Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop
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Sellers on are all professionals. Thanks to their online catalogues you can search among 12 milions of titles: antique and new books, periodicals, postcards, manuscripts, autographs, prints, and collector's products.
Among our sellers, you will find antiquarian bookshops, art galleries, publishers. The uniqueness of's proposal is in its specialisation, thanks to which it is possible to satisfay niches in the antiques market and not only.
Seller's catalogue - 22628 titles
Rare and modern books
Ataturk University.
Atatürk University Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Sculpture Ist International Erzurum Stone Sculpture Symposium 10 June / 10 July 2005.= Atatürk Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Heykel Bölümü I. Uluslararasi Erzurum Tas Heykel Sempozyumu 10 Haziran / 10 Temmuz 2005.
5.64 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Prep. By Murat Uluskan, Yüksel Çelik, Davut Hut.
Al Quds in muhimme registers, (1545-1594). Vol. 1.= Mühimme defterlerinde Kudüs, (1545-1594). Cilt 1.
69.56 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Prep. By Safak Ural, Erwin Lucius.
Matematik und philosophie. Philosophischer Kreis Wien-Istanbul.= Matematik ve felsefe. Viyana Istanbul Felsefe Çevresi.= Mathematics and Philosophy. Vienna-Istanbul Philosophy Circle. Symposion, 9-10.6.1994, Istanbul.
15.04 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Bayas Tural - Ayimkan Camankulova.
Rahmankul Han ve dönemi.
18.80 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Roz Kohen.
Estambol Djudyo: Una koleksyon de rekuerdos i ilustrasyones.= Jewish Istanbul: A collection of memoirs and illustrations.
35.72 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
George Le Rider Et Alli.
Travaux et recherches en Turquie 1982. Collection Turcica II.
28.20 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Meropi Anastassiadou.
Salonique au XIXe siècle. Regards sur les gens ordinaires.
37.60 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Edited By Wolfgang Radt.
Byzas 3. Stadtgrabungen und Stadtforschung im Westlichen Kleinasien. Geplantes und Erreichtes. Veroffentlichungen des Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts Istanbul. Internationales Symposion 6-7 August 2004 in Bergama (Turkey).
37.60 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Fikret Turan.
The Crimean War, 1853-1856: A bibliography of monographs.
11.28 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Edited By Kemal H. Karpat.
The Turks of Bulgaria. The history, culture and political fate of a minority.
13.16 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Ali Fethi Okyar.
Serbest Cumhuriyet firkasi nasil dogdu, nasil fesh edildi?
29.14 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)
Rare and modern books
Edited By Dimitris Stamatopoulos.
Balkan nationalism(s) and the Ottoman Empire. 3 volumes set. Vol. 1: National movements and representations. Vol. 2: Political violence and the Balkan Wars. Vol. 3: The Young Turk Revolution and ethnic groups.
72.38 €
Khalkedon Books, IOBA, ESA Bookshop (Türkiye)