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Libri antichi e moderni


THE COMPLETE ANGLER, or The Contemplative Man's Recreation Being a Discourse of Rivers Fish-Ponds Fish and Fishing Written By Isaac Walton And Instructions How To Angle For A Trout Or Grayling In A Clear Stream, By Charles Cotton. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas

William Pickering, 1836

3575,00 €

Buddenbrooks Inc.

(Newburyport, Stati Uniti d'America)

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William Pickering


2 volumes. The First Nicolas Edition. With fine engravings throughout, including portrait frontispieces, music, headpieces, full-page plates, and many other illustrations from both the original edition and other fine editions published. 8vo, beautifully bound in full black crushed morocco gilt, the spines with fine tooling in gilt on raised bands, lettered in gilt in two compartments, the covers with elaborate gilt rolled borders, gilt edges and gilt turnovers, marbled edges to the text-blocks and fine patterned end-leaves [16], ccxii, [2],[130]; [6], [131] - 436, [32 Index] pp. A very handsome and bright set, the bindings in excellent condition, internally quite fresh and clean, with some occasional edge mellowing caused by the marbling.

Edizione: the first nicolas edition in fine contemporary bindings. scarce and important. not only is the complete angler a great sporting book, but as well, one of the most treasured works in the english language. this important edition has made a ‘pleasant recreation of preparing the work anew, with all the additional literary information which a long acquaintance with the author and an extensive library allowed the editor to gather. the references.having been verified by the editor’s own search.’ there is a good deal on piscatorial lore. and the fine additions of cotton’s book and the biographical text is of great use in providing a history of the most important and earliest knowledge of the authors.<br> there are a great number of very well accomplished and interesting engravings including portraits of walton and cotton and the original illustrations included in the earliest texts. <br> a very handsome copy of a book as valuable for the additional materials as for the text and the noteworthiness of the edition.
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