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Libri antichi e moderni

Aers, David And Valeria Finucci (Eds.)

The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Vol. 44 2014 [3 Bd.e].

Duke University Press., 2014.,

39,00 €

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(Berlin, Germania)

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Metodi di Pagamento


Aers, David And Valeria Finucci (Eds.)
Duke University Press., 2014.
673 Seiten / p., Abb. Originalbroschur / Paperback.
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Leicht berieben und besto�n, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand / Slightly rubbed and scuffed, otherwise perfect condition -- Akbari, Suzanne Conklin -- Embodying the Historical Moment: Tombs and Idols in the Histoire -- ancienne jusqu a C�r -- Campbell, Mary Baine -- Gender, Colonialism, and the Queerness of Dreams: Seventeenth-Century -- Dreamwork -- Cornett, Michael -- New Books across the Disciplines 215-236, 429-451, -- Gaukroger, Stephen -- The Early Modern Idea of Scientific Doctrine and Its Early Christian -- Origins -- Gayk, Shannon, and Robyn Malo -- The Sacred Object -- Gibson, Gail McMurray -- Manuscript as Sacred Object: Robert Hegge�s N-Town Plays -- Harris, Anne F. -- Water and Wood: Ecomateriality and Sacred Objects at the Chapel of Saint-Fiacre, Le Faouet (Brittany) -- Harrison, Peter -- Sentiments of Devotion and Experimental Philosophy in Seventeenth- -- Century England -- Herring, Adam -- Caught Looking: Under the Gaze of Inca Atawallpa, 15 November -- 1532 -- Hillman, Jennifer -- Putting Faith to the Test: Anne de Gonzague and the Incombustible -- Relic -- Hutterer, Maile -- When Old Meets New: Classicizing Columns in Northern French Flying Buttresses -- Justice, Steven -- �Shameless�: Augustine, After Augustine, and Way After Augustine -- Kumler, Aden -- Imitatio Rerum-. Sacred Objects in the St. Giles�s Hospital -- Processional -- Lerner, Ross B. -- Donne�s Annihilation -- Malo, Robyn -- Intimate Devotion: Recusant Martyrs and the Making of Relics in Post-Reformation England -- Marno, David -- Easy Attention: Ignatius of Loyola and Robert Boyle -- Phillippy, Patricia -- Sidney Montagu and the Sacramental Sign: Memorial and Sacred Objects in Post-Reformation England -- Phillips, Joshua -- Labors Lost: The Work of Devotion in Tudor Literature -- Picciotto, Joanna -- Devotion and Intellectual Labor -- Shuger, Debora -- Laudian Feminism and the Household Republic of Little Gidding -- Sokolov, Danila -- Ane Detectioun of Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots, and the Languages of Royal Imprisonment in Medieval and Early Modern England and Scotland -- Tylus, Jane -- Geographies of Charity* VTomen and the Vita mista in Renaissance -- Italy -- Walsham, Alexandra -- Migrations of the Holy: Explaining Religious Change in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.