Photography is a visual art that captures moments and emotions through the lens, turning fleeting instants into eternal memories and works of art. This form of expression allows exploring the world from unique perspectives, documenting both reality and imagination. In this section, you will find a curated selection of books covering everything from analog to digital photography, from basic techniques to advanced strategies, ideal for photographers at any level.
Rare and modern books
Robert Capa photographs
28.00 €
Faita Studio (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Mulatier Jean
Mulatier Jean. Autumn. Rizzoli 2004.
10.00 €
Rare and modern books
Visages de La Suisse
12.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Namias Rodolfo.
Corso di Fotografia pei principianti. Basi dei processi fotografici, materiale, ricette e manipolazioni. Edizione rifatta del Manualetto: Fotografia, sue basi e sua pratica. Milano, Il Progresso Fotografico, 1913.
12.00 €
Castello Libreria Del (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Serena Romano,
Museo della fotografia
8.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
L'altro. Nei volti nei luoghi. Catalogo della mostra. Ediz. illustrata
25.00 €
Serendipity s.r.l. Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Ahmed Sefrioui (Testi), Xavier Richer (Fotografia)
Lumières du Maroc
10.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Patrick De Wilde
Ad altezza d'uomo
6.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Nei luoghi del disincanto
10.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Der bau des Kraftwerkes Waggital 1922-25
8.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Testi Di Aavv
Belluno. La città splendente. The shining city
15.00 €
Il Morto da Feltre Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Gabriele Morrione
Sharon o del corpo svelato
10.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Ronald W.Wohlauer
Small rooms & Hidden Places
12.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Ernesto Fantozzi. FIAF 2002.
38.00 €
Rare and modern books
Manuela Binaghi, Daniel Dobbels
15.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Richard Lannoy
8.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Anne H. Hoy
The book of photography
10.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Basilico Gabriele, Berengo Gardin Gianni (Fotografie Di)
La grande fiera 1985
40.00 €
Tombolini Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
introduction by Edwin Newman ; text by Clark Worswick ; edited, ,introduction by Edwin Newman ; text by Clark Worswick ; edite
An Edwardian observer : the photographs of Leslie Hamilton Wilson /
20.00 €
Serendipity s.r.l. Libreria (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Carlo Pietrangeli, Fabrizio Mancinelli
8.00 €
Biblioteca di Babele (Italy)