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Libri antichi e moderni

Brown, Marshall, Marguerite Finnigan Kathleen A. Blake (Eds.) A., O.

Modern Language Quarterly, 60. A Journal of Literary History.

Durham: Duke University Press, 1999.,

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Brown, Marshall, Marguerite Finnigan Kathleen A. Blake (Eds.) A., O.
Durham: Duke University Press, 1999.
536 p. Library binding Hardcover.
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - leicht berieben, sonst sehr guter Zustand / slightly rubbed, otherwise very good condition. - Index to Volume 60 Articles Bloomfield, Josephine I Benevolent Authoritarianism in Klaeber�s Beowulf'. An Editorial Translation of Kingship Budick, Emily Miller I Literature, Ideology, and the Measure of Moral Freedom: The Case of Aharon Appelfeld�s Badenhaim �Ir Nofesh Ferris, Ina I Mobile Words: Romantic Travel Writing and Print Anxiety Fulford, Tim I Romanticizing the Empire: The Naval Heroes of Southey, Coleridge, Austen, and Marryat Glimp, David I Paradisal Arithmetic: Paradise Lost and the Genesis of Populations Hayes, Julie Candler I Look but Don�t Read: Chinese Characters and the Translating Drive from John Wilkins to Peter Greenaway Ouyang, Wen-chin I The Imagined Modern Nation in Yusuf Idris�s Al-farafir Pfau, Thomas I The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition after Kant Schleifer, Ronald, and Nancy M. West I The Poetry of What Lies Close at Hand: Photography, Commodities, and Postromantic Discourses in Hardy and Stevens Sorby, Angela I Performing Class: James Whitcomb Riley�s Poetry of Distinction Spiller, Elizabeth A. I Cervantes avant la Lettre: The Material Transformation of Romance Reading Culture in Don Quijote Spinrad, Phoebe S. I �Too Much Liberty�: Measure for Measure and Skelton�s Magnyfycence Sword, Helen I Necrobibliography: Books in the Spirit World Thurston, Michael I Documentary Modernism as Popular Front Poetics: Muriel Rukeyser�s �Book of the Dead� Walkowitz, Rebecca L. I Shakespeare in Harlem: The Norton Anthology, �Propaganda,� Langston Hughes Wang, Orrin N. C. I Romantic Sobriety West, Nancy M. I see Schleifer, Ronald Review Essay Simpson, David I Virtual Culture: Geoffrey H. Hartman, The Fateful Question of Culture Reviews Arae, Jonathan, �Huckleberry Finn� as Idol and Target: TheFunctions of Criticism in Our Time I Reviewed by Joycelyn K. Moody Braden, Gordon I Marshall Grossman, The Story of All Things: Writing the Self in English Renaissance Narrative Poetry Castronovo, Russ I Anita Haya Patterson, From Emerson to King: Democracy, Race, and the Politics of Protest Conley, Tom, The Self-Made Map: Cartographic Writing in Early Modern France I Reviewed by Timothy J. Reiss Gearhart, Suzanne I Thomas M. Kavanagh, Esthetics of the Moment: Literature and Art in the French Enlightenment Gimelli Martin, Catherine I Theresa M. Kelley, Reinventing Allegory Goldie, David, A Critical Difference: T S. Eliot and John Middleton Murry in English Literary Criticism, 1919-1928 I Reviewed by Sydney Janet Kaplan Grossman, Marshall, The Story of All Things: Writing the Self in English Renaissance Narrative Poetry I Reviewed by Gordon Braden Guibbory, Achsah, Ceremony and Community from Herbert to Milton: Literature, Religion, and Cultural Conflict in Seventeenth-Century England I Reviewed by Victoria Silver Gunning, Sandra I Maggie Montesinos Sale, The Slumbering Volcano: American Slave Ship Revolts and the Production of Rebellious Masculinity Heise, Ursula K. I Robert Kern, Orientalism, Modernism, and the American Poem Hell, Julia, Post-Fascist Fantasies: Psychoanalysis, History, and the Literature of East Germany I Reviewed by Sabine Wilke Kaplan, Carla, The Erotics of Talk: Women�s Writing and Feminist Paradigms I Reviewed by Diane Price Herndl Kaplan, Carla I Werner Sollors, Neither Black nor White yet Both: Thematic Explorations of Interracial Literature Kaplan, Sydney Janet I David Goldie, A Critical Difference: T S. Eliot and John Middleton Murry in English Literary Criticism, 1919-1928 Kavanagh, Thomas M., Esthetics of the Moment: Literature and Art in the French Enlightenment I Reviewed by Suzanne Gearhart Keenan, Thomas, Fables of Responsibility: Aberrations and Predicaments in Ethics and Politics I Reviewed by Marc Redfield Kelley, Theresa M., Reinventing Allegory I Reviewed by Catherine Gimelli Martin Kern, Robert, Orientalism, Modernism, and the American Poem I Reviewed by Ursula K. Heise Kopelson, Kevin I Lawrence Kramer, After the Lovedeath: Sexual Violence and the Making of Culture Kramer, Lawrence, After the Lovedeath: Sexual Violence and the Making of Culture I Reviewed by Kevin Kopelson LaCapra, Dominick, History and Memory after Auschwitz I Reviewed by Michael Rothberg Lezra, Jacques, Unspeakable Subjects: The Genealogy of the Event in Early Modern Europe I Reviewed by Diana de Armas Wilson Ma, Ming-Qian I Beret E. Strong, The Poetic Avant-Garde: The Groups of Borges, Auden, and Breton Marks, Emerson R., Taming the Chaos: English Poetic Diction Theory since the Renaissance I Reviewed by Thomas Pfau Moody, Joycelyn K. I Jonathan Arae, �Huckleberry Finn� as Idol and Target: The Functions of Criticism in Our Time Nelson, Dana I Lora Romero, Home Fronts: Domesticity and Its Critics in the Antebellum United States Patterson, Anita Haya, From Emerson to King: Democracy, Race, and the Politics of Protest I Reviewed by Russ Castronovo Pfau, Thomas I Emerson R. Marks, Taming the Chaos: English Poetic Diction Theory since the Renaissance Plotnitsky, Arkady I Jean-Michel Rabate, The Ghosts of Modernity Price Herndl, Diane I Carla Kaplan, The Erotics of Talk: Women�s Writing and Feminist Paradigms Rabate, Jean-Michel, The Ghosts of Modernity I Reviewed by Arkady Plotnitsky Redfield, Marc I Thomas Keenan, Fables of Responsibility: Aberrations and Predicaments in Ethics and Politics Reiss, Timothy J. I Tom Conley, The Self-Made Map: Cartographic Writing in Early Modern France Romero, Lora, Home Fronts: Domesticity and Its Critics in the Antebellum United States I Reviewed by Dana Nelson Rothberg, Michael I Dominick LaCapra, History and Memory after Auschwitz Sale, Maggie Montesinos, The Slumbering Volcano: American Slave Ship Revolts and the Production of Rebellious Masculinity I Reviewed by Sandra Gunning Silver, Victoria I Achsah Guibbory, Ceremony and Community from Herbert to Milton: Literature, Religion, and Cultural Conflict in Seventeenth-Century England Sollors, Werner, Neither Black nor White yet Both: Thematic Explorations of Interracial Literature I Reviewed by Carla Kaplan Strong, Beret E., The Poetic Avant-Garde: The Groups of Borges, Auden, and Breton I Reviewed by Ming-Qian Ma Sullivan, James D., On the Walls and in the Streets: American Poetry Broadsides from the 1960s I Reviewed by Susan Vanderborg Vanderborg, Susan I James D. Sullivan, On the Walls and in the Streets: American Poetry Broadsides from the 1960s Wilke, Sabine I Julia Hell, Post-Fascist Fantasies: Psychoanalysis, History, and the Literature of East Germany Wilson, Diana de Armas I Jacques Lezra, Unspeakable Subjects: The Genealogy of the Event in Early Modern Europe.