Meshur Türk hukukçulari. Osmanli Imparatrolugunun kurulusundan zamanimiza kadar hukuk ve adalet sahasinda söhret kazanmis, eser ve nam birakmis seyhülislâmlarin, müftüyülenamlarin, fetva eminlerinin, hakimlerin, adliyecilerin, avukatlarin, hukukçularin hayatlari.
72.38 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Zeynep Ergün.
The picture of Dorian Gray: The genesis of a painting.
15.04 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Festschrift Arif Müfid Mansel.
Mansel'e armagan.= Melanges Mansel. 3 volumes set. Edited by Ekrem Akurgal, U. Bahadir Alkim.
37.60 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Gülseren Özel, Nülgün Ustura, Berna Avdan, Ebru Kirmiziyüz.
Bergama Müzesi etnografik eserleri. Geleneksel giyim kusam islemeler.
56.40 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Metin Hasirci.
Bitmeyen mücadele: Erbakan.
15.04 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)