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Psychobabel & Skoob Books


A propos de ce vendeur

Les vendeurs de sont tous des professionnels du livre et du papier. Grâce aux nombreux catalogues mis en ligne, il est possible de rechercher parmi plus de 12 millions de titres : livres anciens et modernes, périodiques, cartes postales, manuscrits, autographes, estampes, mais aussi objets de collection.

Les vendeurs sont des librairies anciennes, des librairies d'occasion et modernes, des studios bibliographiques, des galeries d'art et des maisons d'édition. Le caractère unique de est la spécialisation, grâce à laquelle c'est possible d'occuper des niches sur le marché des antiquités et au-delà.

Catalogue du vendeur - 79249 titres

  • Managing Successful Universities

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Shattock, Michael

    Managing Successful Universities


    6,33 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • The Globalization of Higher Education

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Scott, Peter (Ed.)

    The Globalization of Higher Education


    7,59 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Benchmarking for Higher Education

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Jackson, Norman, Lund, Helen (Eds.)

    Benchmarking for Higher Education


    11,39 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Managing Quality in Higher Education: An International Perspective on Institutional …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Brennan, John, Shah, Tarla

    Managing Quality in Higher Education: An International Perspective on Institutional Assessment and Change


    13,92 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Managing Quality in Higher Education: An International Perspective on Institutional …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Brennan, John, Shah, Tarla

    Managing Quality in Higher Education: An International Perspective on Institutional Assessment and Change


    13,92 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Gender and the Restructured University

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Brooks, Ann, Mackinnon, Alison (Eds.)

    Gender and the Restructured University


    8,86 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Globalization and Reform in Higher Education

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Eggins, Heather (Ed.)

    Globalization and Reform in Higher Education


    22,14 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Reconstructing Professionalism in University Teaching: Teachers and Learners in Action

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Walker, Melanie (Ed.)

    Reconstructing Professionalism in University Teaching: Teachers and Learners in Action


    15,18 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Realizing the University in an Age of Supercomplexity

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Barnett, Ronald

    Realizing the University in an Age of Supercomplexity


    7,59 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Subject Learning in the Primary Curriculum: Issues in English, Science …

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Murphy, Patricia, Selinger, Michelle, Bourne, Jill, Briggs, Mary (Eds.)

    Subject Learning in the Primary Curriculum: Issues in English, Science and Mathematics


    11,39 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • How to Teach Literacy: Commas, Colons, Connectives and Conjunctions

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Beadle, Phil

    How to Teach Literacy: Commas, Colons, Connectives and Conjunctions


    7,59 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)

  • Children's Literature in Primary Schools

    Livres anciens et modernes

    Waugh, David, Neaum, Sally, Waugh, Rosemary

    Children's Literature in Primary Schools


    12,02 €

    Psychobabel & Skoob Books (Royaume-Uni)