Libri antichi e moderni
Gerhard Joseph
23,39 €
Studio Maglione Maria Luisa
(Napoli, Italia)
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In the century or so since Alfred Tennyson's poetry reached the height of its popularity and critical acclaim, the pendulum of criticism has swung wide in opposite directions. From the earlier idolatry to the later ridicule, that pendulum has now settled into a position of qualified and selective praise from which a more thoughtful consideration of the poet is possible. Consequently, as this critical study suggests, new values and dimensions are recognizable in his work. Professor Joseph, concentrating on the theme of love but involving in his argument other facets of Tennyson's achieve.
ment, demonstrates the thesis that the poet moved as in a "strange diagonal". This phrase used as the subtitle of the book comes from Tennyson's poem The Princess in which the narrator moved as in a strange diagonal/ And maybe Aust pleased myself nor them.” As the author shows, Tennyson throughout his work moved between a Platonic conception of love in which the highest kind of spiritual love has disencumbered itself of sense and Neoplatonie (Dantesque) one in which sense and soul tend to merge. In coming to terms with the nineteenth-century form of this divided Western heritage, the pietism of the evangelical revival on the one hand and the idealized eroticism of his Romantic predecessors on the other, Tennyson became the exemplary poet of Victorian love. No other Victorian poet, Professor Joseph concludes, exhibits quite his representative and successful blending of these clashing strains. For while moving between the alternate traditions of Western love, Tennyson was able to forge a large body of highly disciplined, beautifully wrought, and farranging verse.
Gerhard Joseph is an associate professor of English at Herbert H. Lehman College of the City University of New York.
As the author shows, Tennyson throughout his work moved between a Platonic conception of love in which the highest kind of spiritual love has disencumbered itself of sense and a Neoplatonic ("Dantesque") one in which sense and soul tend to merge. In coming to terms with the nineteenth-century form of this divided Western heritage, the pietism of the evangelical revival on the one hand and the idealized eroticism of his Romantic predecessors on the other, Tennyson became the exemplary poet of Victorian love. No other Victorian poet, Professor Joseph concludes, exhibits quite his representative and successful blending of these clashing strains. For while moving between the alternate traditions of Western love, Tennyson was able to forge a large body of highly disciplined, beautifully wrought, and far-ranging verse.
Alfred Tennyson, primo Barone Tennyson (Somersby, 6 agosto 1809, Haslemere, 6 ottobre 1892), è stato un poeta inglese, laureato del Regno Unito, nonché uno dei più famosi del suo Paese.
La maggior parte dei suoi versi furono ispirati a temi classici o mitologici, anche se la celebre In Memoriam fu scritta per commemorare il suo migliore amico Arthur Hallam, anch'egli poeta e suo compagno di corso al Trinity College di Cambridge, che si era fidanzato con sua sorella ma era improvvisamente morto nel 1833 a causa di un'emorragia cerebrale.
Tra le opere più famose di Tennyson sono gli Idilli del re (Idylls of the King, 1885), una raccolta di poemetti interamente ispirati alla figura di Re Artù e al ciclo bretone e basati sui romanzi quattrocenteschi di Sir Thomas Malory. L'opera fu dedicata al Principe Alberto, marito della regina Vittoria. Nel corso della sua carriera Lord Tennyson si cimentò anche nella composizione di drammi teatrali, ma in questo campo i suoi lavori riscossero uno scarso successo.
Descrizione bibliografica
Title/Titolo: Tennysonian Love: The Strange Diagonal
Author/Autore: Gerhard Joseph
Publisher/Editore: US: University of Minnesota Press, 1970
Edition/Edizione: Second Printing/Seconda Ristampa
Lenght/Lunghezza: 216 pagine; 22 cm
ISBN: 0816605114, 9780816605118; 0816658005, 9780816658008
Series/Collana: Minnesota archive editions
Subjects/Soggetti: Love in literature, Criticism and interpretation, Critics essays, Cultural studies, English Literature, Anglo-saxon culture, Critica letteraria, Saggi critici, Interpretazione, Studi culturali, Letteratura inglese, Cultura anglosassone, Poesia, British poets, Classicism, Classics, Poetics, General works, The Graduate Poet, Mottos, Maxims, Idioms, Common language, Editorial successes, Poeti britannici, Classicismo, Classici, Poetica, Opere generali, Il Poeta Laureato, Motti, Massime, Modi di dire, Linguaggio comune, Successi editoriali, Alfred Tennyson, Tennysonism, The Fatal Woman, From Lyrical Death in Life to Mythic Kindlier Gods, The Myth of Western Love, Arthur Hallam and Erotic Devotion, Lord of the Five Senses, Arthur Hallam and Erotic Devotion, The Divided Heritage, Apostoli di Cambridge, Cambridge Apostles, Arthur Henry Hallam, Nature, red in tooth and claw, la Natura, rossa di zanne e di artigli, Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all , è meglio aver amato e perso che non aver mai amato, My strength is as the strength of ten, Because my heart is pure, la mia forza è come la forza di dieci uomini, perché il mio cuore è puro, Aforismi, La carica della brigata leggera, The Charge of the Light Brigade, The Princess, La principessa, The Lady of Shalott, Ulysses, Enoch Arden, Raccolte poetiche, Poems Chiefly Lyrical, Poesie soprattutto liriche, Claribel e Mariana, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Break, Break, Break, The Charge of the Light Brigade, Tears, Idle Tears, Crossing the Bar, Tithonus, Commonplace in the English language, Influence on Pre-Raphaelite artists, The Kraken, Victorian poets, Barons in the Peerage of the United Kingdom, Prosa, Narrativa, Libri in inglese, Libri Vintage Fuori catalogo, John Bart, Collezionismo, Antologie, Bibliography, Prose, Fiction, Books in English, Out of Print Books, Collectibles, Anthologies, Bibliography
Parole e frasi comuni
adultery aesthetic agape Amoret Anacaona Aphrodite Arthur Hallam artist beauty Bedivere Camelot Charles Tennyson Christian classical comedy courtly love dark Demeter Persephone Devil divine dramatic dream emotional eros erotic Excalibur fatal woman father feeling female Galahad garden goddess golden Guinevere death Helen Heracles hero Hesperidean Sisters Hesperides human ideal Idle Tears Idylls immortality Keats Keatsian King Lady of Shalott Lancelot lily London lover Lucretius lyric Magus maiden male man Mariana marriage Maud Memoir Memoriam Merlin moral mother myth narrative nature Neoplatonic Oenone Palace of Art passion Platonic poem poetic prince Princess Ida protagonist queens quiet gods Romantic sense sensual sensuous sexual shadow Shakespeare Shelley Somersby son song sorrow soul speaker spirit symbolic tale poetry Theodicaea Tiresias Tithonus tradition Tristram Vere Victorian Vivien voice volume wife women youth
Edizione: seconda ristampa