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Libri antichi e moderni

Dore', Gustave – Wright, Thomas

Historical cartoons; or, Rough pencillings of the world's history, from the first to the nineteenth century. By Gustave Dore'. With descriptive text by Thomas Wright

1400,00 €

Scarpignato Libreria

(Roma, Italia)

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Dore', Gustave – Wright, Thomas


London: Jas. Wade, senza data [1880 ca.]. 25x35 cm. Opera composta da un frontespizio e 20 splendide tavole di Gustave Dore' ritraenti soggetti in differenti costumi d'epoca, con testo descrittivo a fronte (1. 'An ancient Briton contemplating the costume of his descendants'. 2. 'Druid worship. A human sacrifice'. 3. 'Devotion in the 5th and 6th Centuries. Fasting of prayer'. 4. 'The Inquisition. Torture by water'. 5. 'Knight errantry in the 12th Century'. 6. 'The Judgement of God'. 7. 'Feudal usage'. 8. 'A Tournement. Beauty the prize A.D. 1450'. 9. 'The Lords and Ladies of the Castle. Early 16th Century'. 10. 'The Jig. A Hall in the reign of Henri III'. 11. 'Surprised by watchmen. Reign of Henri IV'. 12. 'After Richelieu's decree against duelling'. 13. 'A charge of 'Light horse' in the reign of Louis XIV'. 14. 'Recine performed before the Court of Versailles 1695'. 15. 'A pastoral under Louis XV'. 16. 'Head-dresses in the reign of Louis XVI'. 17. 'Fashions under the Directory, 1798. The incroyables'. 18. 'Corinna, or vocal charms. 1810'. 19. 'Dandyism ruralising. 1830'. 20. 'Ten years later, or a change of fashion.1840'). Rilegatura in mezza pelle, con abrasioni e mancanze al dorso; un piccolo strappo sull'angolo inferiore della copertina posteriore. Lievi bruniture e fioriture. Un minuscolo strappetto sull'angolo inferiore della descrizione 'The druidical worship' e una piccola piega su quello della descrizione 'Surprised by watchmen'. Un piccolo e lieve alone sul margine superiore delle ultime tre tavole illustrate. Opera di assoluta rarita'. [M158]