Urban planning
Urban planning is a critical discipline that involves the study and design of urban spaces, aiming to create livable, efficient, and sustainable environments. This field combines elements of architecture, land planning, and civil engineering to develop and enhance urban and suburban areas. In this section, you will find a wide range of books on urban planning, offering insights into urban design principles, development policies, and strategies to address the modern challenges of cities.
Rare and modern books
Rogerson Peter A., ,Rogerson Peter A.
The Geographical Analysis of Population: With Applications to Planning and Business
18.75 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
David Rhind, Ray Hudson, ,David Rhind, Ray Hudson
Land Use
9.00 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
S. D''Agostini, G. Lisciandra, ,S. D''Agostini, G. Lisciandra
INU Lombaria: Localizzazioni industriali
9.00 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Peter Clark (a cura di), ,Peter Clark (a cura di)
The early modern town: A reader
11.25 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Best Robin H., ,Best Robin H.
Land Use and Living Space
11.25 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Ulisse, periodo trimetrale: I problemi della città. Anno XVI, vol. VIII, settembre 1963
7.50 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Borgo Chiesanuova: storia di uno sventramento. Vicende urbanistiche ed edilizie a Cesena nel secondo Ottocento
11.25 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
René de Maximy, ,René de Maximy
Kinshasa, ville en suspens : Dynamique de la croissance et problèmes d'urbanisme, étude socio-politique (Travaux et documents de l'ORSTOM)
30.00 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Storia dell'urbanistica 1997: I piani regolatori
26.25 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
The world's metropolitan areas
15.00 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Griffith Taylor, ,Griffith Taylor
Urban geography: a study of site, evolution, pattern and classification in villages, towns and cities
18.75 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Brian J.L. Berry, ,Brian J.L. Berry
Urbanization and counter-urbanization
18.75 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Coppock J T, ,Coppock J T
Land Use and Town and Country Planning (v. 8)
15.00 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
A cura di Gabriele Pasqui, Matteol Bolocan Goldstein, ,A cura di Gabriele Pasqui, Matteol Bolocan Goldstein
Sviluppo locale in contesti metropolitani : trasformazioni economiche e territoriali nel Milanese
15.00 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Camagni Roberto, ,Camagni Roberto
La città metropolitana: strategie per il governo e la pianificazione
14.25 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Dallo spreco edilizio alla politica di recupero dell'esistente: Prospettive e limiti del piano decennale per la casa
18.75 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Clementi, Alberto, ,Clementi, Alberto
Infrastrutture e piani urbanistici
15.00 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Paolillo P. L., ,Paolillo P. L.
Problematiche del parametro suolo. Uno sguardo preoccupato alla situazione regionale
21.75 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Sernini Michele, ,Sernini Michele
Terre sconfinate : città, limiti, localismo
15.00 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Scaramellini Guglielmo, ,Scaramellini Guglielmo
Città e poli metropolitani in Italia
21.75 €
Messinissa Libri (Italy)