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Birksted-Breen, Dana (Ed.)

The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. Volume 97, 2016, Part 1-6 (six volumes). Incorporating the International Review of Psycho-Analysis.

Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016.,

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Birksted-Breen, Dana (Ed.)
Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016.
1716 S. Originalbroschur.
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Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Vol. 1: Psychic reality and the nature of consciousness P. FONAGI AM) E. ALLISON -- Bi-ocularity, the functioning mind of the psychoanalyst D. BIRKSTED-BREEN -- Psychosomatic breast and alexithymic breast: A Bionian psychosomatic perspective L. MAGNENAT -- Infantile defences in parent-infant psychotherapy: The example of gaze avoidance B. SALOMONSSON -- Metapsychological and clinical issues in psychosomatics research J. PRESS -- Formlessness and countertransference: Discussion of J. Press,'Metapsychological and clinical issues in psychosomatics research C. BRONSTEIN -- Commentary on 'Metapsychological and clinical issues in psychosomatics research' by Jacques Press J. E. FlSCHBEIN -- Introduction to 'Listening and interacting through different niters: sessions with Nina A.A. BRONSTEIN -- Listening and interacting through different filters: sessions with Nina J.C. FOEHI -- Discussion of'Listening and interacting through different filters: sessions with Nina B. REITIH -- Discussion of'Listening and interacting through different niters: sessions with Nina E.M. DA ROCHA BARROS -- Why drive? Psychoanalytic reflections on the film Never let me go T. STORCK -- VOL. 2: The metaphorical, the metonymical and the psychotic aspects of obsessive symptomatology D. AMIR -- The sense of the body in the dream: Diagnostic capacity in the meanings of dreams G. GIORDO -- Experiential self-understanding D. BELL AND A. LEITE -- Light and color in a void:The analysis of a special needs child M. I. N. E. CARNEIRO -- Why'spiritism'? J. GYIMESI -- New developments in transference focused psychotherapy O.F. KERNBERG -- The edge of chaos:A nonlinear view of psychoanalytic technique R.M. GALATZER-LEVY -- German students' current choice of profession in the field of psychotherapy J. LEBIGER-VOGEL -- The arms of the chimeras B. ITIHER -- The story of Ida: Salvation not mourning M. MUSIM -- VOL. 3: Sexuality and its object in Freud's 1905 edition of Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality P. VAN HAUTE AND II. WESTERINK -- Understanding Freud's conflicted view of the object-relatedness of sexuality and its implications for contemporary psychoanalysis: A re-examination of Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality R.B. BLASS -- Beating phantasies: Mourned and unmourned G. ANTINUCCI -- Infantile sexuality and Freud's legacy P. MARION -- The primal scene and symbol formation D. NIEDECKEN -- Oedipus and the Oedipus complex:A revision S. ZEPF, B. ULLRICH AND D. SEEL -- Roots and vicissitudes of psychic bisexuality F, POUPART -- Sexuality and meaning in Freud and Merleau-Ponty P. MOYA AND ME. L.ARRAIN -- The drive revisited: Mastery and satisfaction P.DENIS -- Serviceable and consistent:The goal of metapsychology C. SCHMDT-HELLERAW -- Metapsychology or metapsychologies? Some comments on Paul Denis's paper 'The drive revisited: mastery and satisfaction' G. SAPISOCHIN -- Introduction to 'Is the nature of psychoanalytic thinking and practice (e.g.,in regard to sexuality) determined by extra-analytic, social and cultural developments? ^R.B. BLASS -- Is the nature of psychoanalytic thinking and practice (e.g., in regard to sexuality) determined by extra-analytic, social and cultural developments? Sexuality: Biological fact or cultural construction? The view from dual inheritance theory R. A. PAUL -- Is the nature of psychoanalytic thinking and practice (e.g.,in regard to sexuality) determined by extra-analytic, social and cultural developments? Insight under siege: Psychoanalysis in the 'Autistoid Age' J. L. AHUMADA -- Response to Robert A. Paul -- J. L. AHIUMADA -- The paradoxes of the infantile sexual:A case of extemporal temporality L. KAHN -- The Oedipus complex:A confrontation at the central cross-roads of psychoanalysis R. HARTKE -- Infantile sexuality: Its place in the conceptual developments of Anna Freud and Donald W. Winnicott A. JOYCE -- On the subject of homosexuality: What Freud said S. FLANDERS, F. LADAME, A. CARLSBERG, P. HEYMANNS, D. NAZIRI AND D. PANITZ -- Unpublished draft paper on sexuality by Donald Meltzer D. MELTZER -- VOL. 4: The use of the analyst as an autistic shape D. POWER -- I play doh:The art of plasticine in the process of adolescent subjectivation L. NICOLI -- The attraction of evil and the destruction of mean-ing A. MIGLIOZZI -- 'Though he slay me,yet will I trust in him': a critical reconstruction ofWinnicott's theory of value S. GROASKE -- Sibling rivalry, separation, and change in Austen's Sense and Sensibility M.A. FITZMTRICK HANLY -- What can psychoanalysis contribute to the current refugee crisis? M. LEUZINGER-BOHLEBER, C. RICKMEYER, M. TAHIRI, N. HETTICH AND T. FISCHMANN -- Intersubjectivity, otherness, and thirdness: A necessary relationship L. GLOCER FIORINI -- The origins and destinies of the idea of thirdness in contemporary psychoanalysis N.E COELHO JUNIOR -- On the argument for (and against) neuropsychoanalysis L. S. SANDBERG -- How the impact of medication on psychoanalytic theory and treatment refutes Blass and Carmeli (2015) F. N. BUSCH -- Response to Kessler, Sandberg, and Busch: The case for and against neuropsychoanalysis R. Buss AND Z. CARMELI -- VOL. 5: Destruction reconceived: On Winnicott's 'The Use of an Object and Relating through Identifications' T. H. OGDEN -- Revisiting the crisis in Freud's libido theory and Abraham's concept of the oral-sadistic phase as a way out of it G. DAHL -- Further considerations of theory, technique, and affect in child psychoanalysis:Two prelatency cases P. C. HOLINGER -- Reflections on trauma, symbolization and psychic pain in a case of neurosis and a case of psychosis J. L. MALDONADO AND A. L. SOLIMANO -- Poetics in the shadow of the other's language:The melancholic discourse of the trilingual poet Amelia Rosselli P. ANTINUCCI -- An even hover-reading of Freud: The work of metaphor P. SAUVAYRE AND M. VEGAS -- On Sublimation G. CIVITARESE -- Introduction to Alfred Lorenzer's paper 'Language, life praxis and scenic understanding in psychoanalytic therapy' W. BOHLEBER -- Language, life praxis and scenic understanding in psychoanalytic therapy A. LORENZER -- Bridging gaps between conscious and unconscious. T. SHAPIRO -- Where the wild things really are:Winnicottian reflections on the film Beasts of the Southern Wild J. B. LOBEL -- Vol. 6: Analytic process and dreaming about analysis F. SEDLAK -- The psychoanalyst's normal and pathological superegos L. V. STRAUss -- From pilot fish to analyst: Finding a path between symbiotic and autistic defences L. V. STRAUss -- Clinical applications of Matte Blanco's thinking M. SANCHEZ-CARDENAS -- Negative hallucinations, dreams and hallucinations:The framing structure and its representation in the analytic setting R. J. PEEELBERG -- On becoming a child: Reverie in the psychotherapy of children N. HERMON -- The capacity to tell a joke: Reflections from work with Asperger children L. J. BROWN -- The two Bernard Berenson cousins:The interplay among immigration, culture, and narcissism S. G. GOLDBERG -- Psyche and culture: Perspectives based on the contributions and limits of ethnopsychiatry R. STITOU -- The abuses of a certain knowledge F. De BILBAO AND P. BONAVITACOLA -- Avatars of desire and the question of presence: Virtual and transitional spaces meet their liminal edge - from Pygmalion to Spike Jonze's Her, and beyond. A. MARGULIES.