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Libri antichi e moderni

Gestoorde Vorsten. Disturbed Monarchs.

Gent: Museum Dr. Guislan. History of Psychiatry, 1999.,

135,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Germania)

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Gent: Museum Dr. Guislan. History of Psychiatry, 1999.
279 S., zahlr. Abb. Broschiert.
Monarchie, Krankheiten, Malerei, Zeichnung
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Prima edizione


Einband etwas berieben. - Patrick Allegaert & Annemie Cailliau Met veren van kolibries en ara's -- Avec des plumes de colibris et d'aras -- With the feathers of hummingbirds and macaws -- I. KONINKLIJKE WANEN / ILLUSIONS ROYALES / ROYAL DELUSIONS -- Roy Porter Het raadsel van George III -- L'�gme de George III The riddle of George III -- Tom Ronse De koningen van de wereld -- Les rois du monde The kings of the world -- Wim Meulenkamp De koning bouwt. Drie architectmonarchen -- Le roi b�t. Trois monarques architectes The king builds. Three architects-monarchs -- II. DE KONING EN DE DWERG / LE ROI ET LE NAIN / THE KING AND THE DWARF -- Bert Sliggers Een vorstelijk onthaal -- Un accueil royal A royal welcome -- Bob Baljet De natuur maakt monsters om ons te verbazen en zichzelf -- te vermaken. -- La nature cr�des monstres pour nous surprendre et pour se divertir elle-m�. Nature creates monsters to amaze us and to amuze itself -- Inge Mans Vorsten en Zotten -- Les souverains et les sots Monarchs and fools -- III. VERHALEN OVER MACHT EN WAAN / DES HISTOIRES DE POUVOIR ET D'ILLUSIONS/ -- STORIES ABOUT POWER AND DELUSION -- Riana Scheepers De dodelijke moederliefde van Shaka Zoeloe -- L'amour mortel de Shaka Zoeloe pour sa m� The killing mother-love of Shaka Zulu -- Erwin Mortier Koninklijke angsten -- Angoisses royales Royal fears Erzs�t Baerveldt -- To be and not to be -- IV. MEGALOMANIE / MEGALOMANIE / MEGALOMANIA -- Michel Th�z -- Ans van Berkum -- Kurt Valcke & F�citas Hardy -- Zijne Majesteit het ik Sa Majest�e moi Its Majesty the self -- Reikend naar het hogere Atteignant le plus haut Reaching for the high -- De Meester en de Slaaf Le Ma�e et l'Esclave The Master and the Slave -- V. GESTOORDE VORSTEN: MEER DAN EEN TENTOONSTELLING/ ROIS PERTURBES: PLUS QU'UNE EXPOSITION/ DISTURBED MONARCHS: MORE THAN A EXHIBITION -- Time Festival -- Allemaal welkom Bienvenue a tous All welcome -- Emperor Charles V is a notion for Ghent. He was born here in 1500. His mother, Johanna the Madwoman, was passing through Ghent. That's what we learned at primary school. Even the nickname, ropecarriers, was given by the Emperor to the people of Ghent. Indeed no pet name. The live of Emperor Charles V was at the same time legendary and tragic. On his early abdication he was a broken man, being depressed and weary. Relatively, he was troubled as well. His mother, Johanna the Madwoman, kept on carrying the coffin of her deceased husband for quite some time. Emperor Charles V was a Habsburger. This dynasty has, hereditarily and physically spoken, a reputation. The connection between Emperor Charles V and psychiatry is quickly made. Dr. Guislain Museum accepted to contribute in its own peculiar way to the commemoration of Emperor Charles V. 'Disturbed Monarchs' illuminates the relation between power and madness. It seems to be evident that between those two notions there's a world of difference. Those who have the power, keep away from insanity. The insane don't have any power. But daily reality gives another view. One can see powerful persons taking foolish decisions. One can see insane people dreaming of extreme power. There are kings, emperors, presidents whose power rushes to their head. They deal with insane, megalomaniac projects. Until today they remaine in our world and probably we'll keep on meeting them anywhere. And there are the other-normals, possessed by the taste of power, developing a glimmery world of their own. They stay in their mighty world full of tinsel. In our institutes, we knew the Emperor of China, God the Father, Napoleon and Sire. 'Disturbed Monarchs' is a call to see the to evident partition of power and illusion differently, to inquire it critically and be surprised by the connections between them. / dr. Ren�tockman curator. ISBN 9076745013