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Libri antichi e moderni

Blanken, Gerhard (Hrsg.) U.A.

Linguistic Disorders and Pathologies. An International Handbook.

Berlin, NY: de Gruyter, 1993.,

240,00 €

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(Berlin, Germania)

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Blanken, Gerhard (Hrsg.) U.A.
Berlin, NY: de Gruyter, 1993.
XIV, 962 S. Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag.
Sprachwissenschaft, Kommunikationswissenschaft, Sprache, Linguistic Disorder, Language
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Sehr gutes Exemplar. - Handb�cher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft Band 8. - Language Use in Normal Speakers and its Disorders -- Willem J M Levelt, The Architecture of Normal Spoken Language Use Claus Heeschen, Morphosyntactic Characteristics of Spoken Language Carol A Fowler, Phonological and Articulatory Characteristics of Spoken Language -- Marilyn Ford, Characteristics of Hesitation Phenomena -- Joseph P Stemberger, Spontaneous and Evoked Slips of the Tongue Donald G MacKay, Slips of the Pen, Tongue, and Typewriter: A Con- -- trastive Analysis -- Merrill F Garrett, Errors and their Relevance for Models of Language -- Production -- John C Marshall/Jennifer M Gurd, Disordered Language in Creative Writing -- Acquired Organic Pathologies of Language Behavior: Neurolinguistic Disorders -- Claus-W Wallesch/Andrew Kertesz, Clinical Symptoms and Syndromes -- of Aphasia -- Andrew Kertesz/Claus-W Wallesch, Cerebral Organization of Language -- Klaus Willmes, Diagnostic Methods in Aphasiology -- Jennifer M Gurd/John C Marshall, Semantic Disorders in Aphasia -- Ria De Bleser/Joseph Bayer, Syntactic Disorders in Aphasia -- Angela D Friederici/Douglas Saddy, Disorders of Word Class Processing -- in Aphasia -- William Badecker/Alfonso Caramazza, Disorders of Lexical Morphology -- in Aphasia -- Hugh W Buckingham, Disorders of Word-Form Processing in Aphasia -- Susan E Kohn, Segmental Disorders in Aphasia -- Dorothea Weniger, Disorders of Prosody in Aphasia -- Diana Van Lancker, Nonpropositional Speech in Aphasia -- Yvan Lebrun, Repetitive Phenomena in Aphasia -- Brian Butterworth, Aphasia and Models of Language Production and -- Perception -- Janice Kay, Acquired Disorders of Reading -- David P Roeltgen/Steven Z Rapcsak, Acquired Disorders of Writing and -- Spelling -- Michel Paradis, Multilingualism and Aphasia Pierre Feyereisen, Communicative Behavior in Aphasia -- Hanna K Ulatowska/Sandra Chapman, Text Processing in Aphasia -- Jennifer M Gurd/John C Marshall, Aphasia and Intelligence -- Klaus Poeck, Aphasia and Apraxia -- G�rd Deloche, Aphasia and Acalculia -- Murray Grossman, Short-Term Memory in Aphasia -- Ruth Lesser, Aphasia Therapy -- Dave M�ller, Psychosocial Aspects of Aphasia -- Stefano F Cappa, Pathology of Nonaphasic Language Behavior after -- Focal Left Hemispheric Damage -- Yves Joanette/Pierre Goulet/Didier Hannequin, Verbal Communication -- Deficits after Right-Hemisphere Damage -- Kathryn A Bayles, Pathology of Language Behavior in Dementia Audrey L Holland/Barbara B Shadden, Language Disorders with Diffuse Brain Disease of Acute Onset -- Acquired Organic Pathologies of Language Behavior: Neurophonetic Disorders -- Betty Tuller/J A Scott Kelso, Dynamical Systems and Speech -- James H Abbs/David E Hartman, Pathophysiology of Disordered Articulation -- Wolfram Ziegler, Assessment Methods in Neurophonetics: Speech Production -- John C Rosenbek, Speech Apraxia -- Raymond D Kent, Spastic Dysarthria -- Mathias Vogel, Flaccid Dysarthria -- Christy L Ludlow, Hypo- and Hyperkinetic Dysarthria -- Paul W Sch�nle/Berthold Gr�ne, Cerebellar Dysarthria -- James H Abbs/Roxanne DePaul, Feedback Impairments in Dysarthria Helga Johannsen-Horbach/Claus-W Wallesch, Therapy of Dysarthrias -- and Speech Apraxia -- Sally J Peterson-Falzone/Karen L Landahl, Effects of Anatomical Alterations on Fully Developed Articulation -- Helge S Johannsen, Disorders of Phonation -- Yasufumi Tanaka, Pure Word Deafness (Verbal Auditory Agnosia) Christy L Ludlow, Speech Tics in Tourette's Syndrome -- Pathologies of Language Use in Psychiatric Disorders -- Fernando Lolas, Language Behavior in Alexithymia -- Friedel M Reischies, Pathology of Language Behavior in Affective Psychoses -- Brendan A Maher/Manfred Spitzer, Thought Disorders and Language -- Behavior in Schizophrenia -- Ralph E Hoffman, Linguistic Aspects of Language Behavior in Schizophrenia Andr� Lecours, Glossomania and Glossolalia in Schizophasia and -- their Linguistic Kinships to the Jargonaphasias -- Marie-Louise K�rmann, Communicative Behavior in Schizophrenia -- Pathologies and Disorders of Language Development -- Erika Hoff-Ginsberg, Landmarks in Children's Language Development Judith R Johnston, Definition and Diagnosis of Language Development -- Disorders -- Marcel Kinsbourne, Neurological Aspects of Language Development -- Disorders -- Lynn Mawhood, Psychiatric and Psychological Aspects of Language -- Development Disorders -- Paula Menyuk, Children with Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Dysphasia): Linguistic Aspects -- Alan G Kamhi, Children with Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Dysphasia): Perceptual and Cognitive Aspects -- Laurence B Leonard, Children with Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Dysphasia): Treatment -- Paul Satz/Richard Lewis, Acquired Aphasia in Children -- Kay Mogford-Bevan, Language Acquisition and Development with Sensory Impairment: Hearing-Impaired Children -- Anne E Mills, Language Acquisition and Development with Sensory -- Impairment: Blind Children -- Edward C Merrill, Language Acquisition and Development in Persons -- with Mental Retardation -- Hannelore Grimm/Sabine Weinert, Patterns of Interaction and Communication in Language Development Disorders -- Helmut Skowronek/Harald Marx, Disorders of Written Language Development: Definitions and Overview -- Margaret Snowling/Charles Hulme, Developmental Dyslexia and Language Disorders -- Charles Hulme/Margaret Snowling, Developmental Dyslexia and Cognitive Processes -- Christine M Temple, Single and Multiple Component Developmental -- Dyslexias -- Gerheid Scheerer-Neumann, Treatment of Developmental Reading and -- Spelling Disorders -- Marilyn C Welsh, Hyperlexia and Precocious Reading -- Susan Ellis Weismer, Aspects of Metalinguistic Abilities in Specific Language Impairment (Developmental Dysphasia) and Dyslexia -- Israel Kolvin/Trian Fundudis, Communicative Behavior with Neurotic -- Developmental Disorders: Elective Mutism -- Christian Eggers, Language and Communicative Behavior in Childhood -- Psychosis -- M Mary Konstantareas, Language and Communicative Behavior in Autistic Disorder Barbara Dodd, Speech Disordered Children -- Cynthia K Thompson/Donald A Robin, Developmental Dysarthria Sally J Peterson-Falzone/Karen L Landahl, Effects of Congenital Malformations on Speech Development -- Anne Smith/Gerald N Zimmermann, Stuttering: Physiological Correlates -- and Theoretical Perspectives -- Curt Hamre/William Harn, Linguistic Phenomenology in Stuttering Hartmut Schulze, Psychological Aspects and Theories of Stuttering -- Janis Costello Ingham, Therapy of the Stuttering Child -- Peter Fiedler, Therapy of the Stuttering Adult -- Leah L Light, Language Changes in Old Age. ISBN 3110113244