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Libri antichi e moderni

Vigne, Andre De La (Francisque Michel, Editor)

La farce du meunier de qui le diable emporte l'ame en Enfer, composee par N. [sic] de la Vigne, et jouee publiquement en la ville de Seurre, en Bourgogne, l'an 1496

Paris: Crapelet / Silvestre, 1831,

225,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, Spagna)

Parla con il Libraio

Metodi di Pagamento


Vigne, Andre De La (Francisque Michel, Editor)
Paris: Crapelet / Silvestre, 1831
colemed medieval french literature drama farce play rutebeuf pet, au vilain
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


FIRST EDITION of this important and amusing 15th century farce, whose plot is drawn from Rutebeuf's fabliau of the "Pet au vilain". Published by Silvestre as part of the "Poesies Gothiques Francoises" series, which was printed by Crapelet and edited by Francisque Michel. From a total edition of 100 copies, this is ONE OF ONLY 50 ON BETTER PAPER (handmade Dutch laid paper). Beautifully printed in black-letter (Gothic) types by Crapelet. 4to. Attractively bound in recent cloth. Uncut. Original wraps bound in. Edges a little bit dusty, else fine and bright. Brunet IV, 754.
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