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Livres anciens et modernes

Appleman, Philip, William Madden And Michael Wolff (Eds.)

Victorian Studies. Vol. 44.

Bloomington : Indiana University Press, Autumn 2001 - Summer - 2002.,

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Appleman, Philip, William Madden And Michael Wolff (Eds.)
Bloomington : Indiana University Press, Autumn 2001 - Summer, 2002.
753 p. Library binding hardcover.
Premiére Edition


From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). - Allover very good and clean. - Contents: No. 1: Editor�s Introduction by Andrew H. Miller -- BOOK FORUM -- Rethinking Delaroche/Recovering Leighton by Tim Barringer -- Sex and the City: Metropolitan Modernities in English History by Margot Finn -- Adorno Now by Joseph Litvak -- ESSAYS -- George Eliot and the Precious Mettle of Trust by Richard D. Mallen -- Buying Brains: Trollope, Oliphant, and Vulgar Victorian Commerce by Elsie B. Michie -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Game That Must Be Lost, by Jerome McGann by David G. Riede -- Divining Desire: Tennyson and the Poetics of Transcendence, by James W. Hood by W. David Shaw -- Providence and Love: Studies in Wordsworth, Channing, Myers, George Eliot, and Ruskin, by John Beer by Robert Langbaum -- Reproductive Urges: Popular Novel Reading, Sexuality, and the English Nation, by Anita Levy by Athena Vrettos -- Pleasure Wars: The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud, Volume V, by Peter Gay by John Maynard -- Culture and Adultery: The Novel, the Newspaper, and the Law, 1857- 1914, by Barbara Leckie; Promising Language: Betrothal in Victorian Law and Fiction, by Randall Craig by Ginger S. Frost -- Trollope and the Magazines: Gendered Issues in Mid-Victorian Britain, by Mark W. Turner by Judith Knelman -- Metaphors of Change in the Language of Nineteenth-Century Fiction: Scott, Gaskell, and Kingsley, by Megan Perigoe Stitt; Darwinism and the Linguistic Image: Language, Race, and Natural Theology in the Nineteenth Century, by Stephen G. Alter by Jason Camlot -- A Victorian Scientist and Engineer: Fleeming Jenkin and the Birth of Electrical Engineering, by Gillian Cookson and Colin A. Hempstead by Chen-Pang Yeang -- Early Trade Unionism: Fraternity, Skill and the Politics of Labour, by Malcolm Chase by John Belchem -- Lord Acton, by Roland Hill by Josef L. Altholz -- The Diocesan Revival in the Church of England c. 1800-1870, by Arthur Burns by Lori M. Miller -- Christmas: A Social History, by Mark Connelly by Erik Gray -- Dickens and the Spirit of the Age, by Andrew Sanders; Other Dickens: Pickwick to Chuzzlewit, by John Bowen by John O. Jordan -- Fiction in the Age of Photography: The Legacy of British Realism, by Nancy Armstrong by Dianne E Sadoff -- The Haunted Mind: The Supernatural in Victorian Literature, edited by Elton E. Smith and Robert Haas by William Hughes -- Cooking with Mud: The Idea of Mess in Nineteenth-Century Art and Fiction, by David Trotter by John Marx -- Art and the Academy in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Rafael Cardoso Denis and Colin Trodd by Joy Sperling -- The Secular Furniture ofE. W Godwin, by Susan Weber Soros; E. W Godwin: Aesthetic Movement Architect and Designer, edited by Susan Weber Soros by Pamela Robertson -- Oscar Wilde�s Decorated Books, by Nicholas Frankel by Catherine J. Golden -- Oscar Wilde: The Critic as Humanist, by Bruce Bashford by Ian Small -- Biographical Passages: Essays on Victorian and Modernist Biography: Honoring Mary M. Lago, edited by Joe Law and Linda K. Hughes by David Amigoni -- George Moore: 1852-1933, by Adrian Frazier by Elizabeth Grubgeld -- The Letters of Wilkie Collins: Volume One, 1838-1865, edited by William Baker and William M. Clarke; The Letters of Wilkie Collins: Volume Two, 1874-1881, edited by William Baker and William M. Clarke by Ira B. Nadel -- Amy Levy: Her Life and Letters, by Linda Hunt Beckman by Linda M. Shires -- Idol of Suburbia: Marie Corelli and Late-Victorian Literary Culture, by Annette R. Federico; The Mysterious Miss Marie Corelli: Queen of Victorian Bestsellers, by Teresa Ransom by Maria LaMonaca -- Ambivalence in Hardy: A Study of His Attitude to Women, by Shanta Dutta by Angelique Richardson -- The Foreign Woman in British Literature: Exotics, Aliens, and Outsiders, edited by Marilyn Demarest Button and Toni Reed by Meri-Jane Rochelson -- Envisioning Africa: Racism and Imperialism in Conrad�s Heart of Darkness, by Peter Edgerly Firchow; Joseph Conrad and the Imperial Romance, by Linda Dryden by Todd Kuchta -- Modern Subjects/Colonial Texts: Hugh Clifford & the Discipline of English Literature in the Straits Settlements and Malaya 1895- 1907, by Philip Holden by Nicholas Tarling -- The Savage Empire: Forgotten Wars of the Nineteenth Century, by Ian Hernon by John R. Reed -- The Crimean War 1853-1856, by Winfried Baumgart by Robin Clifton -- The Oxford History of the British Empire, Volume III: The Nineteenth- Century, edited by Andrew N. Porter; The Oxford History of the British Empire, Volume V: Historiography, edited by Robin Winks by Antoinette Burton. - No. 2: Filthy Lucre: Victorian Ideas of Money by Christopher Herbert -- Defining Christians, Making Britons: Rammohun Roy and the Unitarians by Lynn Zastoupil -- Feeling Public: Sensation Theater, Commodity Culture, and the Victorian Public Sphere by Lynn M. Voskuil -- REVIEW ESSAY -- Millennial Ruskins by Elizabeth Helsinger -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Conceiving Companies: Joint-Stock Politics in Victorian England, by Timothy L. Alborn by Mary Poovey -- Gladstone, by Eugenio F. Biagini; Disraeli, by Edgar Feuchtwanger by Travis L. Crosby -- Royalties: The Queen and Victorian Writers, by Gail Turley Houston by Maria Jerinic -- The Albert Memorial: The Prince Consort National Memorial, Its History, Context, and Conservation, edited by Chris Brooks by Geoffrey Tyack -- The Holland Park Circle: Artists and Victorian Society, by Caroline Dakers by Stefan Muthesius -- Art Nouveau 1890-1914, edited by Paul Greenhalgh by Debra N. Mancoff -- Domestic Space: Reading the Nineteenth-Century Interior, edited by Inga Bryden and Janet Floyd by Thad Logan -- Music and British Culture, 1785-1914: Essays in Honour of Cyril Ehrlich, edited by Christina Bashford and Leanne Langley by Nicholas Temperley -- Nineteenth-Century British Music Studies, Volume I, edited by Bennett Zon by Nigel Burton -- Pleasures and Pastimes in Victorian Britain, by Pamela Horn by Stuart Semmel -- National Identities and Travel in Victorian Britain, by Marjorie Morgan by Donald Ulin -- J. S. Mill�s Encounter with India, edited by Martin I. Moir, Douglas M. Peers, and Lynn Zastoupil; Politics, Religion and Classical Political Economy in Britain: John Stuart Mill and His Followers, by Jeff Lipkes by Trevor Lloyd -- Crimea: The Great Crimean War, 1854-1856, by Trevor Royle by Winfried Baumgart -- Absent-Minded Beggars: The Volunteers in the Boer War, by Will Bennett by Gwyn Harries-Jenkins -- The Dons: Mentors, Eccentrics and Geniuses, by Noel Annan by Peter Stansky -- Men of Letters, Writing Lives: Masculinity and Literary Auto/ Biography in the Late-Victorian Period, by Trev Lynn Broughton by Martin A. Danahay -- The Letters of Charles Dickens, Volume 11: 1865-1867, edited by Graham Storey by Alexander Welsh -- Dickens Revisited, by Robert Newsom by John Bowen -- Preaching Pity: Dickens, Gaskell, and Sentimentalism in Victorian Culture, by Mary Lenard; �Without Any Check of Proud Reserve�: Sympathy and Its Limits in George Eliot�s Novels, by Ellen Argyros by Miriam Bailin -- The Burdens of Intimacy: Psychoanalysis and Victorian Literature, by Christopher Lane by Christopher Newfield -- �Cure, Comfort and Safe Custody �: Public Lunatic Asylums in Early Nineteenth-Century England, by Leonard D. Smith by William Hughes -- Fiction and the Law: Legal Discourses in Victorian and Modernist Literature, by Kieran Dolin; Literature and Legal Discourse: Equity and Ethics from Sterne to Conrad, by Dieter Paul Polloczek by Barbara Leckie -- A History of the County Court, 1846-1971, by Patrick Polden by Christopher Allen -- The Child, the State, and the Victorian Novel, by Laura C. Berry by Claudia Nelson -- State, Society and the Poor in Nineteenth-Century England, by Alan Kidd; The Solidarities of Strangers: The English Poor Laws and the People, 1700-1948, by Lynn Hollen Lees by Lydia Murdoch -- Poor Women�s Lives: Gender, Work, and Poverty in Late-Victorian London, by Andrew August by Laura Tabili -- Gender, Civic Culture, and Consumerism: Middle-Class Identity in Britain, 1800-1940, edited by Alan Kidd and David Nicholls by Paul R. Deslandes -- The Hidden Consumer: Masculinities, Fashion and City Life 1860- 1914, by Christopher Breward by Allen J. Salerno -- Culture, Class and Gender in the Victorian Novel: Gentlemen, Gents and Working Women, by Arlene Young by Julie English Early -- The March of the Women: A Revisionist Analysis of the Campaign for Women�s Suffrage, 1866-1914, by Martin Pugh by Jacqueline R. de Vries -- Victorian Women Writers and the Woman Question, edited by Nicola Diane Thompson by Elizabeth Langland -- Writing Double: Women�s Literary Partnerships, by Bette London by Holly A. Laird -- The Story, the Teller and the Audience in George MacDonald�s Fiction, by Rebecca Thomas Ankeny by Carole G. Silver -- Beyond Dracula: Bram Stoker�s Fiction and Its Cultural Context, by William Hughes by David Glover -- Modernism, Romance, and the Fin de Si�e: Popular Fiction and British Culture, 1880-1914, by Nicholas Daly by Jennifer Ruth -- Rethinking Victorian Culture, edited by Juliet John and Alice Jenkins; Rereading Victorian Fiction, edited by Alice Jenkins and Juliet John by Suzy Anger -- Practicing New Historicism, by Catherine Gallagher and Stephen Greenblatt by Bruce Robbins. - No. 3: BOOK FORUM -- Reading The Biographer�s Tale by Erin O�Connor -- The Making of British Nationality by Theodore Koditschek -- ESSAYS -- Autobiography in Fragments: The Elusive Life of Edith Simcox by Rosemarie Bodenheimer -- Sensations of Celebrity: Jack Sheppard and the Mass Audience by Matthew Buckley -- Erotic Martyrdom: Kingsley�s Sexuality beyond Sex by Charles Barker -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Picturing the Past: English History in Text and Image 1830-18 70, by Rosemary Mitchell by John Bowen -- Dickens Redressed: The Art of Bleak House and Hard Times, by Alexander Welsh; Hamlet in His Modern Guises, by Alexander Welsh by John Glavin -- The Economics of the British Stage, 1800-1914, by Tracy C. Davis by Martha Vicinus -- Victorian Figurative Painting: Domestic Life and the Contemporary Social Scene, by Mary Cowling; Victorian Narrative Painting, by Julia Thomas by Susan P. Casteras -- Professional Women Painters in Nineteenth-Century Scotland: Commitment, Friendship, Pleasure, by Janice Heliand by Jordana Pomeroy -- The Culture of Christina Rossetti: Female Poetics and Victorian Contexts, edited by Mary Arseneau, Antony H. Harrison, and Lorraine Janzen Kooistra by Joseph Bristow -- Their Fair Share: Women, Power and Criticism in the Athenaeum, From Millicent Garrett Fawcett to Katherine Mansfield, 1870- 1920, by Marysa Demoor by Dallas Liddle -- Women and the People: Authority, Authorship and the Radical Tradition in Nineteenth-Century England, by Helen Rogers by Stephanie Kuduk -- Gender, Geography and Empire: Victorian Women Travellers in West Africa, by Cheryl McEwan by Julie English Early -- American Slaves in Victorian England: Abolitionist Politics in Popular Literature and Culture, by Audrey Fisch by Jennifer DeVere Brody -- Nature�s Government: Science, Imperial Britain, and �Improvement� of the World, by Richard Drayton by Thomas William Heyck -- The New Crusaders: Images of the Crusades in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, by Elizabeth Siberry by Patrick R. O�Malley -- Social Mobility in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century England, by Andrew Miles by Laura Tabili -- Political Economy and Fiction in the Early Works of Harriet Martineau, by Claudia Orazem by Elisabeth Sanders Arbuckle -- When I First Began My Life Anew: Middle-Class Widows in Nineteenth-Century Britain, by Cynthia Curran by Christopher S. Noble -- Becoming Victoria, by Lynne Vallone; Queen Victoria and Thomas Sully, by Carrie Rebora Barratt by Gail Turley Houston -- John Brown: Queen Victoria �s Highland Servant, by Raymond Lamont-Brown by Stanley Weintraub -- Prince of Swindlers: John SadleirM.P. 1813-1856, byJames O�Shea by David Philips -- The Great Irish Potato Famine, by James S. Donnelly, Jr.; Famine, Land and Culture in Ireland, edited by Carla King by Christine Kinealy -- A Stranger Within the Gates: Charlotte Bronte and Victorian Irishness, by Kathleen Constable; The Brontes and Religion, by Marianne Thorm�en by Sara L. Maurer -- Charles Lever: The Lost Victorian, by Stephen Haddelsey by Elizabeth Tilley -- Oscar Wilde: Recent Research: A Supplement to Oscar Wilde Revalued, by Ian Small; The Man Who Was Dorian Gray, by Jerusha Hull McCormack by J. Robert Maguire -- Arthur Conan Doyle and the Meaning of Masculinity, by Diana Barsham; Conrad and Masculinity, by Andrew Michael Roberts by Herbert Sussman -- Disorderly Sisters: Sibling Relations and Sororal Resistance in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, by Leila Silvana May by Caroline Levine -- Child Sexual Abuse in Victorian England, by Louise A. Jackson by Lydia Murdoch -- A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping History�s Nightmares, by Robert Mighall; Gothic Radicalism: Literature, Philosophy, and Psychoanalysis in the Nineteenth Century, by Andrew Smith; Victorian Gothic: Literary and Cultural Manifestations in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Ruth Robbins and Julian Wolfreys by Cannon Schmitt -- Reading Hardy �s Landscapes, by Michael Irwin; The Achievement of Thomas Hardy, edited by Phillip Mallett; Hardy �s Early Poetry: Romanticism Through a �Dark Bilberry Eye �, by James Persoon by Linda M. Austin -- Thomas Hardy: Imagining Imagination in Hardy �s Poetry and Fiction, by Barbara Hardy by Rhoda L. Flaxman -- Victorian Keats and Romantic Carlyle: The Fusions and Confusions of Literary Periods, edited by C. C. Barfoot by Dino Felluga -- Victorian Afterlife: Postmodern Culture Rewrites the Nineteenth Century, edited by John Kucich and Dianne F. Sadoff by Simon Joyce. - No. 4: Emily Bront� Homesickness by Linda M. Austin -- Bulwer�s Misanthropes and the Limits of Victorian Sympathy by Christopher Lane -- �Victorian Bibliography�: Seventy Years After by Edward H. Cohen -- REVIEW FORUM -- The Insatiability of Human Wants: Economics and Aesthetics in Market Society, by Regenia Gagnier by Timothy Alborn -- Patrick Brantlinger -- Peter Mandler -- Reply by Regenia Gagnier -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Gentrification and the Enterprise Culture: Britain 1780-1980, by F. M. L. Thompson; The Public Culture of the Victorian Middle Class: Ritual and Authority in the English Industrial City 1840-1914, by Simon Gunn by Harold Perkin -- An Age of Equipoise? Reassessing Mid-Victorian Britain, edited by Martin Hewitt; The Golden Age: Essays in British Social and Economic History, edited by Ian Inkster, Colin Griffin, Jeff Hill, and Judith Rowbotham by Malcolm Chase -- Bargaining on Europe, Britain and the First Common Market, 1860- 1892, by Peter T. Marsh by John D. Fair -- The Crowd: British Literature and Public Politics, by John Plotz by David Wayne Thomas -- Charity and the London Hospitals, 1850-1898, by Keir Waddington by Martin Gorsky -- England�s Disgrace: J. S. Mill and the Irish Question, by Bruce L. Kinzer by Terry Eagleton -- Allegories of Union in Irish and English 'Writing, 1790-1870: Politics, History, and the Family from Edgeworth to Arnold, by Maryjean Corbett by Leith Davis -- Dialogues in the Margin: A Study of the Dublin University Magazine, by Wayne E. Hall by Gordon Bigelow -- Serializing Fiction in the Victorian Press, by Graham Law by Linda K. Hughes -- Nineteenth-Century Media and the Construction of Identities, edited by Laurel Brake, Bill Bell, and David Finkelstein by Graham Law -- The Letters of Charlotte Bronte, Volume Two: 1848-1851, edited by Margaret Smith by Patsy Stoneman -- Physiognomy and the Meaning of Expression in Nineteenth-Century Culture, by Lucy Hartley by RosemaryJann -- Body, Place, and Self in Nineteenth-Century Painting, by Susan Sidlauskas by Kate Flint -- Ruskin�s Artists: Studies in the Victorian Visual Economy, edited by Robert Hewison by Thais E. Morgan -- Late Ruskin: New Contexts, by Francis O�Gorman by Paul Sawyer -- A Pious Bacchanal: Affinities between the Lives and Works of John Flaxman and Aubrey Beardsley, by Daniel O. Bell by Chris Snodgrass -- Visual Ephemera: Theatrical Art in Nineteenth Century Australia, by Anita Callaway by Virgil C. Johnson -- Through Australian Eyes: Colonial Perceptions of Imperial Britain, by Andrew Hassam by Meg Tasker -- Dickens and the Children of Empire, edited by Wendy S. Jacobson; Kipling�s Imperial Boy: Adolescence and Cultural Hybridity, by Don Randall; Empire�s Children: Empire and Imperialism in Classic British Children�s Books, by M. Daphne Kutzer by Laurence Kitzan -- The Boer War: Direction, Experience and Image, edited by John Gooch by Richard D. Fulton -- Olive Schreiner and the Progress of Feminism: Evolution, Gender, Empire, by Carolyn Burdett by Daryl Ogden -- Solitary Travelers: Nineteenth-Century Women �s Travel Narratives and the Scientific Vocation, by Lila Marz Harper by Barbara T. Gates -- Women in British Politics, 1760-1860: The Power of the Petticoat, edited by Kathryn Gleadle and Sarah Richardson by Anna Clark -- Queen Victoria and the Discovery of the Riviera, by Michael Nelson by Walter L. Arnstein -- The Vikings and the Victorians: Inventing the Old North in Nineteenth-Century Britain, by Andrew Wawn by Clare A. Simmons -- The Victorian Visitors: Culture Shock in Nineteenth-Century Britain, by Rupert Christiansen by Ross G. Forman -- Sexual Slander in Nineteenth-Century England: Defamation in the Ecclesiastical Courts, 1815-1855, by S. M. Waddams by Ginger S. Frost -- Testimony and Advocacy in Victorian Law, Literature, and Theology, by Jan-Melissa Schramm by Melissa J. Ganz -- Ethics and Narrative in the English Novel 1880-1914, by Jil Larson by Alison Booth -- Amnesiac Selves: Nostalgia, Forgetting, and British Fiction, 1810-1870, by Nicholas Dames by Sally Shuttleworth.