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Libri antichi e moderni

Seino, Matthew A.

The History of Cameroon for the G.C.E. Examinations.

Mankon-Bamenda: New Africa Press, w.y.,

125,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Germania)

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Seino, Matthew A.
Mankon-Bamenda: New Africa Press, w.y.
VII, 301 p. Softcover.
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Exemplar aus der Arbeitsbibliothek von Dr. Hans-Joachim Kolo� dem Kurator der Afrika-Sammlung des Berliner V�lkerkundemuseums. / From the library of Dr. Hans-Joachim Kolo� curator of the African collection of the Berlin Ethnological Museum. - Einband angeschmutzt und angebr�t, leichte Randl�ren, Stempel auf Buchdeckel, Buchschnitt angeschmutzt, einige Seiten weisen leichte Knicke auf / binding soiled and browned, light edge wear, stamp on cover, book edges soiled, some pages have light creases. - CONTENTS MAP OF CAMEROON PREFACE LIST OF FIGURES INTRODUCTION 1. THE PRE-HISTORY OF CAMEROON I The Earlyman in Africa II The Earlyman in Cameroon III Cameroon and the Ancient World IV The Sao 2. THE KANEM BORNU EMPIRE I The Rise and growth of the Empire II Factors that led to the growth of the Empire III The Decline of the Kanem-Bornu Empire 3. THE ADVENT OF EUROPEAN EXPLORERS AND TRADERS I The Portuguese II The Dutch III Other European traders IV The Nineteenth Century Explorers (a) Major Denham 1822 - 1825 (b) Dr. Barth 1850 - 1855 4- THE SLAVE TRADE I Slavery and slave Trading were world-wide II Causes of Slavery and Slave Trade III The Slave in Cameroon IV The Trans-Saharan Trade V The Atlantic Slave Trade VI Arrival at West Indies VII The Suppression of Slave Trade VIII The Effects of Slave Trade 5. INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY INTO CAMEROON I The Origin of the Cameroon English Baptist Mission II The Exploratory Party III The Fernando Po Mission IV The Victoria Mission V The Baptist Mission Civilization work VI Problems confronting the Missionaries 6. THE GROWTH OF BRITISH IMPERIALISM ON THE CAMEROON COAST I The Development of legitimate trade II Problems confronting the development of legitimate trade III The Rise of consular rule 7. THE ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONS OF THE 19TH CENTURY WESTERN SUDAN I Introduction II Causes of the Revolutions III The Early Risings IV The Great Jihads of the 19th century Western Sudan (a) The Sokoto Jihad (b) The Masina Jihad (c) The Jihad of Al-Haji 'Umar 8. THE PEOPLE OF CAMEROON I The Bantu peoples II The Semi-Bantu peoples (a) The Widikum (b) The Tikar (c) The Bamileke (d) The. Bamum (e) The Nso (Nsaw) (f) The Chamba group III The Kirdi IV The Fulani V The Pygmies 9. LIFE IN CAMEROON IN 19th CENTURY BEFORE COLONISATION I Political and Socia.1 Organisation II Cultural Development (a) Beliefs and superstitions (b) The development in Science III Economic Development of Bamenda Grassfields (a) The Agricultural Development (b) The Development of Arts and crafts (c) The Development of trade IV The Rise and Fall of Rabeh 10. THE ANNEXATION OF CAMEROON I The scramble and partition of West Africa II Background to the annexation of Cameroon III The Annexation treaties IV The Berlin West Africa Conference V The Anglo-German Rivalry in West Africa (a) The scalable for treaties 1884 (b) British reaction to German annexation (c) The Nigera-Cameroon Border 1884-1893 11. THE GERMANS IN KAMERUN I The introduction to German Administration (a) The German Protectorate 1884-5 (b) German Explorations (i) Early Explorations 1884-1886 (ii) Later Explorations 1888-1905 (c) The Establishment of German Administration (d) Problems that confronted the Germans II German Administration (a) The Role of German Governors (b) Sources of Government Revenue (c) The Administration of Justice (d) The Development of Education (e) The Economic Development III Native Resistance to Effective German Occupation 12. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS IN GERMAN CAMEROON I Christian Missionary Work in Southern Cameroon (a) The Basel Mission (b) The German Baptist Mission (c) The American Presbyterian Mission (d) The German Catholic Mission II Christian Missionary Work in Northern Cameroon 13. THE FIRST WORLD WAR AND ITS EFFECTS I The Origin of the War II The War in Cameroon III The Interregnum 1916 - 1919 IV The Leaque of Nations V The Mandate System VI The Leaque of Nations' supervision 14. CAMEROON UNDER FRENCH MANDATE I Trends in French colonial Policy II French Administration (a) The administrative set up (b) The indigenat (c) Forced Labour (d) The improvement in Health Services 15. CAMEROON UNDER BRITISH MINDATE I The Development of British Administration (a) The Administrative set up (b) Indirect rule II Other Developments (a) Economic and Educational developments (b)' Political development III German�s desire to regain Cameroon (a) The return of the Germans to Cameroon (b) The international campaign 16. THE SECOND WORLD WAR AND ITS ETTECTS I The War in Europe II African Participation in World War II III The War - time Conferences IV The Trusteeship system (a) Terms of Agreement (b) The set up of the Trusteeship Council (c) The Nature of UN supervision 17. THE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT I African Nationalism II Factors in the growth of Cameroon Nationalism III The Nationalist Ideology IV The Nationalist activities (a) French Cameroun (b) British Cameroon V The Official response 18. EVENTS LEADING TO FRENCH CAMEROUN INDEPENDENCE I The Brazzaville Conference II The Era of representative government 19. EVENTS LEADING TO BRITISH CAMEROON INDEPENDENCE I The Richard�s constitution II The Macpherson constitution III The Lyttelton constitutional Conference IV The Lagos Constitutional Conference V The Southern Cameroons constitution (a) The Lancaster House recommendations 1957 (b) Southern Cameroons Politics After the 1957 Lancaster Conference (c) The Lancaster House Resolutions 1958 (d) Southern Cameroons Politics in 1959 VI The Plebiscites of 1961 20. THE CAMEROON FEDERATION I Drafting the Federal constitution (a) The Bamenda-KNDP convention (b) The Fumban constitutional conference (c) The Yaunde constitutional conference II The Federal constitution III Politics of the Federal Republic (a) West Cameroon Political scene 1961 - 1966 (b) Events in East Cameroon 1961 - 1966 (i) The fight against terrorism (ii) East Cameroon political scone IV The National Party V Economic development of the Federation VI Development in Education VII Appraisal of the Work of the Federation BIBLIOGRAPHY.
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