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Libri antichi e moderni

Elies, Feliu (Francesc Soler I Rovirosa)

La vida i l'obra de Soler i Rovirosa

Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1931,

1950,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, Spagna)

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Elies, Feliu (Francesc Soler I Rovirosa)
Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1931
coleart coleillus stage set design catalan catalunya liceu, catalonia theater theatre theatrical
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Prima edizione


First and only edition of the best monograph on Soler i Rovirosa (1836-1900), the great Catalan set designer of the late 19th century. Profusely illustrated throughout. 43 beautifully produced full-page plates of set designs, several printed in color. FROM A TOTAL EDITION OF ONLY 310 COPIES, this is ONE OF ONLY THREE (3) ON JAPAN PAPER WITH AN ORIGINAL SIGNED WATERCOLOR BY SOLER I ROVIROSA. The highly-finished watercolor measures 12 x 23 cm and depicts a set design (perhaps for "Miss Robinson"). It is signed by Soler i Rovirosa with his monogram, and is annotated Barna (i.e., Barcelona), 17 Junio 1894. It is on fine wove paper, mounted on a blank sheet of Japan paper. There are additional sketches and annotations on the back. Original watercolors by Soler i Rovirosa are very rare, especially signed. Folio, loose as issued in original wraps. Fine and bright, with no defects. An outstanding item.
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