Livres anciens et modernes
THE COMPLETE ANGLER, or The Contemplative Man's Recreation Being a Discourse of Rivers Fish-Ponds Fish and Fishing Written By Isaac Walton And Instructions How To Angle For A Trout Or Grayling In A Clear Stream, By Charles Cotton. With Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas
William Pickering, 1836
3575,00 €
Buddenbrooks Inc.
(Newburyport, États-Unis d'Amérique)
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Edizione: the first nicolas edition in fine contemporary bindings. scarce and important. not only is the complete angler a great sporting book, but as well, one of the most treasured works in the english language. this important edition has made a ‘pleasant recreation of preparing the work anew, with all the additional literary information which a long acquaintance with the author and an extensive library allowed the editor to gather. the references.having been verified by the editor’s own search.’ there is a good deal on piscatorial lore. and the fine additions of cotton’s book and the biographical text is of great use in providing a history of the most important and earliest knowledge of the authors.<br> there are a great number of very well accomplished and interesting engravings including portraits of walton and cotton and the original illustrations included in the earliest texts. <br> a very handsome copy of a book as valuable for the additional materials as for the text and the noteworthiness of the edition.