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Libri antichi e moderni

Burge, Tyler

Origins of Objectivity.

New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.,

40,00 €

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(Berlin, Germania)

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Burge, Tyler
New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.
XIX; 624 p. Original Paperback.
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Prima edizione


From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Buchblock leicht angeschw�t. Sonst gut und sauber. Rezension liegt bei. - Block slightly blackened. Otherwise good and clean. Review included. - Contents: PARTI -- Introduction -- Individual Representationalism -- A Different Standpoint -- Terminology: What the Questions Mean -- Representation -- Representation-as and Representational Content Representation Failure and Representation As Of Objectivity -- Particulars, Attributes, Properties, Relations, Kinds -- Resources and Conditions -- Constitutive Conditions and Natures -- Summary -- Anti-Individualism -- Anti-Individualism: What It Is -- General Grounds for Anti-Individualism -- Anti-Individualism Regarding Perception -- The Shape of Perceptual Psychology -- Perceptual Psychology Presupposes Anti-Individualism -- Perceptual Capacities Shared Across Species -- Individual Representationalism and Perceptual Psychology -- Perception and Concepts -- Anti-Individualism and Individual Representationalism -- PART II -- Individual Representationalism in the Twentieth Century�s First Half -- Individual Representationalism in Psychology -- Individual Representationalism in Mainstream Philosophy -- Before the Mid-Twentieth Century -- Individual Representationalism in �Continental� Philosophy Before the Mid-Twentieth Century -- Individual Representationalism after Mid-Century: Preliminaries -- The Demise of Logical Positivism, Behaviorism, and Descriptivism Descriptivism and the Causal Picture of Reference -- Individual Representationalism and Anti-Individualism: Again -- Neo-Kantian Individual Representationalism: Strawson and Evans Kant -- Strawson�Two Projects -- Strawson on Kant -- Strawson on Solipsism -- Strawson on Feature Placing -- Strawson on Particular-Identification in Thought -- Strawson on Criteria for Representation -- Postlude: Strawson on Criteria in Identificational Reference -- Evans on Strawson -- Evans on Constraints on Objective Reference in Perception -- Evans on Demonstrative, Perceptual Thought -- Evans on Conditions for Representing Kinds and Particular Objects -- Evans on Spatial Representation in Thought -- Neo-Kantian Individual Representationalism: Summary -- Language Interpretation and Individual Representationalism: -- Quine and Davidson -- Quine�s Starting Point: The Argument from Default Neutrality Interlude: Evans�s Critique of Quine on Referential Indeterminacy Communication and Evidence: Quine�s Notion of the Empirical Before Objective Reference: The Pre-Individuative Stage -- Truth Conditions and Structure -- The Pre-Individuative Stage: Proximal Stimulation -- and the Physical Environment -- Divided Reference: The Supplemental Linguistic Apparatus Quantification -- Further Elements in Quine�s Individuative Apparatus -- The Basic Assumption -- Identity and Resemblance -- Davidson on Conditions for Objective Empirical Representation Davidson�s Two Arguments -- Davidson on Belief -- Language-Centered Individual Representationalism: Summary A Retrospective on Individual Representationalism -- PART III -- Biological and Methodological Backgrounds -- Deflationary Conceptions of Representation; Biological Function and Representational Function -- Representational Function and Natural Norms -- The Lower Border of Perception: Sensory Information -- Registration and Perception -- Perception and the Environment: The �Disjunction Problem� -- Primitive Agency -- Perceptual Psychology and the Distinction between -- Sensory Information Registration and Perception -- Convergence -- Lightness Constancy -- Planar Slant from Planar Surface Texture -- Depth from Convexity of Image Regions -- Origins -- Perception as the Individual�s -- Perception as Sensory -- Perception as Representation -- Perception as Objectification -- Perception as Objectification as Opposed to Perception -- as Extraction of Form -- Phylogenetic Distribution of Perceptual Systems -- Examples of the Sensory-Registration/Perception Distinction -- Perception, Representation, Propositional Knowledge -- Origins of Some Representational Categories -- Perception and Body -- Body Representation as Originating in Perception -- Singular Applications in Perception of Bodies -- General Elements in Perception of Bodies: Conditions for -- Body Attribution -- Perception of Body and Attribution of Solidity -- and Generic Shape -- Perception and Origins of Mathematical Capacities -- Estimating Numerosity and Ratios of Aggregates Mathematical Tracking of Indexed Particulars The Two Mathematical Capacities -- Perception and Origins of Spatial Representation -- Beaconing -- Path Integration -- Landmark Use -- Map Use -- Spatial Representation in Navigation by Jumping -- Spiders and Other Arthropods -- Perception and Origins of Temporal Representation -- Association, Computation, Representation -- Glimpses Forward -- The Epistemic Status of Constitutive Principles -- Governing Perception -- The Upper Border of the Perceptual: Perception and -- Propositional Attitudes -- Propositional Attitudes, Individual Representationalism, and Conceptualization of Perception -- Origins, Levels, and Types of Objectivity. ISBN 9780199581399