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Libri antichi e moderni

Cummings, Brian

The Literary Culture of the Reformation: Grammar and Grace.

Oxford University Press, 2007.,

40,00 €

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(Berlin, Germania)

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Cummings, Brian
Oxford University Press, 2007.
XVII, 470 p.: Ill. Paperback.
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Prima edizione


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - minimale Randl�ren, sonst sehr gut / minimal edge wear, otherwise very good. - Content: The Literary Culture of the Reformation examines the place of literature in the Reformation, considering both how arguments about biblical meaning and literary interpretation influenced the new theology, and how developments in theology in turn influenced literary practices. Part One focuses on Northern Europe, reconsidering the relationship between Renaissance humanism (especially Erasmus) and religious ideas (especially Luther). Parts 'Iwo and Three examine Tudor and early Stuart England. Part Two describes the rise of vernacular theology and protestant culture in relation to fundamental changes in the understanding of the English language. Part Three studies English religious poetry (including Donne, Herbert, and in an Epilogue, Milton) in the wake of these changes. Bringing together genres and styles of writing which are normally kept apart (poems, sermons, treatises, commentaries) Brian Cummings offers a major re-evaluation of the literary production of this intensely verbal and controversial period. / Contents NOTE FOR THE READER LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ABBREVIATIONS Prologue 1 THE REFORMATION AND LITERARY CULTURE I Grammatical Culture: Medieval to Renaissance II Words and Things: Montaigne on Language III The Textuality of the Ninety-Five Theses IV Letter and Spirit: Luther�s 1520 Pamphlets and More�s Responsio V The Gift of Language Part One Humanism and Theology in Northern Europe 1512-1527 2 THE REFORMATION OF THE READER I Narratives of Conversion II Luther the Reader III From Luther to Augustine IV Grammatica Theologica: Lectures on Psalms and Romans V Justifying God 3 NEW GRAMMAR AND NEW THEOLOGY I Erasmus�s Novum Instrumentum and the New Grammar II Erasmus and the Schools III Scholastic Luther or Humanist Luther? IV Humanism and the Modi Significandi V Speech Acts: Solecisms and Felicities 4 ERASMUS CONTRA LUTHER I The Politics of Interpretation II The Proof-Text: Erasmus and Luther on Ecclesiasticus 15 III Imperative versus Indicative IV The Theologian and the Grammarian V The Potter and the Clay Part Two The English Language and the English Reformations 1521-1603 5 VERNACULAR THEOLOGY I Different Tongues: More versus Tyndale II The Fall of Language III Englishing Grammar IV Theology Wars: The Reign of Henry VIII V Wyatt�s Writing Lesson: The Penitentiall Psalms 6 PROTESTANT CULTURE I Cultural Reformation: Bucer in England II Calvin�s Commentaries III The Logic of Calvinism IV Original Defection: Sidney�s Defence of Poesie V Literature Anti-Literature Part Three Literature and the English Reformations 1580-1640 7 CALVINIST AND ANTI-CALVINIST I English Calvinist Culture II Predestination and Certainty: The Lambeth Articles Ill Fulke Greville�s Beliefs: The Confidence of the Flesh IV Purloined Letters: Andrewes, Hooker, Herbert, and Anti-Calvinism V Herbert�s The Temple: Grace and the Gift 8 RECUSANT POETRY I Robert Southwell�s Tears II Repentance and Justification at the Council of Trent III Confessional Poetry IV Conditions of Grace: Saint Peters Complaint 9 GOD�S GRAMMAR I Donne�s Conversions II Campion�s Brag and Campion�s Bloody Reasons III The Noise of the Holy Sonnets IV Donne�s Dangerous Question V Shall Be, That Is, May Be Epilogue 10 REVOLUTIONARY ENGLISH I The Necessary Fall II Milton�s English III Language and Error BIBLIOGRAPHY Primary Sources Secondary Sources INDEX. ISBN 9780199226337