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Libri antichi e moderni

Dias, Antonio Jorge

(3 B�DE) In memoriam Antonio Jorge Dias.

(Lissabon) - Instituto de Alta Cultura / Junta de investiagacoes Cientificas - do Ultramar . Lisboa, 1974.,

120,00 €

Bookshop Buch Fundus

(Berlin, Germania)

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Dias, Antonio Jorge
(Lissabon), Instituto de Alta Cultura / Junta de investiagacoes Cientificas, do Ultramar . Lisboa, 1974.
489 S.; 458 S. und 414 S.; 23 cm; 3 fadengeh. Orig.-Pappb�e m. OUmschl�n.
Antonio Jorge Dias, V�lkerkunde, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Biografie
Copia autografata
Prima edizione


Gute Exemplare; Umschl� stw. berieben. - Englisch, deutsch; spanisch. - INHALT : ERNESTO VEIGA DE OLIVEIRA ----- Antonio Jorge Dias. ----- BIBLIOGRAFIA DE ANTONIO JORGE DIAS. ----- THALES DE AZEVEDO ----- Integracao Intercultural: O caso do Minorato no Rio Grande do Sul. ----- JENO BARABAS ----- Von der Entstehung der Tradition. ----- ETTA BECKER-DONNER ----- Die Kalebassen von Rabinal, ein dorfliches Kunsthandwerk in Guatemala. ----- CARLOS LOPES CARDOSO ----- Mbali Art - A Case of Acculturation. ----- ANTONIO CARREIRA ----- O Apanho e Exportacao do Coral nas Unas de Cabo Verde no Seculo xix . ----- PAULO DE CARVALHO-NETO ----- Historia do Folclore Chileno: 1900-1920 (A Teoria e o Metodo) ----- MEYER FORTES ----- Bad Arrows: an Ethnographical Document. ----- MILOVAN GAVAZZI ----- Die Nutzniessung des Tangs in den Volksiiberlieferungen der europaischen Meereskiisten. ----- MAX GLUCKMAN ----- The Philosophical Roots of Masked Dancers in Barotseland (Western Province), Zambia. ----- VITORINO MAGALHAES GODINHO ----- Nocoes Operatorias na Abordagem Global das Sociedades. ----- BELA GUNDA ----- The Gathering of the Eggs of Water-Fowl in Hungary. ----- BEATRIX HEINTZE ----- Wer war der "K6nig von Banguela" ?. ----- HANS UND ULRIKE H1MMELHEBER ----- Dilemma-Geschichten der Senufo. ----- WALTER HIRSCHBERG ----- Der Suaheli-Kalender an der Ostkiiste Afrikas. ----- A. J. BERNET KEMPERS ----- Portuguese and "Portuguese" in Old Batavia. ----- GERHARD KUBIK ----- Sozialisierungsprozess und Gesange der Initianden in Mukanda-Schulen (Siidost-Angola) . ----- PAUL LESER ----- Eugen Lewin-Dorschs Forschungen iiber sardische Landwirt-schaft. ----- EUGEN LEWIN-DORSCH ----- Notizen iiber die Pfluge Sardiniens. ----- G. J. LIESEGANG ----- A Survey of the 19th Century Stockades of Southern Mozambique: The Khokholwene of the Manjacaze Area. ----- MALANGATANA (Desenho). ----- M. G. MARWICK ----- Gamitto: An Early Nineteenth-Century Model for Modern Ethnographers. ----- JOAO BAPTISTA NUNES PEREIRA NETO ----- Mudanca Cultural na Empresa Portuguesa. ----- ARNOLD NIEDERER ----- Interfamiliare und Intrafamiliare Kooperation. ----- CARLOS RAMOS DE OLIVEIRA ----- A Abordagem Ecologica no Estudo de Populacoes de Pescadores - Um Estudo de Caso. ----- (u.v.a.m.) // Antonio Jorge Dias, better known as Jorge Dias, died in Lisbon on February 5th. 1973. Born in Oporto in July 31 st. 1907, he spent much of his earlier years there and on the family estate near Guimaraes, manifesting in his character a strong "ludic" instinct allied with a profound love of Nature - which merged in his make-up with an irrepressible feeling for freedom - and for folk-life, a feeling that led him to take part in many of the activities of the country-folk. He would often join workers on their pilgrimages and visit fairs with them, strumming on a guitar, dancing and playing at quarter-staff. Later in life, fleeing the city and broadening his horizons, he made it a point whenever possible to live in Gralheira, a highland village. Here he had his first meeting with Fernando Galhano, here he fraternized with peasants and shepherds; here he hunted and tramped the mountain ranges giving full rein to his love of hiking: and all this contributed to mould his philosophy of life and his sense of values. At the same time he took up athletics seriously, becoming the northern champion at Jiigh jump and sprinting. This side of his activities led him and some of his companions, to join a travelling circus, both for diversion and from a natural sympathy for the circus people in their struggle with an unhappy lot. In requital for his refusal to prepare for one of the more popular professions, his father put him to work in a commercial firm as travelling salesman. In this job he began his reflexion on man and the mechanisms of his reactions. It was then that there began to grow his yearning for wider adventure, for a knowledge and comprehension of the varied ways of life of peoples and races. . (Vorwort) // INHALT :