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Visentini Antonio

Carte da gioco con immagini del Vecchio Testamento


10000,00 €

Antiquarius Libreria

(Roma, Italia)

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Anno di pubblicazione
60 X 110
Visentini Antonio
Libri Antichi


Antonio Visentini (1688 - 1782) da Francesco Zuccarelli (1702-1788) ' Acquaforte (100x155 mm), 1748, firmata sulla 47a carta, il castello sul dorso dell'elefante è stampato "F.Z.I. 1748. AVisentini Sculp.". Custodia originale in pelle, dorso marmorizzato, bordi dorati. Serie di 52 carte da gioco bibliche, in quattro semi: cerchi, quadri, cuori e vasi. Ogni carta illustra un episodio dell'Antico Testamento e reca nel segno del seme un emblema il cui significato è spiegato nel testo sotto l'illustrazione. I testi sono in italiano e in latino. Le carte non sono numerate, ma ognuna è contrassegnata con lettere maiuscole o minuscole. La copia del British Museum è stampata in rosso, dorso marmorizzato, bordi dorati, con la custodia in pelle originale. Il British Museum possiede anche 2 fogli non tagliati del set, con il titolo, stampato in nero. Entrambi i set provengono dalla collezione di Lady Charlotte Schreiber. Nella copia del British Art Center (Yale University), ogni seme è stampato in un colore diverso: cerchi (rosso), diamanti (blu), cuori (marrone) e vasi (verde). Manca una carta (la 'n' di cuori). Include una custodia contemporanea in pelle stampata a secco. Bibliografia: Hargrave, C.P. ' History of playing cards and bibliography of cards and gaming, p. 237, 242; ' Schreiber, C. ' Playing cards of various ages and countries, III, 143; ' Franks, A W (introduction), ' Playing Cards of Various Ages and Countries selected from the collection of Lady Charlotte Schreiber, ' London, John Murray, 1895. Antonio Visentini (1688 - 1782) after Francesco Zuccarelli (1702-1788) Etchings (100x155 mm), 1748, signed on the 47th card, the castle on the elephant's back is printed "F.Z.I. 1748. AVisentini Sculp.". Backs marbled, edges gilt, with the original leather case. Set of 52 biblical playing cards, in four suits: circles, diamonds, hearts, and vases. Each card illustrates an episode from the Old Testament and bears within the suit sign an emblem whose significance is explained in the text below the illustration. The texts are given in Italian and in Latin. The cards are not numbered but each is lettered with capital or lower-case letters. The etchings are by Antonio Visentini, after Francesco Zuccarelli (the 'Y' of vases is inscribed: "F.Z. I. 1748. AVisentini sculp."). ' Under the auspices of Consul Smith, during the mid–1740s he produced with Visentini a series featuring neo-Palladian architecture, as can be seen in Burlington House (1746). The most interesting of the Zuccarelli and Visentini collaborations was this set of 52 playing cards with Old Testament subjects published in Venice in 1748. The hand-colored scenes are treated in a light manner; the suits are circles, diamonds, hearts, and jars, each containing a mixture of inscribed emblems; and the cards begin with the creation of Adam and end with a battle scene that has an elephant carrying a castle. The British Museum copy is printed in red, backs marbled, edges gilt, with the original leather case.The British Museum also own 2 uncut sheets of the set, with the title, printed in black. Both sets are from the collection of Lady Charlotte Schreiber. In the British Art Center copy (Yale University), each suit is printed in a different color: circles (red), diamonds (blue), hearts (brown), and vases (green). Lacks one card (the 'n' of hearts). Includes contemporary slip-case of blind-stamped leather. ' Bibliography: Hargrave, C.P. History of playing cards and bibliography of cards and gaming, p. 237, 242; Schreiber, C. Playing cards of various ages and countries, III, 143; Franks, A W (introduction), Playing Cards of Various Ages and Countries selected from the collection of Lady Charlotte Schreiber, London, John Murray, 1895. ' Cfr.
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