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Libri antichi e moderni

Bacon, Francis

The Works of Francis Bacon [15 Bd.e]. Collected and Edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis and Douglas Denon Heath.

Michigan: Scholar Press, Inc., 1976.,

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Bacon, Francis
Michigan: Scholar Press, Inc., 1976.
Reprint from 1857 - 1874. XXX, 539 / 503 / 502 / 483 / VI, 456 / 450 / 435 / X, 520 / VIII, 479 / VI, 627 / VI, 461 / VII, 454 / VI, 418 / 432 / 449 Seiten / p. Original Leinen kaschiert / Cloth laminated.
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - altersgem�sehr guter Zustand / very good condition for age - (VOL.1) Life of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, by William Rawley, D. D. -- PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS. -- General Preface to the Philosophical Works, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- works published, or designed for publication, as PARTS of THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA -- NOVUM ORGANUM. -- Preface to the Novum Organum, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- Instauratio Magna -- Praefatio -- Distributio Operis -- Pars Secunda Operis, quae dicitur Novum Organum Praefatio Aphorismi de Interpretatione Naturae et Regno Hominis -- Liber Secundus Aphorismorum de Interpretatione Naturae sive de Regno Hominis -- (VOL.2) PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS -- WORKS PUBLISHED, OR DESIGNED FOR PUBLICATION, AS PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA -- PARASCEVE AD HISTORIAM NATURALEM ET EXPERIMENTALEM -- Preface Descriptio Historia: Naturalis et Experimentalis QUALIS SUFFICIAT ET SIT IN ORDINE AD BaSIN ET Fundamenta Philosophia: vera: -- APHORISMI DE CONFICIENDA HiSTORIA PRIMA -- Catalogus Historiarum particularium, secundum CAPITA -- DE AUGMENTIS SCIENTIARUM -- Preface Partitiones Scientiarum, et Argumenta singulorum CAPITUM De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum -- Liber primus -- secundus tertius -- quartus quintus sextus -- Appendix on the Art of writing in Cipher -- (VOL.3) PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS -- CONTINUED -- WORKS PUBLISHED, OR DESIGNED FOR PUBLICATION, AS PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA -- DE AUGMENTIS SCIENTIARUM � continued -- De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum -- Liber septimus octavus nonus -- Novus Orbis Scientiarum, sive Desiderata -- HISTORIA VENTORUM -- Preface to the Historia Ventorum, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- De Historia Naturali et Experimentali Monitum -- Norma Historias prassentis -- Historia Ventorum -- Aditus ad Titulos in proximos Quinque Menses destinatos -- Fragmentum Libri Verulamiani, cui Titulus Abecedarium Naturae -- HISTORIA VITtE ET MORTIS -- Preface to the Historia Vita: et Mortis, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- Historia Vita: et Mortis -- (VOL.4 ) PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS -- CONTINUED -- WORKS PUBLISHED, OR DESIGNED FOR PUBLICATION, PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA -- HISTORIA DENSI ET RARI -- Preface to the Historia Densi et Rari, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- Historia Densi et Rari -- INQUISITIO DE MAGNETE -- TOPICA INQUISITIONIS DE LUCE ET LUMINE -- SYLVA SYLVARUM -- Preface to the Sylva Sylvarum, by Robert Leslie -- Ellis -- Sylva Sylvarum -- Table of the Experiments -- (VOL.5) PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS. -- CONTINUED -- WORKS PUBLISHED, OR DESIGNED FOR PUBLICATION, PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA. -- SYLVA SYLVARUM -- continued -- Sylva Sylvarum -- Table of the Experiments -- SCALA INIELLLCTUS sive Filum Labyrinthi -- PRODROMI sive Anticipationis Philosophle secundae -- WORKS ON SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH THE INSTAURATIO, Bl T NOT MEANT TO BE INCLUDED IN IT -- COGITATIONES DE NATURA REKUM -- Preface to De Fluxu et Refluxe Makis, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- De Fluxu et Refluxu Maris -- Preface to De Principiis atque Originibi s secundum Fabulas Cupidinis et Cceli, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- De Principiis atque Originibus, etc.-- New Atlantis -- Magnalia Nature -- WORKS ORIGINALLY DESIGNED FOR PARTS OF THE IN STAURATIO MAGNA, BUT SUPERSEDED OR ABANDONED -- Cogitationes de Scientia Humana -- (VOL.6) PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS -- WORKS ORIGINALLY DESIGNED FOR PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA, BUT SUPERSEDED OR ABANDONED -- PAGK -- Preface to Valerius Terminus, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- Valerius Terminus -- Advancement of Learning, Book I. -- Book II. -- Filum Labyrinthi -- De Interpretatione Natura: Procemium -- (VOL.7) PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS -- WORKS ORIGINALLY DESIGNED FOR PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA, BUT SUPERSEDED OR ABANDONED -- Temporis Partus Masculus -- Partis Instaurationis Secundas Delineatio et Argumentum -- Redargutio Philosophiarum -- Cogitata et Visa de Interpretatione Najura: Inquisitio Legitima de Motu -- Calor et Frigus -- Historia Soni et Auditus -- Phaenomena Universi -- Preface to Descriptio Globi Intellectualis, by Robert Leslie Ellis -- Descriptio Globi Intellectualis -- Thema Cieli -- De Interpretatione Naturas Sententias XII. -- Aphorismi et Consilia -- Physiologicae and Medical Remains -- (VOL.8) TRANSLATIONS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS -- WORKS PUBLISHED, OR DESIGNED FOR PUBLICATION, AS PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA -- THE GREAT INSTAURATION -- Pro�mium -- Epistle Dedicatory -- Preface -- Plan of the Work -- THE NEW ORGANON. -- Preface -- Aphorisms concerning the Interpretation of Nature and the Kingdom of Man. -- Book I. -- Book II. -- PREPARATIVE TOWARDS A NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HISTORY -- Catalogue of Particular Histories -- OF THE DIGNITY AND ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING. BOOKS II.-III. -- Arguments or the several Chapters -- Book II -- Book III -- (VOL.9) TRANSLATIONS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS -- CONTINUED -- WORKS PUBLISHED, OR DESIGNED FOR PUBLICATION, AS PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA. -- OF THE DIGNITY AND ADVANCEMENT OF LEARNING. BOOKS IV. - IX. -- Book IV. -- Book V. -- Book VI. -- Book VII. -- Book VIII. -- Book IX. -- NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HISTORY -- History of the Winds -- Preface to History of Heavy and Light -- Sympathy and Antipathy -- Sulphur, Mercury, and Salt -- Fragment of Abecedarium Nature -- (VOL.10) TRANSLATIONS OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS -- CONTINUED -- WORKS PUBLISHED, OR DESIGNED FOK PUBLICATION, AS PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA. -- NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HISTORY continued -- History of Life and Death -- History of Dense and Rare -- Inquiry respecting the Magnet -- Topics of Inquiry respecting Light and Luminous Matter -- WORKS CONNECTED WITH THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA, BUT NOT MEANT TO BE INCLUDED IN IT -- Thoughts on the Nature of Things -- On the Ebb and Flow of the Sea -- On Principles and Origins, according to the Fables of Cupid and Ccelum -- WORKS ORIGINALLY DESIGNED FOR PARTS OF THE INSTAURATIO MAGNA, BUT SUPERSEDED OR ABANDONED -- Description of the Intellectual Globe -- Theory of the Heaven -- (VOL.11) LITERARY WORKS -- History of the Reign of King Henry VII. Appendix -- Great Councils -- Perkin Warbeck�s Proclamation -- Character of Henry VII. from the Latin Translation The Beginning of the History of the Reign of King Henry VIII. The Beginning of the History of Great Britain In Felicem Memoriam Elizabethae, Angllae Reginae -- The same translated into English -- (VOL.12) LITERARY WORES continued -- In Henricum Principem Wallle Elogium -- The same translated into English -- Imago Civilis Julii Cassaris -- The same translated into English -- Imago Civilis Augusti Cjesaris -- The same translated into English -- Additions and Corrections inserted by Bacon in a Manuscript Copy of Camden�s Annales -- Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral -- Preface -- Of Truth -- Of Death -- Of Unity in Religion -- Of Revenge -- Of Adversity -- Of Simulation and Dissimulation -- Of Parents and Children -- Of Marriage and Single Life -- Of Envy -- Of Love -- Of Great Place -- Of Boldness -- Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral (continued) Of Goodness and Goodness of Nature -- Of Nobility -- Of Seditions and Troubles -- Of Atheism -- Of Superstition -- Of Travel -- Of Empire -- Of Counsel -- Of Delays -- Of Cunning -- Of Wisdom for a Man�s self -- Of Innovations -- Of Dispatch -- Of Seeming Wise -- Of Friendship -- Of Expense -- Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates -- Of Regiment of Health -- Of Suspicion -- Of Discourse -- Of Plantations -- Of Riches -- Of Prophecies -- Of Ambition -- Of Masques and Triumphs -- Of Nature in Men -- Of Custom and Education -- Of Fortune -- Of Usury -- Of Youth and Age -- Of Beauty -- Of Deformity -- Of Building -- Of Gardens -- Of Negociating -- Of Followers and Friends -- Of Suitors -- Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral (continued) Of Studies -- Of Faction -- Of Ceremonies and Respects -- Of Praise -- Of Vain-Glory -- Of Honour and Reputation -- Of Judicature -- Of Anger -- Of Vicissitude of Things -- Appendix to the Essays: -- Fragment of an Essay on Fame -- Early Editions of the Essays : Edition of 1597 -- Manuscript Collection -- Edition of 1612 -- Essays attributed to Bacon without authority -- De Sapientia Veterum -- Preface -- Cassandra, sive Parrhesia -- Typhon, sive Rebellis -- Cyclopes, sive Ministri Terroris -- Narcissus, sive Philautia -- Styx, sive Foedera -- Pan, sive Natura -- Perseus, sive Bellum -- Endymion, sive Gratiosus -- (VOL.13) LITERARY W ORKS continued -- De Sapientia Veterum � (continued) -- Soror Gigantum, sive Fama -- Actaeon et Pentheus, sive Curiosus -- Orpheus, sive Philosophia -- Ccelum, sive Origines -- Proteus, sive Materia -- Memnon, sive Praematurus -- Tithonus, sive Satias -- Procus Junonis, sive Dedecus -- Cupido, sive Atomus -- Diomedes, sive Zelus -- Daedalus, sive Mechanicus -- Erichthonius, sive Impostura -- Deucalion, sive Restitutio -- Nemesis, sive Vices Rerum -- Achelous, sive Praelium -- Dionysus, sive Cupiditas -- Atalanta, sive Lucrum -- Prometheus, sive Status Hominis -- Icarus Volans, item Scylla et Charybdis, sive Via Media Sphinx, sive Scientia -- Proserpina, sive Spiritus -- Metis, sive Consilium -- Sirenes, sive Voluptas -- The same translated into English -- Advertisement touching a Holy War -- Of the true Greatness of Britain -- Colours of Good and Evil -- Letter and Discourse to Sir Henry Savill, touching Helps for the Intellectual Powers -- Short Notes for Civil Conversation -- Apophthegms -- Editor�s Preface -- Apophthegms new and old, as originally published in 1625 -- Apophthegms from the Resuscitatio, Ed. 1661 -- Apophthegms published by Tenison in the BaCONIANA -- Some additional Apophthegms selected from a Common-place Book of Dr. Rawley�s -- Spurious Apophthegms -- (VOL.14) LITERARY WORKS continued -- Promus of Formularies and Elegancies -- Religious Writings -- Confession of Faith -- Meditationes Sacrae -- The same translated into English -- Prayers -- Translation of certain Psalms into English Verse -- Appendix to the Religious Writings -- Christian -- Paradoxes -- PROFESSIONAL WORKS -- General Preface to the Professional Works -- Maxims of the Law -- Reading on the Statute of Uses -- Use of the Law -- (VOL.15) - PROFESSIONAL WORKS continued -- Discourse upon the Commission of Bridewell -- Arguments of Law -- Case of Impeachment of Waste -- Lowe�s Case of Tenures -- Case of Revocation of Uses -- Jurisdiction of the Council of the Marches Chudleigh�s Case -- Case of the Post-Nati of Scotland -- Case De non procedendo Rege inconsulto -- Preparation for the Union of Laws -- Answers to Questions touching the Office of Constables -- Ordinances in Chancery.