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Appleman, Philip, William Madden And Michael Wolff (Eds.)

Victorian Studies. Vol. 43.

Bloomington : Indiana University Press, Autumn 2000 - Summer - 2001.,

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Appleman, Philip, William Madden And Michael Wolff (Eds.)
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, Autumn 2000 - Summer, 2001.
861 p. Library binding hardcover.
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From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Allover very good and clean. - Contents: No. 1: Two Ways Not To Be a Solipsist: Art and Science, Pater and Pearson by George Levine -- The Temptations of Aggrandized Agency: Feminist Histories and the Horizon of Modernity by Amanda Anderson -- Replicas and Originality: Picturing Agency in Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Victorian Manchester by David Wayne Thomas -- REVIEWS -- Mesmerized: Powers of Mind in Victorian Britain, by Alison Winter by Alex Owen -- The Shape of Fear: Horror and the Fin de Si�e Culture of Decadence, by Susan J. Navarette by Claudia Nelson -- J. M. Robertson: Rationalist and Literary Critic, by Odin Dekkers by Edward Royle -- The Cambridge Companion to Henry James, edited by Jonathan Freedman; Henry James and the Culture of Publicity, by Richard Salmon by Michael Anesko -- Nostalgia and Recollection in Victorian Culture, by Ann C. Colley by Robert Newsom -- Secret Selves: Confession and Same-Sex Desire in Victorian Autobiography, by Oliver S. Buckton by Vincent A. Lankewish -- The Culture of Secrecy: Britain, 1832-1998, by David Vincent by Neville Thompson -- Friends of the Family: The English Home and Its Guardians, 1850-1940, by George Behlmer by Reba Nusbaum Soffer -- Architecture in the Family Way: Doctors, Houses, and Wonten, 1870-1900, by Annmarie Adams by Christine Bolus-Reichert -- Unwilling Idlers: The Urban Unemployed and Their Families in Late Victorian Canada, by Peter Baskerville and Eric W. Sager by Terry Crowley -- Public Health and Social Justice in the Age of Chadwick: Britain, 1800-1854, by Christopher Hamlin by M. J. D. Roberts -- The Presence of Persons: Essays on Literature, Science and Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century, by William Myers by George Levine -- The Self-Fashioning of Disraeli, 1818-1851, edited by Charles Richmond and Paul Smith by Stanley Weintraub -- The Letters of Matthew Arnold: Volume III, 1866-1870, edited by Cecil Y Lang by John P. Farrell -- Matthew Arnold: A Literary Life, by Clinton Machann by Francis Golffing -- The Journals of George Eliot, edited by Margaret Harris and Judith Johnston by Rosemary Bodenheimer -- From Author to Text: Re-reading George Eliot�s Romola, edited by Caroline Levine and Mark W. Turner; George Eliot and Italy: Literary, Cultural, and Political Influences from Dante to the Risorgimento, by Andrew Thompson by Robert Langbaum -- Dickens, Novel Reading, and the Victorian Popular Theatre, by Deborah Vlock by Edwin M. Eigner -- British Imperial Literature, 1870-1940, by Daniel Bivona by Deirdre David -- Orientalism Transposed: The Impact of the Colonies on British Culture, edited by Julie F. Codell and Dianne Sachko Macleod by Heather Streets -- Colonialism and the Object: Empire, Material Culture and the Museum, edited by Tim Barringer and Tom Flynn by Thomas Prasch -- Nationalism and Classicism: The Classical Body as National Symbol in Nineteenth-Century England and France, by Athena S. Leoussi by Frank M. Turner -- The English Pig: A History, by Robert Malcolmson and Stephanos Mastoris by Harriet Ritvo -- The Regional Novel in Britain and Ireland, 1800-1990, edited by K. D. M. Snell by Ian Duncan -- The Anglo-Irish Novel and the Big House, by Vera Kreilkamp by John Marx -- The Bulkies: Police and Crime in Belfast, 1800-1865, by Brian Griffin by Neal Garnham -- Irish Home Rule, 1867-1921, by Alan O�Day by Josef L. Altholz -- Visual Politics: The Representation of Ireland, 1750-1930, by Fintan Cullen by L. Perry Curtis -- Images of Chartism, by Stephen Roberts and Dorothy Thompson by Kelly J. Mays -- Morality and the Market in Victorian Britain, by G. R. Searle by Timothy Alborn -- Women�s Work: The English Experience 1650-1914, edited by Pamela Sharpe by Anne E. C. McCants -- Glorious Battle: The Cultural Politics of Victorian Anglo-Catholicism, by John Shelton Reed by D. G. Paz -- The English Plainchant Revival, by Bennett Zon; The Contribution of Cambridge Ecclesiologists to the Revival of Anglican Choral Worship, by Dale Adelman by Jeremy Dibble -- The Transforming Power of the Nuns: Women, Religion, and Cultural Change in Ireland, 1750-1900, by Mary Peckham Magray; Stolen Daughters, Virgin Mothers: Anglican Sisterhoods in Victorian Britain, by Susan Mumm by Carol Marie Engelhardt -- Women of Faith in Victorian Culture: Reassessing the Angel in the House, edited by Anne Hogan and Andrew Bradstock; Women�s Theology in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Transfiguring the Faith of Their Fathers, edited by Julie Melnyk by Christine L. Krueger -- Aristocratic Women and Political Society in Victorian Britain, by K. D. Reynolds by Richard W. Davis -- Impossible Purities: Blackness, Femininity, and Victorian Culture, by Jennifer DeVere Brody by Susan Gubar. - No. 2: The Motivation of Tennyson�s Reader: Privacy and the Politics of Literary Ambiguity in The Princess by Daniel Denecke -- Victorian Honeymoons: Sexual Reorientations and the �Sights� of Europe by Helena Michie -- �A Sword of a Song�: Swinburne�s Republican Aesthetics in Songs before Sunrise by Stephanie Kuduk -- REVIEW ESSAY -- When Is a Victorian Poet Not a Victorian Poet? Poetry and the Politics of Subjectivity in the Long Nineteenth Century by Isobel Armstrong -- REVIEWS -- Writing Under the Raj: Gender, Race, and Rape in the British Colonial Imagination, 1830-1947, by Nancy L. Paxton by Philippa Levine -- Out of Place: Englishness, Empire, and the Locations of Identity, by Ian Baucom by James Buzard -- From Nineveh to New York: The Strange Story of the Assyrian Reliefs in the Metropolitan Museum and the Hidden Masterpiece at Canford School, by John Malcolm Russell; A. W. Franks: Nineteenth-Century Collecting and the British Museum, edited by Marjorie Caygill and John Cherry by Frederick N. Bohrer -- Religion in Victorian Britain: Volume Five: Culture and Empire, edited by John Wolffe by Sheridan Gilley -- The Victorian Spinster and Colonial Emigration: Contested Subjects, by Rita S. Kranidis by Janet C. Myers -- The Victorian Pulpit: Spoken and Written Sermons in Nineteenth- Century Britain, by Robert H. Ellison by Mary Wilson Carpenter -- Manly and Muscular Diversions: Public Schools and the Nineteenth- Century Sporting Revival, by Tony Money by John Lowerson -- Names and Stories: Emilia Dilke and Victorian Culture, by Kali Israel by Elizabeth Mansfield -- Smile of Discontent: Humor, Gender, and Nineteenth-Century British Fiction, by Eileen Gillooly by Dianne F. Sadoff -- Dickens: The Orphan Condition, by Baruch Hochman and Ilja Wachs by Rhoda L. Flaxman -- Ancestry and Narrative in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Blood Relations from Edgeworth to Hardy, by Sophie Gilmartin by Elaine Freedgood -- Thomas Hardy, Femininity and Dissent: Reassessing the Minor Novels, by Jane Thomas by Laura Green -- Serious Play: The Cultural Form of the Nineteenth-Century Realist Novel, by J. Jeffrey Franklin by Elizabeth Rosdeitcher -- Victorian Culture and the Idea of the Grotesque, edited by Colin Trodd, Paul Barlow, and David Amigoni by John R. Reed -- Victorian Journalism: Exotic and Domestic: Essays in Honor of P D. Edwards, edited by Barbara Garlick and Margaret Harris by J. O. Baylen -- Victorian Publishing and Mrs. Gaskell�s Work, by Linda K. Hughes and Michael Lund by Lynette Felber -- Kindred Nature: Victorian and Edwardian Women Embrace the Living World, by Barbara T. Gates by Julie English Early -- Membranes: Metaphors of Invasion in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Science, and Politics, by Laura Otis by Ed Wiltse -- Frankenstein�s Children: Electricity, Exhibition, and Experiment in Early-Nineteenth-Century London, by Iwan Rhys Morus by Richard J. Noakes -- An Historical Geography of Railways in Great Britain and Ireland, by David Turnock; Railways and the Victorian Imagination, by Michael Freeman by Joseph Bizup -- The Law of Evidence in Victorian England, by Christopher Allen by W. Wesley Pue -- Britain �s Century: A Political and Social History, 1815-1905, by W. D. Rubinstein by Christopher Kent -- Scotland in the Nineteenth Century, by John F. McCaffrey by Irene Maver -- Crazy John and the Bishop and Other Essays on Irish Culture, by Terry Eagleton; Scholars and Rebels in Nineteenth-Century Ireland, by Terry Eagleton by Stephen Watt -- Famine, Land and Politics: British Government and Irish Society, 1843-1850, by Peter Gray by Robert Tracy -- Sir Robert Peel, by T. A. Jenkins by Peter T. Marsh -- The British Industrial Decline, edited by Jean-Pierre Dormois and Michael Dintenfass by William D. Rubinstein -- 'William Morris and the Aesthetic Constitution of Politics, by Bradley J. Macdonald; John Paul Cooper: Designer and Craftsman of the Arts and Crafts Movement, by N. Natasha Kuzmanovic by Regenia Gagnier -- The Essence of Art: Victorian Advice on the Practice of Painting, by Craig Harrison by Julie F. Codell -- �If Mine Had Been the Painter�s Hand �: The Indeterminate in Nineteenth-Century Poetry and Painting, by Lawrence J. Starzyk by W. David Shaw -- Rhythm and Will in Victorian Poetry, by Matthew Campbell by Dennis Taylor -- Robert Browning in Contexts, edited by John Woolford by Lee Erickson -- Victorians in Theory: From Derrida to Browning, by John Schad by Tha�E. Morgan -- The Making of Middle English, 1765-1910, by David Matthews by Richard W. Bailey -- Shakespeare and the Politics of Culture in Late Victorian England, by Linda Rozmovits; Shakespeare�s Victorian Stage: Performing History in the Theatre of Charles Kean, by Richard W. Schoch by Michael R. Booth -- Critical Responses to Hamlet 1600-1900: Volume 3, 1839-1854, edited by David Farley-Hills by John Glavin. - No. 3: �Hedda Is All of Us�: Late-Victorian Women at the Matinee by Susan Torrey Barstow -- Trauma, Memory, and Railway Disaster: The Dickensian Connection by Jill L. Matus -- Making History with Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminism, Domestic Violence, and the Language of Imperialism by Susan Hamilton -- REVIEWS -- A Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture, edited by Herbert F. Tucker by Alexander Welsh -- Robert Browning�s Romantic Irony in The Ring and the Book, by Patricia Diane Rigg by W. David Shaw -- Robert Browning�s Language, by Donald S. Hair by Dennis Taylor -- Narrating Reality: Austen, Scott, Eliot, by Harry E. Shaw by Andrew H. Miller -- The English Idea of History from Coleridge to Collingwood, by Christopher Parker; Gender, Genre, and Victorian Historical Writing, by Rohan Amanda Maitzen by Clare A. Simmons -- Kegan Paul: A Victorian Imprint: Publishers, Books and Cultural History, by Leslie Howsam by Bradley Deane -- The Annotated Alice: The Definitive Edition, Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner by Morton N. Cohen -- Strange and Secret Peoples: Fairies and Victorian Consciousness, by Carole G. Silver by Christine Wiesenthal -- The Letters of Christina Rossetti: Volume One, 1843-1873, edited by Antony H. Harrison; The Letters of Christina Rossetti: Volume Two, 1874-1881, edited by Antony H. Harrison by Richard Menke -- William Rossetti�s Art Criticism: The Search for Truth in Victorian Art, by Julie L�Enfant; Victorian Painting, by Lionel Lambourne; After the Pre-Raphaelites: Art and Aestheticism in Victorian England, edited by Elizabeth Prettejohn by Susan P. Casteras -- Dante and the Victorians, by Alison Milbank by Robert B. Wellisch -- Ruskin and the Dawn of the Modern, edited by Dinah Birch; Ruskin�s Culture Wars: Fors Clavigera and the Crisis of Victorian Liberalism, by Judith Stoddart; Ruskin �s Mythic Queen: Gender Subversion in Victorian Culture, by Sharon Aronofsky Weltman by Kristine Ottesen Garrigan -- Popular Culture and Performance in the Victorian City, by Peter Bailey; Youth, Popular Culture and Moral Panics: Penny Gaffs to Gangsta- Rap, 1830-1996, by John Springhall by Keith Wilson -- Art for the Nation: Exhibitions and the London Public, 1747-2001, by Brandon Taylor by Jeffrey Auerbach -- Art in the Age of Queen Victoria: Treasures from the Royal Academy of Arts Permanent Collection, edited by Helen Valentine by Tim Barringer -- The Quest for the Grail: Arthurian Legend in British Art, 1840-1920, by Christine Poulson by Debra N. Mancoff -- Julia Margaret Cameron �s Women, edited by Sylvia Wolf by Alison Devine Nordstr�m -- Turner and the Scientists, by James Hamilton; J. M. W Turner: Romantic Painter of the Industrial Revolution, by William Rodner by Kathleen Nicholson -- The Science of Energy: A Cultural History of Energy Physics in Victorian England, by Crosbie Smith by De Witt Douglas Kilgore -- God�s Funeral, by A. N. Wilson by John W. Bicknell -- Mansex Fine: Religion, Manliness and Imperialism in Nineteenth- Century British Culture, by David Alderson by Ross G. Forman -- Victorian Sexual Dissidence, edited by Richard Dellamora by Andrew Elfenbein -- Crimes of Passion: Sex, Violence and Victorian Working Women, by Shani D�Cruze by Gail Savage -- The Complete Works of Harriet Taylor Mill, edited by Jo Ellen Jacobs by Gail Tulloch -- Dissembling Fictions: Elizabeth Gaskell and the Victorian Social Text, by Deirdre d�Albertis by Tamar Heller -- Professional Domesticity in the Victorian Novel: Women, Work and Home, by Monica F. Cohen by Tim Dolin -- Linen, Family and Community in Tullylish, County Down 1690-1914, by Marilyn Cohen by Albion M. Urdank -- Drawing Conclusions: A Cartoon History of Anglo-Irish Relations, 1798-1998, by Roy Douglas, Liam Harte, and Jim O�Hara by L. Perry Curtis, Jr. -- Women Travellers in Colonial India: The Power of the Female Gaze, by Indira Ghose by Ali Behdad -- Victorian Travelers and the Opening of China, 1842-1907, by Susan Schoenbauer Thurin by Julie English Early -- Journeys in Ireland: Literary Travellers, Rural Landscapes, Cultural Relations, by Martin Ryle by Robert Tracy -- Secure from Rash Assault: Sustaining the Victorian Environment, by James Winter by John Hassan -- The Great Stink of London: SirJoseph Bazalgette and the Cleansing of the Victorian Metropolis, by Stephen Halliday by Dale H. Porter -- Women and the Politics of Schooling in Victorian and Edwardian England, by Jane Martin by Deborah Gorham -- Homes and Homelessness in the Victorian Imagination, edited by Murray Baumgarten and H. M. Daleski by Elaine Hadley -- Jewish Welfare in Hamburg and Manchester, c. 1850-1914, by Rainer Liedtke by Alan Kidd -- Red Flag and Union Jack: Englishness, Patriotism and the British Left, 1881-1924, by Paul Ward by Norbert J. Gossman -- Speaking for the People: Party, Language and Popular Politics in England, 1867-1914, by Jon Lawrence by Gregory Claeys -- British Military Intelligence in the Crimean War, 1854-1856, by Stephen M. Harris by Matthew M. Oyos -- Gladstone: Volume Two, 1865-1898, by Richard Shannon by Bruce L. Kinzer. - No. 4: Writing the Victorian City: Discourses of Risk, Connection, and Inevitability by Tina Young Choi -- �Making the Working Man Like Me�: Charity, Pastorship, and Middle-Class Identity in Nineteenth-Century Britain; Thomas Chalmers and Dr. James Phillips Kay by Lauren M. E. Goodlad -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Liberalism and Empire: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Political Thought and Practice, by Uday Singh Mehta by Michael Bentley -- The Great Exhibition of 1851: A Nation OnDisplay, by Jeffrey A. Auerbach; The Great Exhibition, by John R. Davis by James Buzard -- Protection and Politics: Conservative Economic Discourse, 1815-1852, by Anna Gambles by Philip Harling -- Labour History and the Labour Movement in Britain, by Sidney Pollard; Thomas Burt, Miners� MP, 1837-1922: The Great Conciliator, by Lowell J. Satre by Peter Weiler -- Policing Provincial England 1829-1856: The Politics of Reform, by David Philips and Robert D. Storch; English CriminalJustice in the Nineteenth Century, by David Bentley by Jennifer Davis -- Politicians in the Pulpit: Christian Radicalism in Britain from the Fall of the Bastille to the Disintegration of Chartism, by Eileen Groth Lyon; Search for a New Eden: James Pierrepont Greaves (1777-1842): The Sacred Socialist and His Followers, by J. E. M. Latham by Edward Royle -- Lord John Russell: A Biography, by Paul Scherer by Paul Smith -- Matthew Arnold: The Critical Legacy, by Laurence W. Mazzeno by Christopher Lane -- Place in Literature: Regions, Cultures, Communities, by Roberto M Dainotto by Donald Ulin -- The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy, edited by Dale Kramer by Patricia O�Hara -- Herkomer: A Victorian Artist, by Lee MacCormick Edwards by Leslie Williams -- Ballads, Songs and Snatches: The Appropriation of Folk Song and Popular Culture in British Nineteenth-Century Realist Prose, by C. M. Jackson-Houlston by Valentina Bold -- Dublin Slums, 1800-1925: A Study in Urban Geography, byJacinta Prunty by Richard Dennis -- The Gothic Family Romance: Heterosexuality, Child Sacrifice, and the Anglo-Irish Colonial Order, by Margot Gayle Backus by Vera Kreilkamp -- Ventures into Childland: Victorians, Fairy Tales, and Femininity, by U. C. Knoepflmacher by Jeffrey L. Spear -- In the Shadow of the Dreamchild: A New Understanding of Lewis Carroll by Karoline Leach by Donald Rackin -- The Making of the Alice Books: Lewis Carroll�s Use of Earlier Children�s Literature, by Ronald Reichertz by Donald Gray -- The Politics of Focus: Women, Children and Nineteenth-Century Photography, by Lindsay Smith by Grace Seiberling -- A Man �s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England, by John Tosh by James Eli Adams -- Plotting Women: Gender and Narration in the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Novel, by Alison A. Case by Lynne Vallone -- Women �s Poetry, Late Romantic to Late Victorian: Gender and Genre, 1830-1900, edited by Isobel Armstrong and Virginia Blain; Victorian Women Poets (Dictionary of Literary Biography: Volume 199), edited by William B. Thesing by Linda K. Hughes -- Autobiography: Narrative of Transformation, by Carolyn A. Barros; Traditions of Victorian Women �s Autobiography: The Poetics and Politics of Life Writing, by Linda H. Peterson by Julia Swindells -- Scenes of Sympathy: Identity and Representation in Victorian Fiction, by Audrey Jaffe by Andrew H. Miller -- Reading Alcoholisms: Theorizing Character and Narrative in Selected Novels of Thomas Hardy, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf, by Jane Lilienfeld; George Eliot and Intoxication: Dangerous Drugs and the Condition of England, by Kathleen McCormack by Flavia Alaya -- After Dickens: Reading, Adaptation and Performance, by John Glavin by Ralf Erik Remshardt -- The Victorian Comic Spirit: New Perspectives, edited by Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor by Alan Fischler -- A Dream of Spires: Benjamin Mountfort and the Gothic Revival by Ian Lochhead by Richard A. Sundt -- Regaining Paradise: Englishness and the Early Garden City Movement, by Standish Meacham by Michael T. Saler -- London 1900: The Imperial Metropolis, by Jonathan Schneer by J. O. Baylen -- Oriental Panorama: British Travellers in 19th Century Turkey, by Reinhold Schiffer by Jeffrey A. Auerbach -- Gideon Mantell and the Discovery of Dinosaurs, by Dennis R. Dean by Simon J. Knell -- What a Blessing She Had Chloroform: The Medical and Social Response to the Pain of Childbirth from 1800 to the Present, by Donald Caton by Elizabeth A. Bogdan-Lovis -- A Time to Heal: The Diffusion ofListerism in Victorian Britain. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, by Jerry L. Gaw by Anne Crowther -- Florence Nightingale: Avenging Angel, by Hugh Small; The Friendship of Florence Nightingale and Mary Clare Moore, edited by Mary C. Sullivan; Florence Nightingale: Mystic, Visionary, Healer, by Barbara Montgomery Dossey by JoAnn G. Widerquist -- Golden Cables of Sympathy: The Transatlantic Sources of Nineteenth- Century Feminism, by Margaret H. McFadden by Cecilia Morgan -- Congregational Missions and the Making of an Imperial Culture in Nineteenth-Century England, by Susan Thorne; Good Citizens: British Missionaries and Imperial States, 1780-1918, by James M. Greenlee and Charles M. Johnston by Catherine Hall -- VICTORIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR 1999 by Edward H. Cohen, Editor.