Drawing is the art form that allows expressing ideas and visions through lines and images on paper. Essential in many disciplines, from industrial design to fine art, drawing is fundamental for developing both technical and creative skills. In this section, you will find books covering basic techniques, advanced styles, and artistic theory, indispensable for students, professionals, and enthusiasts eager to enhance their visual representation skills.
Rare and modern books
Vedute di Tivoli. Raccolta di incisioni, disegn i acquarelli donati al Museo di Villa d'Este dal Barone Basilio Lemmerman.
12.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Huebner Christine - Thimann Michael
Deutsche Zeichnungen von Tischbein bis Corinth. In einem gluecklichen Augenblick erfunden. Goettingen, Kunstsammlung der Universitaet Goettingen. 31. Maerz bis 13. Oktober 2019.
25.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
La mano, il segno- Disegni dei maestri dal XIV al XX secolo.
10.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Disegni del XIX e XX secolo. Catalogo di vendita N°. 4 /1982. Galleria Carlo Virgilio, Roma.
10.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Galleria Carlo Virgilio, Roma. Schede 1981.
10.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Witzthum Walter-Waltervitzthum
I disegni dei maestri. L'Italia dalle origini a Pisanello.
10.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Nanobashvili Nino
Die Ausbildung von Kuenstlern und Dilettanti. Das ABC des Zeichnens.
40.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Riccòmini Marco
I Gandolfi. Disegni della raccolta Certani alla Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
28.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
GERARD TITUS - CARMEL. Zeichnungen: Folgen & Serien 1971 - 1979. Dessins: Suites & Sèries 1971 - 1979. Bielefeld, 3. August - 21. September 1980.
28.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Hutt Wolfang
25.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Schmidt Katharina
PABLO PICASSO. Die illustrierten Bucher. Eine Privatsammlung erganzt durch Werke aus dem Kupferstickkabinett Basel. Basel, 17. Dezember 1995 - 10. marz 1996.
20.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
FARBIGE GRAFIK IN DER DDR zum Thema Frieden. Schwerin (DDR), Oktober - November 1984.
20.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
DIE SINGENDEN IN DER GRAPHISCHEN KUNST 1500 - 1900. Essen, 18.7 - 26.8.1962
15.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Moret Stefan
ROMISCHE BAROCKZEICHNUNGEN im Martin - von Wagner-Museum der Universitat Wurzburg.
80.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
DESSINS ANCIENS et du XIX SIECLE. Sotheby, Montercarlo Lundi 5 Mars 1984.
10.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Sotheby's. Catalogue of FINE OLD MASTER DRAWINGS. London, Thursday, tth December, 1978.
10.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Mari Nella
UMBERTO BOCCIONI. Disegni e incisioni della Galleria Nazionale di Cosenza. Cosenza, 10 maggio - 31 agosto 2003.
20.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Lubos Hlavacek
35.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Schneider Von Arthur
15.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)
Rare and modern books
Preiss Pavel
OSTERREICHISCHE ZEICHNUNG DES 18. JAHRHUNDERTS. Ausgewahlte werke aus bohmischen und mahrischen sammlungen. Prager Altstadt, 20. VI - 18. VIII. 1996.
15.00 €
Editoriale Umbra (Italy)