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Libri antichi e moderni

Collard, C. And R. Maltby (Eds.)

The Classical Quarterly, 50 [2 Bd.e] 2000. Vol. LXXXXIII of the continuous series. No. 1-2.

Oxford: The Clarendon Press., 2000.,

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Collard, C. And R. Maltby (Eds.)
Oxford: The Clarendon Press., 2000.
638 Seiten / p. Broschiert / Paperback.
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Leicht berieben und besto�n, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand / Slightly rubbed and scuffed, otherwise perfect condition. - CONTENTS -Shifting Helen: an interpretation of Sappho, fragment 16 (Voigt) I. L. pfeuffer -- �Fearless, bloodless . like the gods�: Sappho 31 and the rhetoric w d. furley -- of �godlike� -- Creative rhetoric in Euripides� Troades: some notes on Hecuba�s speech r. meridor The social function of Attic tragedy: a response to Jasper Griffin r. seaford -- Cleon�s hidden appeals (Thucydides 3.37-40) j. a. Andrews -- The Sicilian expedition was a Potemkin fleet b. jordan -- Political developments in Boeotia n. g. l. hammond -- The subjection of muthos to logos: Plato�s citations of the poets s. Halliwell -- Athens and the Hellenistic kings (338-261 B.C.): the language of the decrees I. kralli Theoria and Darsarr. pilgrimage and vision in Greece and India I. rutherford -- An anthology of early Latin epigrams? A ghost reconsidered A. d. vardi -- Sponsio quae in verba facta est? Two lost speeches and the formula J. b. churchill of the Roman legal wager -- Sallust�s Catiline and Cato the Censor D. s. levene -- P.Oxy. 2078, 2228, and Vergil�s Charon R. J. CLARK -- Ovid�s Heroides 6: preliminary scenes from the life of an intertextual heroine d. j. bloch Thepublica fames of A.D. 68 (Suetonius, Nero 45.1) G. MORGAN -- A rare surgical procedure in Plutarch r. renehan -- What was ulpicuml fM. r. mezzabotta -- The introduction to Diogenes of Oinoanda�s Physics M. F. smith -- Why the order of the figures of the hypothetical syllogisms was changed s. bobzien Alexander of Aphrodisias, De intellectu 110.4: �I heard i opsomer and b. Sharples this from Aristotle�. A modest proposal -- Anthropology and the classics: war, violence, and the stateless polis m. berent -- SHORTER NOTES -- Homer, Odyssey 1.132-3 H. JACOBSON -- An emendation to the scholia on Homer�s Nekuia e. gutting -- The seer Tisamenos and the Klytiadai A. Schachter -- Pindar, Pythian 2.56 w b. henry -- Homeric Iphigeneia H. jacobson -- Poetry from old rope: a neglected emendation in Aristophanes, n. O�Sullivan -- Frogs 1298 -- Telestes, PMG 808 j. h. hordern -- The disorders of the 170s b.c. and Roman intervention in the class j. 1. walsh -- struggle in Greece -- Partheniana minora J. L. Lightfoot -- The dates of Cyril Bailey�s Oxford Classical Texts l. holford-strevens and M. F. smith of Lucretius -- A humorous recusatio: on Propertius 3.5 G. b. conte -- Two notes on Ovid m. leigh -- Getting out of hell: Petronius 72.5IT. T. J. leary -- Identifying the clarus orator at Quintilian, InSt. 8.2.3 J. U. VARELA -- A beastly love triangle? Seneca, Agamemnon 737-40 m. hendry -- Longinus, On Sublimity 35.1 M. heath -- The literary lives of a Scheintod'. Clitophon and Lehcippe 5.7 and s. c. McGill -- Greek epigram -- The text of Pervigilium Veneris 90: a proposed emendation n. Bernstein and f. newton -- How the shroud for Laertes became the robe of Odysseus w whallon -- Iliad and Aethiopis on the stage: Aeschylus and son m. l. west -- Satyr and image in Aeschylus� Theoroi p. O�Sullivan -- The Thracian camp and the fourth actor at Rhesus 565-691 L. battezzato -- Plato�s disappointment with his Phaedran characters and its impact j. tomin -- on his theory of psychology -- Lysimachus, the Getae, and archaeology p. delev -- Aristotle, Speusippus, and the method of division A. falcon -- Metaphysics Z. 11. 1036b28: aisthit�r aisthitik�H. GRANGER -- Royal authority and city law under Alexander and his Hellenistic successors J. L. O'neil Livy and the chronology of the years 168-167 o. p. dany -- �Beware the Ides of March!�: an astrological prediction? j. t. ramsey -- Flaccus h. n. parker -- �Purpureo bibet ore nectar�: a reconsideration J.S. c. eidinow -- Propertius on the Parilia (4.4.73-8) J. L. butrica -- Valerius Maximus on the Domus Augusta, Augustus, and Tiberius d. wardle -- Nero�s luxuria, in Tacitus and in the Octavia p. kragelund -- Notes on the epic poems of Statius w. s. watt -- �The tyrants around Thoas and Damasenor� r. j. gorman and v b. gorman -- (Plut. Q.G 32.298c-d) -- Rhetoric in the Fourth Academy t. reinhardt -- O egregie grammatice: the vocative problems of Latin words E. dickey -- ending in -ius -- Who practised love-magic in classical antiquity and in the late M. w. dickie -- Roman world? -- Joseph Bryennius and the text of Marcus Aurelius� Meditations D. A. rees -- SHORTER NOTES -- Two textual problems in Aristophanes n. g. wilson -- Was there a decree of Syrakosios? 1. trevett -- Two notes on Euripides� Helen (186; 1472) f. lourenco -- The Athena Nike dossier: IG I3 35/36 and 64 A-B h. b. Mattingly -- THILYPAIS in Lycophron 850-1 L. holford-strevens -- Maharbal�s bon mot: authenticity and survival D. hoyos -- Catullus 107: a Callimachean reading A. J. D'Angour -- What did Virgil�s swallows eat? r. bears -- Two unidentified senators in Josephus, A. J. 19 A. R. BIRLEY -- Six notes on the text of Seneca, Naturales Quaestiones w. s. watt -- Three critical notes on the Metamorphoses of A^uleius J. martos -- The naming of Thrasyllus in Apuleius� Metamorphoses I. d. repath -- Callinus and militia amoris in Achilles Tatius� Leucippe and Cleitophon d. Christenson Justin on tribunates and generalships, Caesares, and Augusti 1. c. yardley.