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Libri antichi e moderni

Cohn, William

Chinese art.

London: The Studio, 1930.,

47,90 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Germania)

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Metodi di Pagamento


Cohn, William
London: The Studio, 1930.
XVI, 75 S. 90 Abb. auf Tafeln. Originalleinen.
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Einband leicht berieben. Papierbedingt leicht gebr�t und braunfleckig. Privatsammlungstempel und Signatur auf hinterem Vorsatzdeckel. - "THE great exhibition of Chinese art of 1929 in Berlin, organised by the Gesellschaft f�r Ostasiatische Kunst and the Preussische Akademie der K�nste, in the preparation of which the present author took part, provided the external motive for the composition of this small volume. For this reason, the majority of the objects reproduced belong to German collections. It has only been possible to sketch so mighty a field within so small a compass by imposing very definite limits ; religious, archaeological, and technical discussions have been reduced to a minimum. The aim of the work is, in brief, to demonstrate the bases of our present-day knowledge of Chinese art, to show the enormous gaps which obstruct our knowledge, and also to sketch the historical course of the art of China, however cursorily."