Libri antichi e moderni
(Sussex, Augustus Frederick, Duke Of).
Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A Descriptive Catalogue, accompanied by Historical and Biographical Notices, of the Manuscripts and Printed Books contained in the Library of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex.By Thomas Joseph Pettigrew.
Printed for Longman and Co., Paternoster Row - Payne and Foss., 1827-1839
1700,00 €
Brighenti libri esauriti e rari
(Bologna, Italia)
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3 parti in 2 volumi in-8°, m. marocchino coevo con angoli, dorsi a nervi con fregi e titoli in oro, tagli marmorizzati. Ritratto dell' Autore in antiporta. 24, (2), ccxciv, (21), 516 pp.; liii, 587, (1) pp. con tavole fuori testo anche in rosso. Bellissimo esemplare in prima edizione. An extremely fine and well-bound set, probably a large-paper set on fine paper, of this handsomely printed catalogue of this large and famous library, which was pre-eminent in the field of Bibles, MSS., and early printed books. The Duke of Sussex (1773-1843), sixth son of King George III, formed the collection from about 1815 with the assistance of the surgeon and bibliographer Thomas J. Pettigrew. Upon the Duke’s death, the library was sold at auction in 1844-45; the biggest buyers being Sir Thomas Phillipps and the British Museum. The library included a Gutenberg Bible, the 1462 Bible, the 1460 Catholicon, and many important early MSS. A most handsome set of this important catalogue, printed on fine paper. Stamp on verso of titles of the Gloucestershire County Library. ❧ Gustave Brunet, Dictionnaire de Bibliologie Catholique, cols. 585-87. De Ricci, p. 118. Fletcher, English Book Collectors, p.12–“Of the sons of George III., the Duke of Sussex alone appears to have inherited his father’s love of collecting books, and he formed a magnificent library in his apartments at Kensington Palace. The collection consisted of more than fifty thousand volumes, twelve thousand of which were theological. It included a very considerable number of early Hebrew and other rare manuscripts, and about one thousand editions of the Bible. An elaborate catalogue of a portion of it, entitled Bibliotheca Sussexiana, was compiled by Dr. T.J. Pettigrew, the Duke’s librarian.”. Uff. E - III- 5