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Libri antichi e moderni

Berner, Esther And Philipp Gonon (Eds.)

History of Vocational Education and Training in Europe : Cases, Concepts and Challenges. Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education ; vol. 14.

Bern : Peter Lang, 2015.,

67,00 €

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Berner, Esther And Philipp Gonon (Eds.)
Bern : Peter Lang, 2015.
599 p., 22 Ill. Originalbroschur.
Erziehung, Schul- und Bildungswesen
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


A very good copy. - Understanding today�s Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems requires a comprehension of the rise and development, i.e. of the foundations of topical VET. This book provides a comparative view of its development in Europe. The contributions of renowned authors give insight into conceptual questions, cases and challenges in this field. - Contents: ESTHER BERNER & PHILIPP GONON: Introduction to a History of Vocational Education and Training in Europe: Cases, Concepts and Challenges -- ERIC VERDIER : The Social Conventions of Guidance as a Major Component of Lifelong Learning Systems. A French-Danish-British Comparison -- ESTHER BERNER, PHILIPP GONON & CHRISTIAN IMDORF: The Genesis of Vocational Education in Switzerland from the Perspective of Justification Theory: On the Development of a Dual Vocational Education Model in the Cantons of Geneva and Lucerne -- MARIUS R. BUSEMEYER: The Political Economy of Educational and Vocational Training. Reforms in Western Europe from a Historical Perspective -- PHILIPP GONON: The Pathway to the Swiss Federal Vocational Baccalaureate -- MATHIAS G�ZL & THILO J. KETSCHAU: The Antagonism in Commercial Training: Vocational and Liberal Education. The Development of the Commercial School of the Trade Guild Hall in Gotha (1817-1902) -- LORENZ LASSNIGG: "Muddling Through" Once Again - The Long Term Development of the Dualistic Austrian VET System -- EVELINE WITTMANN: Vocational School Policy in Germany in the Context of Securing State Legitimacy -- �SA BROBERG: Negotiating the Pedagogical Value of School and Work - A Historical Perspective on Pedagogical Development in Swedish VET -- ESTHER BERNER: On the Genealogy of the Subject of Industrial Work: Training and Testing as Subjedification Practices (1900-1935) -- MANFRED WAHLE: Every Picture Tells a Story. Historical Research on Vocational Education and Training -- ANJA HEIKKINEN: Vocational Education: For Livelihood, Knowledge or Companionship? -- ELISABETH FLITNER: Policy for the Middle Classes vs. the Vichy Dictatorship. A Comparison of the Origins of State-Controlled Education for Workers in Germany and France -- GERARD BODE : Seeking Models: Germany or France? Where the Paradise of Vocational Training was to be found in 1860-1940 -- ANTOINE VERNET: Solving the Crisis. VET as an Economic Policy (France, from the Long Depression to the Second Oil Crisis) -- CHRISTIAN HELMS JORGENSEN, SVEIN MICHELSEN, JONAS OLOFSSON & DANIEL PERSSON THUNQVIST: Same, but different - The Emergence of VET in three Nordic Countries -- MARJA-LEENA STENSTR� & MAARIT VIROLAINEN: Towards the Enhancement of School-Based VET in Finland -- SVEIN MICHELSEN: The Case of the Norwegian VET - Origins and Early Development 1860-1930 -- TOBIAS KARLSSON, FAY LUNDH NILSSON & ANDERS NILSSON: Modern Apprenticeship and Teknikcollege'. Historical Roots of two Current Features of Swedish Vocational Education -- LORENZO BONOLI: The Development of Statistics in the VET Domain in Switzerland: Issues and Difficulties between 1880 and 1930 -- PHILIPP EIGENMANN & MICHAEL GEISS: There Is No Outside to the System: Paternalism and Protest in Swiss Vocational Education and Training, 1950-1980 -- CHIARA MARTINELLI: Schools for Workers? Industrial and Artistic Industrial Schools in Italy (1861-1913) -- FRIEDHELM SCH�TE: Educational Systems Research: Intention, Scope, Desiderata. A Vocational-Pedagogy and Historical Comment -- SIMONE HAASLER: The German VET System and Labour Market Segregation by Gender: A Historical Perspective -- H�KON HOST: The Integration of Female-Dominated VET Programmes in Health and Social Care into the Common Collective Skills System in Norway -- ANDREAS SANITER & VIDMANTAS TUTLYS: Comparison of Historical Development Pathways of Initial Vocational Education and Training in Lithuania and Germany: How Does History Matter for Policy Learning? -- LINDA CLARKE & J�N JANSSEN: Explaining Diverging VET Systems and Approaches in the Post-War Construction Sector: The Examples of Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany -- ANA-INES RENTA-DAVIDS & MANEL FANDOS-GARRIDO: Evolution and Challenges of the Spanish VET System: From a School-Based to a Work-Based Approach -- BETTINA SIECKE: Permeability in Two-Year Training Occupations in Germany: From Basic Training to Promotion of Lifelong Learning - a View at Historical and Current Developments. ISBN 9783034321204