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Libri antichi e moderni

Diringer, David

The Illuminated Book : its history and production.

London: Faber and Faber., 1967.,

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Diringer, David
London: Faber and Faber., 1967.
New edition, revised and augmented. 514 S. / p., Abb. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag / Cloth with dustjacket.
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Altersgem�sehr guter Zustand / very good condition for age - CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION -- INTRODUCTION -- Illumination: Medieval illuminators ( or 'miniators' ) . What is book- illumination? Book-illustration and book-illumination. Elements which influenced book-illumination. Book-painting compared with panel-painting. -- ANCIENT METHODS OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION -- Egypt: Book of the Dead. Alexandria. Greek book illustration influenced by the Egyptian -- Graeco'Roman book illustration: Development of Graeco-Roman book illustration. Earliest preserved Greek illustrated MSS : Ambrosian Iliad; miscellanea. Roman art of book illustration. Earliest Latin illuminated codices extant: Virgil. -- Medieval codices of Classical books: Latin literature: Terence; miscellaneous literary texts : Prudentius. -- Biblical MSS. based on Classical models : Joshua roll ; Octateuch. -- Graeco-Roman scientific texts: Vienna Dioscorides or Diosc. Vindob. ; medical and natural sciences. Geography-surveying- astronomy-engineering: ancient cartography; geography; Tabula Peutingeriana ( Peutinger Table ) ; Hereford Mappa Mundi; Cosmas Indicopleustes ; surveying ; astronomy ; engineering. -- Miscellanea: Boethius; warfare; Chronographer; portraits and birth-places of ancient authors. -- Conclusion. Persistence of Roman style. -- Bibliography. -- The Problem of Early Hebrew book illustration: Jewish attitude to representational art. Frescoes at Dura Europos. Dura frescoes in relation to book-illumination. Chrysography. Book illustration. -- Bibliography. -- EARLY WEST-CHRISTIAN-BYZANTINE AND ALLIED ILLUMINATION -- Early West'Christian art of painting: early Christian paintings and mosaics. Itala fragment. S. Augustine Gospels. Ashburnham Pentateuch. Miscellanea. Byzantine influences. -- -- Byzantine illumination : Byzantine art. Centres and chronological subdivisions of Byzantine art. Main sources of Byzantine art, especially illumination : Hellenistic art ; 'Oriental', Semitic or Syrian art ; monumental and liturgical elements; new artistic influences; Christianity completed the movement. Origin of the Persian trend. Historical importance of Byzantine art. Chrysography ; gold grounds ; ultramarine. -- Development of Byzantine illumination : formative period ( fourth- fifth centuries A.D. ) . Earliest manuscripts : Cotton Genesis ; Vienna Genesis; codex Rossanensis; Sinope MS. or codex Sinopensis; Rabbula codex; Etchmiadzin Gospels; miscellanea. Decadence of Byzantine art ; influence upon the West. Cassiodorus. Second Golden Age : neo-Classical style ; headpieces ; initials. Bibles. Psalters : 'aristocratic' or 'aulic' Psalters; 'monastic' Psalters. Other Old Testament books. Gospel-books : portraits of Evangelists ; symbols of Evangelists ; accessories ; Eusebian Canons ; additional miniatures ; later Byzantine Gospels. Homilies and menologia ; lectionaries of the Gospels. Miscellanea. Exultet ; portraits of authors and patrons ; Melissenda Psalter. Secular subjects -- End of Byzantine illumination : fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Mount Athos. Influence on Italian painting -- Byzantine illumination in the Balkans and in Russia: Russia; Bulgaria and Serbia ; Roumania. Illuminated manuscripts -- Syriac illumination : Syrian art ; illumination : dependence on Byzan-tine art and local influences; Rabb�l�ospels; part played in the formation of Byzantine illumination; Nestorian and Jacobite illumination. Christian-Arabic illumination -- Armenian illumination: illuminated codices; classification; Cilician schools of illumination ; Greater Armenia ; decadence ; influence upon -- Byzantine illumination -- Coptic illumination -- Bibliography -- ISLAMIC, HEBREW, AND MOZARABIC ILLUMINATION Islamic illumination: beginnings. Egyptian-Arabic illumination: early -- illuminated copies of the Koran; early decorations; Coptic and Persian influences ; chrysography ; sketches and decoration-patterns in secular manuscripts; colours. Moslem representational art. Second period of Moslem illumination ; Chinese influences. -- Persian-Arabic illumination : earliest preserved illuminated Persian- Arabic MSS. ; Andarz Name ; twelfth and thirteenth centuries ; post- Mongol-conquest Persian illumination. Golden Age of Persian illumination : Bihz�; decline of Persian illumination. -- Indian illumination : Akbar ; decadence of Indian illumination. -- Illumination in Turkey: Court book-illuminators. -- Hebrew illumination: preserved Hebrew illuminated MSS.; classification; secular works. Eastern manuscripts ; Western MSS. Hebrew -- Bibles: Non-representational illuminated Bibles; Hebrew Bibles containing representations of ritual objects. Hebrew Psalters and Prayer-books. Hagg�th. Keth�b� Hebrew illuminators; Hebrew masterpieces -- Spain: Mozarabic illumination: Cordova; Moslem rule in Spain. Spanish culture; Mozarabe and Mud�r. Illumination of MSS; Mozarabic manuscripts; Bibles; Beatus; mysticism of Mozarabic illuminanation ; miscellanea. Toledo school of translators -- Portguese illumination -- Bibliography -- HIBERO-SAXON, CAROLINGIAN, AND OTTONIAN ILLUMINATION -- Hiberno-Saxon style: Origins of Hiberno-Saxon style. Main characeristics of Hiberno-Saxon or Anglo-Celtic illumination. Classi- - radon of Hiberno-Saxon features of illumination. Book of Durrow ; Codex Amiatinus; Lindisfarne Gospels; Book of Kells; other Hiberno-Saxon MSS. -- Canterbury School: Canterbury Psalter; Canterbury Gospels. -- Mercian school. Period of decadence. Tenth-century renaissance. -- Winchester style: origins of Winchester style; masterpieces of Winchester school: Benedictional of S. Aethelwold; related works; other works; general characteristics of Winchester style; influence of Utrecht Psalter ; Prudentius -- Anglo-Saxon chrysography. -- Carolingian illumination: origins of Carolingian illumination; .Merovingian illumination; foreign influences. Main classification of Carolingian schools; masterpieces of Carolingian illumination: Rhine school ; schola Palatina ; scriptorium of Rheims ; scriptorium of Tours; scriptorium of Metz; Franco-Saxon school; Corbie school; minor schools and codices of uncertain provenance ; Cologne scripto" rium ; scriptorium of Fulda ; St. Gall school ; Italian Carolingian schools ; Catalan schools. Chrysography. Decadence of art -- Germany: Ottoman illumination: Ottoman renaissance; illustrious women. Earliest preserved illuminated manuscripts ; eleventh century ; twelfth century ; symbolism and allegory ; huge Bibles. Main centres of illumination : Reichenau productions ; Ratisbon productions ; Saxony and mixed style; Salzburg; other centres: Hildesheim; Mainz; Helmarshausen; Cologne; Echternach; Tr�s; Bamberg; Switzerland. Manuscripts of uncertain provenance. Frutolf and Ekkehard. Byzantine influence -- Decadence of German illumination. Thirteenth century: Weingarten. Bavaria ; miscellanea ; fourteenth century. Illuminated vernacular MSS. Fifteenth century; sixteenth century: Glockendon -- Prague, or Bohemian, school of illumination : Charles IV ; main works ; Golden Bull ; other works ; Arnestus of Pardubitz, Gerhard Groot and the Brethren of the Pen. Bohemia : bibliography. -- Poland -- Scandinavia and Iceland -- Bibliography -- THE GOLDEN AGE OF ILLUMINATION -- ENGLAND -- Twelfth century-Romanesque or Norman period: schools of illumination : St. Albans ; Bury St. Edmunds ; Winchester ; Canterbury ; Peterborough ; Hereford ; Croyland ; Durham : Bishop Hugh Puiset. Psalters. -- Gothic period: Tenison Psalter; characteristics of Gothic illumination : Psalters ; Bibles. Miscellanea : Books of Hours ; bestiaries. Illustrations of the Apocalypse. English main centre and leading illuminators : St. Albans-Matthew Paris. W. de Brailes. -- Last great period of English illumination : Psalters : Queen Mary's Psalter. Apocalypse MSS. ; miscellanea. -- East Anglian school of illumination : East Anglian masterpieces : Arundel 83 ; Apocalypse; Psalters: Douai Psalter; Gorleston Psalter; Ormesby Psalter; Saint-Omer Psalter; Bromholm Psalter; Du Bois Psalter and Horae ; Luttrell Psalter. -- Decadence of the East Anglian school and of English illumination. Short renaissance-German influence; John Siferwas and his school. -- Fifteenth century; last flicker; Herman and his atelier: Bedford Hours and Psalter. Last stage of English illumination : Chaundler's manuscripts ; Missal of Abingdon Abbey ; miscellanea. -- Bibliography. -- ITALY -- Before A.D. 1000: North Italy; Central Italy; South Italy; Carolingian style. -- Eleventh and twelfth centuries-Romanesque style: Montecassino school ; Central Italy ( apart from Montecassino ) ; North Italy ; South Italy; Exultet. Twelfth century: Atlantic Bibles; Byzantine style; Central Italy: Rome; Tuscany; North Italy. Thirteenth century: Italian Gothic style ; Italo-Byzantine style : thirteenth-century school at Padua? Conventional border ornament; Bologna productions -- Tuscan schools ( thirteenth and fourteenth centuries ) : Florence; -- Siena: Pisa and Lucca. South Italy: De arte venandi; Campania. -- Illuminators. Fourteenth century. Gigantic choir-books; law-books -- and miscellanea ; naturalistic borders ; Byzantine influence. -- Bologna school: illuminators: Niccol� Bologna; Pseudo-Niccol�- Bolognese unidentified master. Other schools : Neri da Rimini, Cybo the monk of Hy�s. Umbria, Rome, and South Italy -- Renaussance: main characteristics of renaissance illumination: -- Florence: earliest schools ; Medici ; 'botteghe' ; great masters of illumination; Attavante ; text-books. -- Other centres: Siena: Biccherna Tablets. Ferrara: masters of illumination ; Borso Bible ; other Ferrarese masterpieces and their illuminators. Other schools of Emilia region : Marmitta. Romagna. Milan and Lombardy : illuminators and miscellanea works -- Belbello da Pavia. 'Master of Vitae imperatorum' . Milanus Burrus. Cremona, Verona, and miscellanea from North Italy. Lombard humanists and their libraries. Venetian Region: Padua; Venice-the Ducali ; other illumination. Piedmont and Liguria. The Marches and Umbria. -- Rome. Naples : King Ferdinand ; other Neapolitan bibliophiles and patrons of art; title-pages; other Neapolitan productions. Sicily, Sixteenth century - end of Italian illumination : Clovio and Apollonio -- Hungary -- Bibliography. -- FRANCE-BURGUNDY-THE NETHERLANDS-FLANDERS -- France: c. 1000-1150-Norman or Romanesque style: Romanesque midal-Odbert; Abbey-scriptoria and their productions; ornamented mers; Bibles and miscellanea; tonaria; Cistercian illumination. Decline of the scriptoria. -- Thirteenth and fourteenth centuries : Gothic style : re-emergence of France; secular illuminators and secular manuscripts; literature of ihivalry ; religious works produced by lay artists ; Psalters ; Hours and Breviaries ; Pontificals ; Gospels ; Missals ; Bibles ; miscellanea. MSS. healing with natural history. -- Paris school of illumination ; other schools of illumination. Popular picture-books for religious instruction. Late thirteenth- and fourteenth- century masters of illumination: Honor�nd Richard de Verdun; Jean Pucelle and his school; painting in grisaille; Andr�eauneveu and Jacquemart de Hesdin ( or Houdain ) . -- France the leading centre in illumination ( fifteenth century ) : Charles V and John Duke of Berry ; Books of Hours ( also known as Hours or Horae ) ; other devotional books; secular manuscripts. The great -- masters of the fifteenth century : the Limbourg brothers ; Jean Foucquet, ma�e Fran�s, and their schools ; Bourdichon. End of French illumination. -- Burgundian Golden Age of art and culture: Romanesque period. Burgundian illumination: Philip the Bold; John the Fearless and Philip the Good ; Charles the Bold. Burgundian masters of illumination : Willem Vrelandt ; Tavernier ; Lyoset Li�t ( or Ly�t ) ; unidentified masters and Jehan Dreux ; Alexander Bening ; Philippe de Mazerolles ; the 'Master of Mary of Burgundy' ; the school of the 'Master of Mary of Burgundy'. -- The Netherlands-Flemish illumination: its beginnings; eleventh and twelfth centuries ; Stavelot ; S. Marie de Parco ; Floreffe. Thirteenth- century transition to artistic excellence : Maestricht school of illumination ; other Flemish productions. Fourteenth century. Fifteenth century : specialization in Flemish book-painting ; masterpieces ; Flemish ateliers working for export; other Franco-Flemish schools; Simon Marmion ; North Flemish schools. -- Fifteenth-century Dutch illumination: school of Utrecht; school of Delft. Influence of the great Flemish masters. Last and most attractive phase of Flemish illumination ( second half of the fifteenth century ) : devotional books with naturalistic borders ; Isabella Book. Sixteenth century : Gerard Hore( n ) bout ; Grimani Breviary ; Flemish miniatures of Sforza Horae ; Hennessy Horae, the 'Golf' Book, Dixmude Missal, and Simon Bening ; Bruges ; secular manuscripts. -- Bibliography -- GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY -- INDEX -- INDEX HISTORICUS -- ILLUSTRATIONS -- Italian Naturalistic MS. ( B.M. Add. MS. 28841 ) -- Initial c in Catho's Life, from the sumptuous fifteenth-century B.M. Add. MS. 22318 ( attributed by Charles Mitchell to a Lombard Renaissance bottega, which had affinities with Belbello da Pavia and the 'Master of Vitae Imperatorum" ) -- Detached leaf from a large Gospel'book ( now lost ) from Liessies. It was written by a scribe John, who wrote also an Anchin MS. ( destroyed during the First World War ) . C. R. Dodwell ascribes the Liessies Gospels ( of which two detached leaves are preserved, in the possession of the Soci� Arch�. of Avesnes ) to the artist of the Lambeth Bible ( see p. 257 ) , but suggests that the Liessies MS. was produced at the Abbey of Liessies about 1146 -- Honor�), La Somme le Roy, fol. 107. Above, personifications of the Virtue of Friendship and the Vice of Hatred; below, David and Jonathan ( =friendship ) and Saul threatening David's life ( = hatred ) . -- -- MS. Douce 219 ( Bodleian Library, Oxford ), fol. 36v-37r : S. Anthony in the Desert -- CHAPTER I -- Egyptian book-illustration -- Greek book-illustration, based on Egyptian models Greek sagas and myths in Greek and Etruscan art Illustrated Greek papyri -- Greek book-illustration and illumination -- Latin book-illustration -- Book-illumination based on Classical models -- Early Jewish art of painting -- CHAPTER II -- Early West-Christian art -- Early Christian illumination -- Early Byzantine illumination -- Byzantine illumination of the Second Golden Age Late Byzantine illumination -- Slavonic illumination -- Syriac illumination -- Armenian illumination -- Coptic illumination.