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Livres anciens et modernes

Chladni Ernst.

Trait‚ d'acoustique.

Parigi, Courcier, 1809.,

1200,00 €

Mediolanum Libreria Antiquaria

(Milano, Italie)

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Chladni Ernst.
Parigi, Courcier, 1809.


In - 8ø; 2 cc., XXVIII, 375 pp. e 8 tavole ripiegate fuori testo. Ottimo esemplare a pieni margini con barbe, brossura muta editoriale, tassello in carta con titolo al dorso (parzialmente conservato). Prima edizione in francese del "Die Akustik" (Leipzig, 1802), del fisico sassone Ernst Chladni (1756 - 1827), fondatore dell'acustica moderna, che cur• personalmete questa traduzione. "Chladni, professor of physics in Breslau, was the first to reduce the general association between vibration and pitch to a tabular basis, and thus to lay the foundation of the modern science of acoustics. His first results were first reported in New Discoveries in the Theory of Sound, 1787, and were greatly enlarged upon in Acoustics, 1802. He spread sand on plates made of metal and glass, which were fixed in clamps. He then applied a violin bow to the edge of each plate and recorded the patterns produced thereby in the sand. These figures are still known by Chladni's name" (PMM). Roberts & Trent, p. 71. Poggendorf I, 430. cf. Dibner, 150. PMM, 233b, Honeyman 689.
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