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Libri antichi e moderni

Clagett, Marshall

Science of Mechanics in the Middle Ages.

The University of Wisconsin Press., 1979.,

99,00 €

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(Berlin, Germania)

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Clagett, Marshall
The University of Wisconsin Press., 1979.
XXIX, 714 Seiten / p. 16,5 x 4,4 x 24,1 cm, Originalleinen / Cloth.
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - Contents -- Part I: Medieval Statics -- Chapter i. The Greek and Arabic Forerunners of Medieval Statics -- The Book on the Balance, attributed to Euclid.�24 -- Archimedes, On the Equilibrium of Planes or On Centers of Gravity. Book I, Postulates, Propositions 1-7.�31. -- Hero of Alexandria, Mechanics. Book I, Chapters 2-8, 25-24, 35-54; Book II, Chapters 7-8, 22.�58. -- Archimedes, On Heaviness and Tightness (A Fragment of the Floating Bodies). -- �5Z- -- al-Khazini, Book of the Balance of Wisdom. Introduction, Sections 1-5 ; Chapter 1, Sections 1-9; Chapter 5, Sections 1-5.�56. -- Chapter 2. Jordanus de Nemore and Medieval Latin Statics -- The Theory of Weight, attributed to Jordanus de Nemore. Book I, Propositions 6, 8, and 10 (Ri. 06, Ri. 08, Ri. 10).�104. -- An Anonymous Commentary on the Elements of fordanus on Weights. Proposition 8.�109. -- Johannes de M�ris, The Four-Parted Work on Numbers. Book IV, Second Tract.�115. -- Albert of Saxony,Questions on the [Four] Books on the Heavens and the World of Aristotle. Book III, Questions 2-5.�156. -- Marcus Trivisano of Venice, On the Macrocosm or Greater World. Book I.�146 -- Galileo Galilei, Mechanics (on the lever and the inclined plane).�15 o. -- Part II: Medieval Kinematics -- Chapter 3. Gerard of Brussels and the Origins of Kinematics in the West -- Gerard of Brussels, On Motion. Book I, Suppositions 1-8, Proposition 1; Book II, Proposition 1.�187. -- Chapter 4. The Emergence of Kinematics at Merton College -- Thomas Bradwardine, Treatise on the Proportions of Velocities in Movements. Chapter IV, Part 2.�220. -- Albert of Saxony, Questions on the Eight Books of the Physics of Aristotle. Book VI, Question 5.�223. -- Thomas Bradwardine, On the Continuum. Definitions 1-3, 7-14, 23-24; Suppositions 6-9; Conclusions 22-24, 26.�230. -- William Hey tesbury, Rules for Solving Sophisms. Part VI, Local Motion.�2 3 5. -- On Motion (A Fragment), attributed to Richard Swineshead.�243. -- John of Holland, On Motion. Definitions.�247. -- Galileo Galilei, The Two New Sciences. Third Day, definitions of uniform motion and uniform acceleration.�251. -- Chapter 5. The Merton Theorem of Uniform Acceleration -- William Heytesbury, Rules for Solving Sophisms. Part VI (continued).�270. -- Proofs of Propositions Posited in the Rules for Solving Sophisms, attributed to William Heytesbury.�284. -- Richard Swineshead, The Book of Calculations: Rules on Local Motion. Second Supposition to Conclusion 38, and other Conclusions.�290. -- John Dumbleton, The Summa of Logical and Natural Things. Part III, Chapters 10, 11.�305. -- De motu incerti auctoris.�326. -- Chapter 6. The Application of Two-Dimensional Geometry to Kinematics -- Nicole Oresme, On the Configurations of Qualities. Part I, Chapters 0-4, 8, 10, 11, 13; Part II, Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 8; Part III, Chapters 1, 7, 8.�347. -- Giovanni di Casali, On the Velocity of the Motion of Alteration. An extract on uniformly difform quality.�382. -- Jacobus de Sancto Martino, On the Latitudes of Forms (According to the Doctrine of Nicole Oresme). Introduction; Propositions 19, 21-24, 26-27, 3�, and Notanda.�392. -- Blasius of Parma, Questions on the Treatise on the Latitudes of Forms. Question III.�402. -- Galileo Galilei, The Two New Sciences. Third Day, Theorems I and II, Corollary 1.�409 -- The Journal of Isaac Beeckman, �On a Stone Falling in a Vacuum.��417. -- Part III: Medieval Dynamics -- Chapter 7. Aristotelian Mechanics and Bradwardine�s Dynamic Law of Movement -- An Anonymous Treatment of Peripatetic Dynamics.�445. -- Nicole Oresme, On the Book, of the Heavens and the World of Aristotle. Book I, Question 12.�466 -- A Brief Tract on Proportions Abridgedfrom the Book on Proportions of Thomas Bradwar dine, the Englishman.�465. -- Francischus de Ferraria, On the Proportions of Motions (extracts).�495. -- Chapter 8. John Buridan and the Impetus Theory of Projectile Motion -- Franciscus de Marchia, On the Sentences of Peter Lombard (A Reportado of the Fourth Book)�5 26. -- John Buridan, Questions on the Eight Books of the Physics of Aristotle. Book -- VIII, Question 12.�532. -- Chapter 9. The Free Fall of Bodies -- John Buridan, Questions on the Four Books on the Heavens and the World of Aristotle. Book II, Question 12.�557. -- Albert of Saxony, Questions on the [Four] Books on the Heavens and the World of Aristotle. Book II, Question 4.�565. -- Nicole Oresme, On the Book of the Heavens and the World of Aristotle. Book I, Chapter 17.�570. -- The Manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci. M 44r-v, M 4jr, M 47r-v, M 48r, M 49r-�572- -- Galileo Galilei, The Two New Sciences. Third Day, experiment of rolling balls on inclined plane.�576 -- Chapter 10. Mechanics and Cosmology -- John Buridan, Questions on the Four Books on the Heavens and the World of Aristotle. Book II, Question 22.�594. -- Nicole Oresme, On the Book of the Heavens and the World of Aristotle. Book -- II, Chapter 25.�600. -- Nicolas Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs. Book I, Chapters 7-8.�610. -- Questions on the Eight Books of the Physics [in the Nominalist Manner], attributed to Marsilius of Inghen. Book III, Question 7.�615. -- Part IV: The Fate and Scope of Medieval Mechanics -- Chapter 11. The Reception and Spread of the English and French Physics -- 1350-1600 -- Chapter 12. Medieval Mechanics in Retrospect. ISBN 9780299019006