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Libri antichi e moderni

Thou, Jacques-Auguste De (Jacobus Augustus Thuanus)

Jacobi Augusti Thuani HISTORIARUM SUI TEMPORIS pars prima

Parisiis (Paris): Apud viduam Mamerti Patissonii typographi - Regii (La veuve de Mamert Patisson, imprimeur du Roi). In - officina Roberti Stephani (Robert Estienne), 1604,

7500,00 €

Cole & Contreras Books

(Sitges, Spagna)

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Metodi di Pagamento


Thou, Jacques-Auguste De (Jacobus Augustus Thuanus)
Parisiis (Paris): Apud viduam Mamerti Patissonii typographi, Regii (La veuve de Mamert Patisson, imprimeur du Roi). In, officina Roberti Stephani (Robert Estienne), 1604
coleantiq historiography french france robert estienne imprint, fine printing
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


FIRST EDITION OF THOU'S HISTORY OF THE 16TH CENTURY, A MASTERPIECE OF FRENCH HISTORIOGRAPHY. 18, 684, 36 pp., complete. Jacques-Auguste de Thou (1553-1617), was one of the great statesmen and scholars of his time, and the Historiarum is his most important work. THIS IS THE TRUE FIRST EDITION, printed folio (another edition, in two volumes 8vo--with some large-paper copies printed 4to--was published later the same year). Moreover, the TITLE-PAGE IS IN THE FIRST STATE, which is exceedingly rare. Beautifully printed by Robert Estienne (1559-1630), with the title in red and black and attractive woodcut head- and tail-pieces throughout. Folio. Beautifully bound in recent quarter vellum and marbled boards. FINE AND BRIGHT, both inside and out, with excellent margins and bright white paper. Peignot II, 159 (pointing out that this work was suppressed from the moment of publication). An outstanding copy of a rare and important book: the only other copy I have located of the first edition with the first-state title-page is the Oxford copy.
Logo Maremagnum it