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Livres anciens et modernes

Aers, David And Valeria Finucci (Eds.)

The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Vol. 43 2013 [3 Bd.e].

Duke University Press., 2013.,

39,00 €

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(Berlin, Allemagne)

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Aers, David And Valeria Finucci (Eds.)
Duke University Press., 2013.
681 Seiten / p., Abb. Originalbroschur.
Premiére Edition


Aus der Bibliothek von Prof. Wolfgang Haase, langj�igem Herausgeber der ANRW und des International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT) / From the library of Prof. Wolfgang Haase, long-time editor of ANRW and the International Journal of the Classical Tradition (IJCT). Leicht berieben und besto�n, ansonsten tadelloser Zustand -- Volume 43 Index -- Ambrose, Laura Williamson -- Travel in Time: Local Travel Writing and Seventeenth-Century English -- Almanacs -- Atwood, Emma Katherine -- �All Places Are Alike�: Marlowe�s Edward /Zand English Spatial -- Imagination -- Burns, E. Jane -- Magical Politics from Poitou to Armenia: Melusine, Jean de Berry, -- and the Eastern Mediterranean -- Busse, Ashley Denham -- �Quod me nutrit me destruit�: Discovering the Abject -- on the Early Modern Stage -- Corbellini, Sabrina, and Margriet Hoogvliet -- Artisans and Religious Reading in Late Medieval Italy and Northern -- France (ca. 1400-ca. 1520) -- Cornett, Michael -- New Books across the Disciplines -- Corteguera, Luis R. -- Artisans and the New Science of Politics in Early Modern -- Europe -- Crocker, Holly A. -- �As false as Cressid�: Virtue Trouble from Chaucer to -- Shakespeare -- Duncan, Helga L. -- �Here at the Fringe of the Forest�: Staging Sacred Space in As You Like It -- Jones, Christine A. -- Exotic Edibles: Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and the Early Modern French -- How-to -- Kermode, Lloyd Edward -- Experiencing the Space and Place of Early Modern Theater -- Kok, Su Mei -- �How Many Arts from Such a Labour Flow�: Thomas Middleton and -- London�s New River -- Korda, Natasha -- �The Sign of the Last�: Gender, Material Culture, and Artisanal Nostalgia -- in The Shoemaker�s Holiday -- Legassie, Shayne Aaron -- The Lies of the Painters: Artisan Trickery and the Labor of Painting in -- Boccaccio�s Decameron and Sacchetti�s Trecentonovelle -- Lupton, Julia Reinhard -- Making Room, Affording Hospitality: Environments of Entertainment in -- Romeo and Juliet -- McSheffrey, Shannon -- Stranger Artisans and the London Sanctuary of St. Martin le Grand in the Reign of Henry VIII -- Milner, Matthew -- The Physics of Holy Oats: Vernacular Knowledge, Qualities, and Remedy in Fifteenth-Century England -- Newton, Francis -- Tribute to Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans (1920-2012) -- Papp ano, Margaret A., and Nicole R. Rice -- Medieval and Early Modern Artisan Culture -- Parker, Brett F. -- Recasting England: The Varieties of Antiquarian Responses to the Proposed Union of Crowns, 1603-1607 -- Sheerin, Brian -- The Substance of Shadows: Imagination and Credit Culture in -- Volpone -- Sherman, Donovan -- Governing the Wolf: Soul and Space in The Merchant of Venice -- Smith, Bruce R. -- Taking the Measure of Global Space -- Weisser, Olivia -- Grieved and Disordered: Gender and Emotion in Early Modern Patient -- Narratives -- Zysk, Jay -- The Last Temptation of Faustus: Contested Rites and Eucharistic Representation in Doctor Faustus.