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Livres anciens et modernes

Tools For Inhabiting The Present Herramientas Para Habitar El Presente Montane

89,00 €

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(Trebaseleghe, Italie)

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Product details Paperback: 210 pages<br>Publisher: Fundació Politécnica de Catalunya, First edition (10 Aug. 2011)<br>Language: English, Spanish<br>ISBN-10: 8461475046<br>ISBN-13: 978-8461475049<br><br>The aim of this book is to put forward systems of analysis and methods for contemporary housing design based on real data from Spain which can be extrapolated and adapted to the needs of other contexts. Housing is seen as a crossroads of contemporary complexity wherein, through architecture, there come together town-planning, social, technological and environmental issues while at the same time questions are raised about changes in each of these fields. The method is based on an integrated evaluation of existing housing, which is taken as our point of reference.
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