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Livres anciens et modernes

BERZELIUS, Jöns Jacob.

Théorie des Proportions Chimiques et Table Synoptique des Poids Atomiques des corps simples,

et de leurs combinations les plus importantes. Deuxième édit, 1835

290,00 €

Pregliasco Libreria Antiquaria

(Torino, Italie)

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BERZELIUS, Jöns Jacob.
et de leurs combinations les plus importantes. Deuxième édit
Libri Antichi
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En bonne condition
Couverture rigide


>in-8, pp. (4), 477, leg. coeva in mezza pelle, titoli e filetti in oro al dorso, tagli marmorizzati, nota di possesso in antiporta e annotazioni a lapis ai margini di alcuni fogli. Seconda edizione rivista, ampiata e corretta di questa fondamentale opera di Berzelius, considerato tra i padri della chimica moderna insieme a John Dalton, Louis Proust e Antoine Lavoisier. Raro. Buon esemplare, molto fresco. ''The table appended, greatly enlarged in this edition, mentions the atomic weights of all elements then known, besides those of a large number of inorganic compounds, and forms the first attempt at giving a complete list of atomic weights.'' Zeitlinger. Cole, Chemical literature, 144; DSB, II, p. 90; Partington, A history of chemistry, IV, pp. 153-158; Poggendorff, I, col. 173; Weeks and Leicester, Discovery of the elements (1968), p. 308; Zeitlinger, I, 6190; Bolton I, p. 9.
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