Anno di pubblicazione
Bindman, David (ed.)
Princeton University Press
Stato di conservazione
Edizione inglese / English edition - Volume in copertina rigida con sovraccoperta, 234 pagine riccamente illustrate a colori. Lievi ammaccature e segni del tempo al retro, peraltro copia come nuova e ancora sigillata / Light bumps and yellowing at the back, otherwise like new, sealed copy --- The nature of William Blake's genius and of his art is most completely expressed in his illuminated books. In order to give full and free expression to his vision Blake invented a method of printing which enabled him to create works in which words and images combine to form pages uniquely rich in content and beautiful in form. It is only through the pages as originally conceived and published by the poet himself that Blake's meaning can be fully experienced. Blake's hope that the Books would obtain wide circulation was unfulfilled; some exist only in unique copies and none was printed in more than very small numbers. The implications of the rarity of the illuminated books were recognised early on and there is a long history of attempts to reproduce them. Of these, the editions produced and published by the Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust are the most faithful and complete. But because of the complexity and high costs of their production and the smallness of the editions these Blake Trust facsimiles have themselves become rare books, confined to libraries or the shelves of collectors. Recognising that its purpose to make the illuminated books widely available has not yet been realised, the Blake Trust has initiated a collected edition to be issued in 5 volumes under the general editorship of David Bindman. The first two volumes, Jerusalem and Songs of Innocence and of Experience, were published in 1991 and have received warm critical acclaim. Volume 3, published simultaneously with the present volume, contains All Religions are One, There is No Natural Religion, The Book of Thel, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and Visions of the Daughters of Albion. Volume 4, The Lambeth Prophecies will be published early in 1994 and will contain Urizen, Ahania, Book of Los, America, Europe and Song of Los. The volumes are produced in uniform format to very high standards of reproduction, printing, binding and materials. The originals have been newly and meticulously photo-graphed and the best modern technology has been applied to ensure that the plates are reproduced as faithfully as possible. Thanks to generous subventions the volumes are being published in authoritative editions at prices which will, at last, make these master-works accessible to any one with a more than passing interest in Blake.